My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 288 Boss Lu of Beijing Vinegar Factory

Ning Sheng said nothing.

From the moment the two met, Lu Chuyao was basically running around, and few words he said were serious. Now, Ning Sheng would listen to him and believe him.

"But, Sister Sheng, how did you get to know the Underground Covenant?" Lu Chuyao asked. And it's the damn man behind the scenes. That man came out like this today to protect Ning Sheng.

The boss of the Underground Covenant... doesn't seem to be such a kind person.

Ning Sheng talked about the time she went to the underground casino with Ye Nansi and Lu He, and also said that she got a card called a global pass.

"Tsk, Sister Sheng." Lu Chuyao was a little embarrassed.

Ning Sheng was confused: "What's wrong?"

That guy has always been merciless, and it's hard to find many people who gave him a global pass, especially if he gave it to a girl, a girl six or seven years younger than him, to find a wife for him together?

"Why didn't you tell me about your meeting with him?"

Lu Chuyao's expression was a bit serious and he looked at Ning Sheng.

Ning Sheng remembered that what happened that day was because Ye Nansi took them there and what happened to them. Ye Nansi was afraid of being beaten to death by Lu Chuyao, so she didn't say anything about it.

Originally, it didn't seem to be a very important thing.

"Besides, it's not a meeting. I don't even know what he looks like, and I still owe him something. Now that he's treating me like this, should I... give those things back?" Ning Sheng asked, thinking of it. The contents of those boxes are priceless.

"Keep it." Lu Chuyao said.

Ning Sheng: "???"

"I've never seen someone pay so much attention to you before." Lu Chuyao smiled, "Shengsheng, be careful. Maybe that person only sees your beauty, unlike me, who loves you for your inner self."

Ning Sheng was stunned for a moment: "He and I are not familiar with each other."

The man called Lord Juan is really unfamiliar.

Not only am I not familiar with him, but I have never seen him before.

Lu Chuyao: "I'm giving you ten boxes of diamond jewelry if you don't know me."

He looked at Ning Sheng, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, with an indescribable evil aura, and he slowly approached, and then whispered in her ear: "What are you going to do now that you're familiar with him?"

Are you taking someone from me? ? ?

Taking Lu Chuyao as the radius, there is sourness for several miles.

She pushed Lu Chuyao, but she didn't dare to use much force, for fear of involving his wounds. However, in Lu Chuyao's eyes, this behavior was like welcoming and refusing, and he stayed closer to Ning Sheng.

"Lu Chuyao, you are a little...jealous."

Ning Sheng spoke blankly, and she didn't dare to push him.

Lu Chuyao shook his head: "No, I just want to rely on you."

Are you sure this is true? ? ? What are you doing with your hands?

Ning Sheng felt a little itchy. Lu Chuyao said he was leaning on his side, but his hands subconsciously wandered around and finally held her waist, preventing her from moving.

"Shengsheng, I discovered it the first time I saw you." Lu Chuyao said slowly. Ning Sheng didn't know what he discovered, and looked confused. Lu Chuyao continued: "In addition to his beautiful face, his waist is also very thin."

After saying that, he kissed Ning Sheng on the lips, never leaving each other.

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