My Husband Is An Undead

Chapter 206: Is the bride Gu Yunlan?

Jiang Chen's arrogant voice echoed in the hall living room.

"The bride was robbed?!"

"No! Someone really hijacked the bride! It turned out to be premeditated!"

"They shouldn't be in danger?"

"This missed the auspicious time..."

The guests in the hall were full of disbelief. Some even started talking about the previous rumors, which turned out to be really purposeful.

Xuanyuan Ying's eyes were cold, and the smile on his face instantly condensed. He dropped a word and ran out quickly, "Father, I'll leave it to you!"

"I'm fine here, you have to bring Yunlan back safely!" Gu Zhengyu recovered from the shock and exhorted loudly in worry.

When Xuanyuanying got to the place where no one was there, his body flashed and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already reached the outside of the city. The red and white figure three kilometers away, however, ran to the west at great speed.

Xuanyuanying flickered and appeared in front of the figure, pausing the minister's figure, and instantly fell to the ground. His long, spotted fingers were pinched on the bride's neck, Gu Yunlan.

Jiang Chen was dressed in a white robe and his silver mask was cold in the sun. He slowly raised the corners of his mouth, "Who let you ruin my nest? Now, your bride belongs to me! We are even!"

Xuanyuanying landed slowly, looking at him coldly with no expression on his face, his hands had already gathered two thick black mists, he snorted coldly, "Really?"

"Come here! Hit here!" The minister hid behind the bride like a ruffian, poking out his head from time to time, looking at Xuanyuanying provocatively.

Xuanyuanying's eyes condensed, but the black mist was collected, and he said coldly, "Whether Yunlan will belong to you, you have to ask Yunlan if you agree?"

Seeing that Xuanyuan had accepted the black mist, the minister was relieved, and his whole body jumped out from behind the bride. Without waiting for him to cry, Xuanyuanying's black mist hit him quickly, making him hurriedly toss the bride. Son, hide quickly.

shake? Pulling the bride's arm, will the minister clearly feel that she is shaking?

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. Why did he feel a little weird? It seemed that something was wrong. Xuanyuan should threaten him. This is normal. By the way, Gu Yunlan! She is too quiet, if Yun Lan, how could he let him pull it around so obediently? How can you tremble?

Thinking of a possibility, he widened his eyes in surprise and looked down at his hand. When would he be able to approach Gu Yunlan? Wasn't it bounced off?

Thinking of this, he hesitated in his heart. He slowly stretched out his hand and pulled off the bride's red turban, but he was shocked!

This is where Gu Yunlan's face is still, because she ran too fast, the woman's beautiful black hair, like a waterfall, fell on her chest, curved Emei, a pair of beautiful eyes looking at him in horror, showing a pretty nose , Her cheeks are slightly white, and her cherry-like lips dripping with cherry blossoms are a little pale.

Except for the similarity in body and appearance, this courage is not Gu Yunlan at all!

The woman secretly glanced at the generals, but was frightened by the masks of the generals, and her face paled. She immediately glanced at Xuanyuanying, as if she was shocked by Xuanyuanying's face as a celestial being, and she lowered her head in shame.

Jiang Chen looked at Xuanyuanying in surprise, but he was surprised to see him. He glanced at the black mist between his hands, his eyes flashed, and he pushed the woman in front of him into Xuanyuanying's arms, with a look of disgust. "Xuanyuanying! You guy who loves the new and hates the old, how come the bride is her? Where is Gu Yunlan?"

Xuanyuanying took advantage of the situation and grabbed the woman, frowned, looked at him coldly, suddenly increased his momentum, and yelled, "You robbed Yunlan, and now Yunlan is gone, you are embarrassed to ask me! Did you steal it? Liang has changed the day? I think you have lived a long time, looking for death!"

"You!" Jiang Chen backed back again and again, looking at him with a bit of surprise, and at him with certainty, "Your cultivation level has actually improved! You have double cultivation!"

Xuanyuan Ying embraced the woman and did not answer his words. He stretched out his hand, and a cloud of black mist hit out, "Jiangchen! You give me Yunlan!"

"Dreaming! You bad guy! Even if I don’t know where Yunlan is, you can marry her!" Jiang Chen dodged suddenly, dodges the black ball, and ran to the west quickly, but in the blink of an eye, he 'S figure is no longer visible.

The woman who was held in Xuanyuanying's arms, saw the minister walk away, and quickly got out of Xuanyuanying's arms. She bent her knees slightly, and said in a shy voice, "Thank you, the handsome man for saving her life! The little girl has nothing to return, and she is willing to take her body Hope!"

"Huh? With the body?" Xuanyuanying slowly stretched out his hand, slowly supporting her chin, his eyes were full of affection, and his head slowly lowered. Suddenly he let go of his hand, his eyes full of disgust, "Face full Lip powder, really ugly!"

"Dashuai! You said that, it hurts the little girl too much!" The woman rushed into Xuanyuanying's arms and whispered, "Somehow they are also beautiful!"

"The beauty of the country and the fragrance of heaven?" Xuanyuan Ying became a little unhappy, and he held up her chin again, making her look up and look at him.

The woman was overjoyed, her eyes were full of spring, she slowly closed her eyes, but Xuanyuan Ying stretched out her hand and wiped it on her face. The powder on her face disappeared instantly, revealing Gu Yunlan's face.

Gu Yunlan only felt like a rescued face on her face, and then pouted, "It's not fun, you will find it!"

"Do all the nonsense!" Xuanyuanying patted her head a little unhappy, "Where is your jade pendant?"

"Here, when my strength increases, I can actually control this jade pendant freely!" Gu Yunlan flicked the jade pendant from the skirt of the dress, then stuffed it in again with a smug expression, "How is it? I did a good job just now, right? Just, you How did you find it was mine?"

Xuanyuan Ying reluctantly embraced her and walked towards the city, "Oh! Our wedding was ruined, and now it's auspicious when we go back, but fortunately, the marriage was held!"

"Hey! You haven't told me yet, how did you know that it was me? Look at the officer, he actually believed it!" Gu Yunlan asked in surprise.

"Because we have double cultivation, you have my breath in your body, why can't I recognize you? As long as you walk in, I will find that, not to mention, from start to finish, you dare not say a word. It's too weird not to call for help!" Xuanyuanying stroked his forehead speechlessly. Isn't he stupid?

"Then when you saw me, how could you be surprised?"

The two of them, dressed in red wedding robes, walked slowly towards the city gate. It seems that no one cares about the wedding anymore, the hall worshipped, the bridal chamber moved, and what they could accomplish was basically completed...

"I'm surprised how you did it. You can make yourself so ugly. When you get closer, it turns out to be full of rouge and gouache!" Xuanyuanying's tone was full of disgust, "How did you become like that? A completely different person!"

"Roland's credit!" Gu Yunlan looked triumphant, full of praise, praise me! "I was just trying to scare you. Who knew that Cheng Yaojin would come up with me. Isn't my talent good? I can hold back not talking!"

"I think you have itchy skin!" Xuanyuan squeezed his hand and took her into his arms. "It ruined our big day! Say it! How can I compensate me?"

"Bah! Make up for you? You shouldn't make up for me?" Gu Yunlan raised her head and looked at him contemptuously, "If it wasn't for me to hit him straight, you should be beating Jiang Chen together at this moment!"

"Okay! Make it up to you!" Xuanyuan Ying smiled helplessly, clasped her body for a moment, and appeared on the city wall. "It's noon, so you should go back quickly, lest your father worry!"

When the two went back, the guests in the entire courtyard were waiting anxiously at the banquet in the courtyard. Seeing the two men in red wedding robes appeared at the gate, they stood up worriedly.

Gu Zhengyu and Bai Yiran greeted them with strides, "It's okay!"

"Miss! It's okay for you!"

"Yunlan! Scared me to death!"

Violet and Xin'er greeted her, and took Gu Yunlan up and down to look up and down. They were relieved to see that there was nothing wrong with her except for the wrinkles in her clothes.

"I'm fine! Fortunately there is Roland's makeup skills!" Gu Yunlan raised her eyebrows, her eyes flashed cunningly, and she lowered her voice, "I directly deceived the generals, but unfortunately I can't deceive him..."

"We're all right, let's start the banquet!" Xuanyuanying glanced at the three Gu Yunlan who were chatting on the side, and nodded at the guests apologetically.

"Open the banquet, open the banquet! Everyone, take a seat!" Bai Yiran nodded, turned his head and ordered.

Xuanyuanying took Gu Yunlan to the chairman's place, took the two glasses of wine handed over, and had a glass with Gu Yunlan, and said in a loud voice, "Sorry! Folks, today is a pure accident. Here, Yunlan and I apologize. Do it first!"

"Good!" The crowd cheered.

Gu Yunlan raised the wine glass to her mouth, just wanted to drink, but was snatched by a hand. She could only watch the wine from her glass flow into someone's mouth.

The crowd was silent...

"The handsome man is so good!" I don't know who shouted, and the crowd whistled and cheered, and the courtyard of the mansion was cheered!

Because it was a war, many things were lacking. Even the banquet was just a meat, all vegetarian, but this is the best for the folks who have not seen any meat for nearly half a month.

Xuanyuanying and Gu Yunlan's wedding finally came to a close at sunset, and even the Zhang Qiyang who had planned to make trouble in the bridal chamber were frightened by Xuanyuanying's momentum, and they ran away.

Xuanyuanying shrugged and took Gu Yunlan to the second floor,...

The days after marriage passed very quickly. In addition to cultivating forty-two silver needles every day, Gu Yunlan would walk around. In the evening, when he was free, the two would go to the patio and seize the time to practice, and go to the unknown place in the underworld. Guarantee.

Of course, there are also Roland who bubbling from time to time. It would be better if she didn’t change the topic of Gu Cheng consciously or unconsciously. At this time, Gu Yunlan always had a headache, and her father had never told her about Gu Cheng. , Especially the Gu family, she didn't know that there was such a thing as a treasure until her death.

Gu Yunlan had originally planned to tell the villagers about the wild fish in the original site of the Zi family, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. Not to mention the bottomlessness and how dangerous it is, the wild fish can't be caught without the ability!

The day of July was almost here in the blink of an eye. Both of them were ready. Xuanyuanying had already handed over everything, assisted by Gu Zhengyu's overall sovereignty, Bai Yiran and Zhang Qiyang.

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