My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1023 Extra Chapter, Roast Chicken

Chapter 1023: Extra Chapter, Roast Chicken

"Jirou, don't toast or eat as a penalty!" Qin Yinze looked at her and said angrily, "I tell you, you have to sign today's agreement, or you have to sign it if you don't. I didn't give it to you. Your second choice.”

"Ha...Qin Yinze, if you can, kill me, otherwise you will never let me compromise!" What the hell, he can forget what he did to her, but she will never forget that he is a strong - Rapist.

This kind of scum, garbage, beast, and pervert, she feels dirty even if she breathes the same air with him, and yet he wants her to marry him, so he should just live out his dreams.

Jirou has never been a kind person, and she has never been a little sheep left to be slaughtered. It is absolutely impossible for her to marry this beast that ruined her innocence and dreams.

"Really?" Qin Yinze smiled coldly, then turned around and walked out with his long slender legs, "Jirou, you only have this chance tonight. If you miss it, you will miss it completely. Don't miss it tomorrow." Come and beg me on your knees.”

"Please? Haha, Master Qin, just wait and see if I will beg you." But as soon as she said those provocative words, Ji Rou regretted it. It wasn't that she had changed her mind. But she read something from Qin Yinze's smile when he looked back.

Ji Rou couldn't figure out what method he wanted to use to deal with her, but when she thought about why she was still in his home, she understood instantly.

If Qin Yinze, a beast, can threaten his mother's safety once, then naturally there will be two or three times. When he catches her weakness, he will use this trick to contain her again and again.

This man has no humanity, no morals, no bottom line, and is worse than a beast, but he is powerful. Fighting with him, Ji Rou thinks that she is throwing an egg against a rock.

Everyone knows what happens when an egg hits a stone.

So, the moment Qin Yinze stepped out of the room, Ji Rou rushed up and blocked him: "Qin Yinze, what do you want to do?"

She would no longer foolishly believe that such an unstable and inhumane man would really want to compensate her.

He said: "Make it up to you!"

She gritted her teeth: "If you really want to compensate me, then let me go and don't let me see you again. This is the biggest compensation for me."

Qin Yinze suddenly stretched out his hand, lifted up a strand of her hair and smelled it, whispering evilly: "Your smell fascinates me, and I can't bear to let you go."

"What a pervert! Don't fucking touch me, it's so disgusting!" Ji Rou wanted to retreat, but Qin Yinze grabbed her waist, "What a pervert! Let me go!"

His eyes suddenly darkened: "Ji Rou, don't play hard-to-get with me. I don't have time to play with you. If I ask you to sign, just sign obediently and don't challenge my patience again and again."

What's going on? Jirou jumped up angrily: "Qin Yinze, who the hell is playing hard-to-get with you?"

This arrogant and selfish bitch, he really thought that she wanted to stick to him and have something to do with him.

Qin Yinze looked at her gloomily, and his voice became a little lower: "Ji Rou, I... am not a man you can afford."

This man's aura was so powerful that as soon as he spoke, Jirou was so shocked that she couldn't say a word and could only let him hold her softly.

Jirou believes that he really has the ability to control her life and death. Maybe as long as she is disobedient, he may break her neck in the next second.

Thinking that she had lost her life so easily, Ji Rou trembled with fright, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She was so weak that she no longer had the strength to stand alone: ​​"You...I...I sign, I Isn’t it enough to sign?”

He stretched out his hand to touch her face, squeezed it gently, and said with a half-smile: "Jirou, if you sign it early, nothing will happen. There are some things that you know you can't do, but you have to do it. Then Not brave, but stupid.”

"Yes, yes... Young Master Qin is right." Ji Rou responded to his words with a smile, but her heart was so sour that she felt like she had eaten a lot of old vinegar.

Still, she agreed with him.

A smart person knows how to advance and retreat, knows who can and cannot be provoked, knows what to say in front of whom, and what role to play.

So, Ji Rou restrained all her sharp edges and put on a cute and flattering smile: "Young Master Qin has taught you the right lesson. I will do whatever you say from now on, and I will never be ignorant of propriety again."

Qin Yinze let go of her and opened the distance between them without speaking.

Ji Rou glanced at him, obediently picked up the document she threw on the ground, signed her name and put her thumbprint: "Master Qin, I did as you asked. Are you satisfied now?"

Qin Yinze took the file and looked at it: "Not satisfied!"

Ji Rou thought he was deliberately causing trouble for her: "What else do you want from me?"

damn it! She really wanted to pounce on and bite this man to death... No, she couldn't bite him, it would stain her teeth. She should trample him to death with her feet.

Qin Yinze said as he walked: "There is a set of clothes on your bed. Come to my study after changing."

Ji Rou was so angry that she waved her fist behind him: "It's so late, why are you going to your study?"

"Don't think too much, I have no sexual interest in you." Qin Yinze suddenly turned back, "By the way, you only have five minutes. I can't see you within five minutes, and I will bear the consequences."

"Son of a bitch! Scum! What a pervert!" Ji Rou kicked her foot in anger, but unexpectedly it hit the dressing table, causing her to jump in pain.


She had done so many bad things in her previous life, so God would bully her like this in this life!

The clothes Qin Yinze prepared for her were actually a white shirt. Jirou didn't understand why he wanted her to wear this, and she had to wear it no matter how reluctant she was.

Jirou has a delicate face, fair and smooth skin, and is so pink that she can squeeze out water. It is precisely because of this that a simple white shirt can make people look stunning when worn on her body. .

Of course, this surprise is not about Ji Rou's own beauty, but the reaction of everyone in the office when she appeared in Qin Yinze's office.

In addition to Qin Yinze, there were also several serious-looking men in suits sitting in the office. When Ji Rou appeared, the men's eyes fell on her and they could no longer look away. .

The way they looked at her was like... By the way, Ji Rou could describe it like a group of hungry men who had been hungry for ten days and a half and suddenly saw a fragrant roast chicken.

The one was so greedy that he almost drooled on the floor.

Really, Ji Rou's most intuitive feeling at this moment is as if she is a roasted chicken that has been plucked and burned until it is golden in color and fragrant in fragrance.

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