My husband is a boss after a flash marriage

Chapter 58 Phoenix Man's Annoyance and Regret

An Qiao, it's completely her own fault.

Gu Zhiqi didn't know that the source was his quarrel with An Qiao that night, which led to the current series of events. He was just angry that An Qiao had now destroyed herself and him!

What kind of woman did he marry when he gave up Ning Sheng?

But he doesn't know that he is also a stupid and scumbag man.

"Father-in-law, what Qiaoqiao did this time is irreversible, isn't it?" Gu Zhiqi asked An Pujiang. He originally thought that the An family was a place where he could live, and he married into the An family even if he was called the Phoenix Man. Unexpectedly, something happened. such a thing.

Damn An Qiao!

If this continues, he will become a joke in the entire legal circle!

"This matter is not very clear yet. It's just that Qiaoqiao has offended your classmate Ning Sheng. The power behind her is too great. It seems that An Qiao will be killed this time. I just sent someone to contact Ning Sheng. ." An Pujiang was a little decadent and confused.

"What did she say?" Gu Zhiqi's words contained unconscious urgency.

An Pujiang shook his head: "I said over there that Ning Sheng did not accept Qiao Qiao's apology, and when things have developed to this point, it is not Ning Sheng's problem at all. If Qiao Qiao is found to have taken drugs, then Her life is over!"

Gu Zhiqi listened in a daze, "I have never heard of anyone behind Ning Sheng before..."

Moreover, when he dated Ning Sheng before, she had always been cold and aloof. Every time he held hands with her, he felt it was a kind of blasphemy. He originally thought she was the daughter of some family, but then he understood when the disgusting people from her family came to school and made trouble.

Ning Sheng was someone who could not give him a future.

That's why he gave up Ning Sheng and chose An Qiao.

But I didn't expect that it would become like this!

If the An family is destroyed, there will be nothing he can do in the legal circle.

"Father-in-law, I'm going to ask Ning Sheng to see if she is willing to stop. After all, we used to be... good friends." Gu Zhiqi's voice was ethereal, and in his mind was Ning Sheng's face.

"Then you give it a try, and I'll go run around again." An Pujiang said.

Gu Zhiqi returned to the bedroom, took out his mobile phone, and called Ning Sheng, but changed the number, fearing that Ning Sheng would not answer his call.

Here, Ning Sheng saw the unfamiliar number, hesitated for a moment, and answered: "Hello." The voice was neither cold nor indifferent.

"Shengsheng, it's me." Gu Zhiqi said.

Ning Sheng spoke coldly: "Is something wrong??"

"I want to talk to you about An Qiao. I don't know what's going on with you now. Can you be noble and let her go? In fact, she didn't target you intentionally. If what she did before was wrong, I apologize to you on her behalf!" Gu Zhiqi thought that what he said was very reasonable.

"Why me?" Ning Sheng asked lightly, with indifference in her words.

"She didn't mean it, Shengsheng..."

The words were interrupted by Ning Sheng, "Gu Zhiqi, if you called me today to disgust me, then you can shut up."

She knew Gu Zhiqi very well.

It's not because An Qiao came to plead for mercy, it's just that she's afraid of delaying her own future.

"Shengsheng, don't be like this, you are not this kind of person." Gu Zhiqi said.

"What kind of person am I not? Did I beg An Qiao to slander me? Did I beg An Qiao to spread rumors about me? Or did I chase her and have sex with other men in the past, and take drugs with other men?" She said calmly question.

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