My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1028 Extra chapter, dead blow

Chapter 1028: Extra chapter, dead blow

He is the person she likes, he is the person she cares about, he is the person who grew up with her, and she cares about his opinion of her.

He smiled and kissed her forehead: "Okay silly girl, I remember, I am not someone else to you, I am yours."

She nuzzled in his arms, raised her head slightly, and wanted him to kiss her. Seeing him lower his head, his lips were about to kiss her, but...

Dong Dong——

The annoying knock on the door woke Ji Rou from her sweet dream and brought her back to the cruel and indifferent reality.

This is not the school gate, and it is even more impossible for her brother Feng to be here. She is still in the wolf's den and may be eaten by the wolf at any time.

Suddenly, Ji Rou felt that her body's strength had been drained and her heart was hollowed out. She said desperately: "Brother Feng, you must be fine. You must live well."

Even if they can never be together again, she still hopes that he can live well.

Dong Dong——

The annoying knock on the door sounded again. It seemed that if she didn't open the door, the person knocking on the door would not leave. How could there be such an annoying person?

Jirou was always angry when she got up, but this time someone interrupted her sweet dream of being with Brother Feng, and the fire in her heart was so strong.

She quickly got out of bed, rushed to the door and opened it. She wanted to yell, but when she saw the man standing at the door who looked like he was covered in ice, her anger was extinguished instantly.


She must have had a conflict with this bitch man. He was her destined nemesis, the devil sent by God to punish her.

When she gets angry, he is like an ice cube that can extinguish her fire. It's really sad.

In desperation, Ji Rou could only hang on the door softly: "Master Qin, did you come knocking on my door early in the morning when you were full and had nothing to do? Or is there something important that you must do now? What are you talking about?”

"Early in the morning?" Qin Yinze raised his hand to look at the time, frowned and said, "It's already nine o'clock in the morning."

Besides, if Aunt Qiao couldn't knock her awake, did she think he was willing to knock on her door?

He had a lot to do, and he really wasn't what she said when he was full and had nothing to do.

Jirouda pulled her head and yawned: "Master Qin, your purpose of waking me up so early is to tell me that it is nine o'clock in the morning?"

What's wrong with this guy?

She's not stupid. Does she want him to inform her what time it is?

I just want to send him two words - stay away!

No, it seems that it is not two words, but four words - get away further!

Jirou's head was groggy and she just wanted to send him away. She went back to bed to catch up on her sleep: "I know, it's already nine o'clock in the morning. You can go and do your business. You don't have to take care of me."

This woman!

Qin Yinze's face darkened again, and he said coldly: "I'll give you half an hour to clean up, and we'll leave for the airport in half an hour."

"Oh, I understand." She closed the door and walked to the room in a daze, "Master Qin, goodbye!"

Back in the room, Ji Rou dove into the bed and successfully entered a deep sleep in just a few seconds.

Is there anything happier than lying on a soft bed and dreaming of the sweet dreams you want to have?

No, no, definitely not!

However, this time, her sweet dream was still not finished and was interrupted again. How was it interrupted?

Jirou can be described in four words - tragic!

She was sleeping soundly, but someone splashed water all over her. Do you think it was miserable or not?

"" Jirou was so angry at the person in front of her that she couldn't even say a complete sentence. The rapid rise and fall of her chest proved how angry she was.

On the other hand, Aunt Qiao on the side wanted to explain tremblingly, but was driven out by Qin Yinze with a wave of his hand.

In fact, there is no need for Qiao Aunt to explain. Ji Rou also knows that Qiao Aunt is not so bold as to dare to pour water on her. She can think of this with her toes. It must be Qin Yinze's instigation.

Damn man!

"Qin are you going to do?" She was wearing wet pajamas. Where could this man carry her?

Do you want to carry her out and make her look embarrassed?

"Qin Yinze, let me go! I'm telling you, if you make me look embarrassed, I will pull you along. If you don't believe me, just try." Ji Rou kicked and warned, but for Qin Yinze, who is as stable as Mount Tai, It's no use.

When threats failed, Ji Rou came back softly: "Young Master Qin, I know I was wrong. Just spare me this time. I won't dare to do it next time."

Although she didn't know where she went wrong, admitting her mistake meant nothing when the relationship was about making a fool of herself.

"If you make any more noise, I'll cut out your tongue!" Why didn't he know that this woman could be so noisy? It made him want to cut out her tongue.

"..." Ji Rou quickly covered her mouth, not daring to make any more noise.

Because he believed that if this man could say it, he would definitely do it. She could feel the pain at the back of her tongue when she heard his threatening words.

Ji Rou must not have known that half an hour had just passed and Master Qin kicked in the door without waiting for anyone. When he saw her lying on the bed and sleeping like a pig, he wanted to kill her at that moment. .

Slaughter her and sell her, then she will no longer have the opportunity to disrupt his life or waste his time.

Qin Yinze threw her into the car, and Ji Rou just remembered that he had mentioned the airport to her just now: "Master Qin, are we going to the airport?"

Qin Yinze sat next to her, glanced at her with disgust, and did not answer.

Ji Rou knows that she looks ugly at this time. Her face has not been washed, her hair has not been combed, and her body is still wet. She looks like a beggar. She can be as ugly as she wants.

She was still very conscious, knowing that he didn't want to get too close to her, so she consciously moved to the side: "Young Master Qin, where should we fly to the airport? Could it be for our honeymoon?"

She kept talking, and Qin Yinze's ears were ringing due to her noise. He turned his head and warned her with a sharp look, telling her to shut up.

However, Jirou is very thick-skinned and will forget the pain when the scar is healed. Qin Yinze doesn't show off his power at this time, so she doesn't know how scary he is when he shows off his power.

She ignored his warning and continued to let herself go: "I also know that it is impossible to go on honeymoon, but I just want to know where we are going? If you don't tell me, I won't know, and I will be afraid. I will always be afraid. Talk, say lots and lots of words.”

Noisy enough that he can't have peace, noisy enough that he is tired of her, noisy enough that he can't stand her, then he can let her go.

"Then keep talking. If your mouth is dry, you have some water." Not only did he not stop her, but he also gave her a bottle of pure water, which did not follow Jirou's expected routine at all.

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