My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1020 Extra Chapter, Bamboo Horse

Chapter 1020: Extra Chapter, Bamboo Horse

at the same time.

Qin Yinze's study room.

Qin Yinze rubbed his temples, trying to wake himself up, but it was of no use. His head was groggy, as if it was full of paste.

Chu Yuan hurried over: "Master, are you looking for me?"

Qin Yinze shot a sharp look at him: "What's going on?"

Qin Yinze couldn't explain clearly, but Chu Yuan knew what he was referring to and hurriedly said: "Master, my subordinate was negligent."

How could a person who was absolutely conscious recognize one person as another person, but this happened to Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze didn't know the reason, but Chu Yuan standing in front of him knew it very well, but Chu Yuan didn't dare to say it clearly.

Qin Yinze narrowed his eyes and did not answer.

Chu Yuan looked at Qin Yinze's gloomy face and continued: "I originally asked Miss Ji to bring you breakfast, but I didn't expect that she would dare to secretly drug you. But it's all my fault. I couldn't take care of it. Yan gave her a chance to take advantage of it."

Chu Yuan lowered his head, not daring to look up at his master, because once he met his master's eyes, he would not be able to hide the secret he was hiding.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he didn't want to see his master suffer anymore, so he took advantage of Jirou, who didn't know anything.

Chu Yuan felt that as long as his master had physical contact with other women, after experiencing the love between men and women, he might no longer think about Miss Ran who was thousands of kilometers away and did not belong to him at all.

"Did she drug me?" Qin Yinze approached Chu Yuan and gritted his teeth every word: "I didn't touch the food she sent. How could he drug me?"

At first, Qin Yinze also thought that the person who drugged him was Ji Rou, but after calming down, he felt that it was unlikely that Ji Rou drugged him.

Jirou is a woman who loves to lie, has a wild temper, likes money, and has many bad habits, but she has not fallen so far as to use her body for business.

On the contrary, because there is a person hidden in her heart, she has always protected herself very well. She is waiting for that person to come back. It is he who ruined all the good things for her.

"Master, I'm not sure about this subordinate. I also heard from Dr. Tong that he found this medicine in Miss Ji's bag." Chu Yuan knew that he couldn't admit it. He definitely couldn't admit it. Once he admitted it, the consequences would definitely not be something he could bear. of.

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows and sneered: "You don't know?"

Chu Yuan said harshly: "Master, how about I ask someone to ask Miss Ji."

"Is she someone you can question?" Qin Yinze's eyes darkened a bit, and he said, "Chu Yuan, don't think that if you stay with me for a long time, I can let you do whatever you want."

Chu Yuan was so frightened that a shiver ran down his spine: "Master, how dare I do anything with you here. Besides, no matter what I do, I will do it for your own good."

Qin Yinze sneered: "I don't need people around me who do good things for me but do bad things behind my back. Go away, I don't need you here anymore."

If a subordinate dares to mess around behind his master's back, he will do it twice, three times and countless times once. Qin Yinze will not use such a person again.

Chu Yuan was anxious: "Master, how can this be done? I have been taking care of you all these years. If it were someone else, I wouldn't worry."

Qin Yinze glanced at him: "This is the price for your mistake."

Chu Yuan: "Young Master..."

Chu Yuan had already expected such a result before doing this. This was the lightest punishment he expected.

He knew that it was difficult to change the decision made by his master. No matter how much he said, it was useless. He just did not forget to show his loyalty at the last moment.

Chu Yuan added, "Master, before I leave, do you need me to take Miss Ji away? If you don't want to see her, then I promise that I will never let her appear in front of you again in the future."

Qin Yinze said: "Chu Yuan, do you know what you are talking about?"

Chu Yuan said: "Master, don't you hate Miss Ji?"

Chu Yuan suddenly felt a little scared, as if his disguise had been seen through by his master, and nothing he had done could hide it from his master's eyes.

Qin Yinze glanced at him and said no more.

Chu Yuan understood this look. He knew that even if the master thought that Ji Rou had used despicable means against him, he still had no intention of letting her go.

Chu Yuan suddenly realized that all the things he had done at the risk of losing his head at any time were of no use at all.

Not only did he fail to cure his master's heartache, but he also made himself so embarrassed. Isn't this what the saying goes, losing his wife and losing his army?


In a quiet corner lies a very special tombstone.

Why is it special? Because this tombstone is painted with various paints. It looks very sunny and not as heavy as a tombstone.

There are several large characters engraved on the front of the tombstone - Xiang Lingfeng's Tomb.

Jirou stood in front of the tombstone, the hot sunshine shone on her body, and the sweat on her body had already soaked her clothes, but she seemed to be unaware of the heat, just standing there for a long time. for nearly an hour.

After a long time, until the whole world was almost quiet, she gently stretched out her hand to touch the large characters carved on the stone tablet, and outlined the name she was so familiar with one by one: "Brother Feng..." …”

Calling out his name, her nose became sore and tears burst into her eyes again: "Brother Feng, where have you been?"

"Brother Feng, I know you are still here. You must be alive and well, but you went to a place where Xiaorou can't find you."

"Brother Feng, you said that when Xiaorou was in trouble, you would definitely show up, and you would definitely do it. But when I was bullied, where were you? I screamed at the top of my lungs, but you didn't come to pick me up. Feng Brother, have you really forgotten Xiaorou? Do you really not remember Xiaorou? "

She still clearly remembers that he held her hand and said to her: "Xiaorou, don't be afraid. Uncle is gone. You still have me. Let me love you and protect you from now on."

When she heard his words, she was as happy as a fool. She held his hand and laughed and jumped: "Brother Feng, I have been waiting for you to say this. I am waiting for you to confess to me. I thought I couldn’t wait, but I didn’t expect to wait until today.”

She stood on tiptoes, leaned forward, and kissed him on the face: "Brother Feng, I like you. I have wanted to marry you since I was a child."

They grew up together, went to school together, and spent the best years of their lives together. However, not long ago, when they were experiencing the biggest blow in their lives, he disappeared from her life.

He disappeared suddenly, disappeared so completely, and there was no news. She searched for him for a long time, but could not find any clues about him.

It was as if he had never existed.

It seemed that her past memories with him were just her fantasy, and nothing had ever really happened.

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