My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1018 Extra chapter, invasion

Chapter 1018: Extra chapter, invasion

"Qin Yinze, you madman, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?"

Ji Rou tried her best to push him away, but her strength was too different from Qin Yinze's. She struggled for a long time, but she didn't push Qin Yinze away at all.

"You brought it to the door yourself." Qin Yinze stretched out his fingers and kneaded her lips hard, and whispered softly in her ear, "This time, I will never let you go!"

He let go and chose to fulfill her wish, but she took the initiative to show up, so he couldn't blame him.

"Damn it, why did you bring me to your doorstep? Do you think I'm willing to come to this hellish place like yours?" Jirou was almost naked in front of others, and she was so panicked and anxious that she didn't know what to do for a moment. .

"Isn't it?" He smiled, a little softly.

Yes, Ji Rou actually saw tenderness in his eyes.

Also, his smile at this moment looked real, not as fake as his usual smile, the smile never reached his eyes.

Because she couldn't understand him or guess his thoughts, Ji Rou became more and more panicked. In panic, she stretched out her legs to kick, but before she could hit him, he caught her soles.

"Be good, don't make trouble!" He pressed her into his arms, lowered his head and bit her lips, biting and tugging: "Enjoy it, you will like me doing this to you."

"What a pervert! I'm not sick, how could I like a pervert like you!" For the first time, Ji Rou clearly understood that there was such a huge difference in strength between men and women, and no matter how hard she struggled, she could not escape. His clutches.

"Don't like me?" Qin Yinze's face changed and he stared at her gloomily, "Then tell me, who do you like? Quan or Yao?"

"Whether it's Quan or Yao, you're not mine. What does it have to do with you who I like?" Jirou couldn't get away, so she opened her mouth and bit him on the shoulder, trying to make her fall in this way. He lets her go.

However, it was as if he didn't know the pain. Until she bit his shoulder and drank his blood, he didn't push her away.

In the end, Ji Rou was tired of biting. Just when she was about to raise her head, she heard him say: "You made me hurt, then don't blame me for making you hurt."


At this moment, there is only one word in Jirou's mind, except pain.

Ji Rou never knew that there would be such a kind of pain, which was more painful than being injured in a fight.

It would be dozens of times more painful than any injury she had suffered before.

She had never experienced anything before, and she was experiencing it at this moment, just like experiencing a life disaster.

"Damn it!" Jirou gritted her teeth, clenched her hands into fists and endured a life experience she had never experienced before.

In front of her, he was like a beast that didn't know how to tire, biting her again and again, devouring her again and again.

Until she was tortured until she lost consciousness...


After gently turning over, Jirou screamed in pain.

She seemed to have had a dream, a terrible and cruel nightmare.

In the dream, the man named Qin Yinze bullied her, and even...

No, this is not a dream.

If it was a dream, the pain in her body wouldn't be that real.

When Jirou opened her eyes, she saw that the surrounding area was pitch black, so dark that she couldn't see anything, so naturally she couldn't see anything clearly.

She didn't know where she was, or what time it was. The only thing she knew was that her body felt like it was falling apart, and the pain was so painful that it was painful for her to move.

Perhaps it wasn't just the physical pain, but the psychological torture that made her almost collapse.

In this life, Ji Rou never thought that her first time would be taken away like this.

This pain is so unforgettable! So deep into the bone marrow! It will never be forgotten in this lifetime!

"Wake up!" A deep male voice suddenly came from the darkness.

"You..." This voice was too familiar to Ji Rou. It was him, and it was he who made her step into a place of eternal destruction and made her lose what she had treasured for nearly twenty years.

Suddenly, Jirou felt extremely funny, laughing at herself for being stupid, and also laughing at fate for playing tricks on people.

Her motto in life is that pie will not fall from the sky, only hailstones that will kill people will fall from the sky.

She didn't expect that after experiencing the betrayal of Ji's family, she would be stupid enough to believe that a strange man would sincerely help her.

Just because he dealt with Ji Chendong, just because he helped her rescue her mother, she was completely relieved of him and believed that he was a good person.

However, has she ever thought that maybe all of this was a show between him and Ji Chendong, playing with her like a clown.

He was right, she was the one who came to the door and was insulted by him. It was not his fault but her own ignorance and stupidity.

Ji Rou suppressed her nausea against him and put on a bright smile: "Mr. Qin, are you satisfied with my body?"

Jirou didn't hear his answer, but she heard his footsteps approaching her. He came to her side and accurately grabbed her chin in the dark: "Tell me, what did you do to me?" What?"

"What did I do to you?" It was clear that he had ruined her innocence, yet he could still question her so confidently at this time.

Ji Rou suddenly felt that this man named Qin Yinze was even worse than Ji Chendong's crazy dog.

"Say!" He pinched her jaw harder, which made Jirou's mouth twitch in pain, but she didn't even say a word of pain.

"Mr. Qin, what do you want to hear from me?" He is her sponsor anyway, so she can tell him whatever he wants to hear.

"What did you do to me?" This woman is really dirty.

In the past, he knew her as someone who only lied and deceived people. Now, she could actually use such despicable and despicable methods on him.

"Haha... What did I do to you?" Jirou wanted to laugh, so she really laughed, "That's what you saw, I put you to sleep. "

He didn't want to admit it, so she took on this responsibility because she was like an ant in someone else's hand. He could crush her to death at any time if he wanted to.

"You! Damn it!"

"Mr. Qin, don't make it sound like you are wronged. Where was your ferocity not long ago? Don't forget, I also made you roar with pleasure."


"Mr. Qin, where do you want me to go?"

"Get out! Don't let me see you again!"

"Mr. Qin, after all we have a physical relationship between us, you have the heart to let me go?"

She wished she could get away and never see this disgusting man again, but she couldn't get away without his permission, so she needed an answer.

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