My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1045 Extra chapter, everyone is worried about him

Chapter 1045: Extra chapter, everyone is worried about him

Outside the study.

Qin leran clung to the door, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two in the study, but the sound insulation effect in the study was so good that she heard nothing.

She was so anxious that she swarmed around like ants on a hot pot. Just in time, Jian Ran, who was walking over with tea, saw all this. Jian Ran shook her head: "Of course, what are you doing?"

Being caught eavesdropping, Qin lelan was a little embarrassed and smiled awkwardly: "Mom, dad is talking to brother lie inside. I want to ask them if they need anything?"

How could Jian Ran not understand what this girl was thinking? She handed the teacup in her hand to Qin lelan: "Just in time, bring this cup of tea to your dad. By the way, tell him that I have something to do with him."

Qin lelan said happily: "Mom, you are so kind!"

Jian Ran patted her on the shoulder: "I am not good to you, but I am good to others. Go quickly, otherwise your brother lie may really be eaten by your father."

But at this moment, the door suddenly opened, and Yao Lie came out and saw his mother-in-law and Qin leran: "Are you... worried about me?"

Qin leran returned the teacup to Jianran again, and pulled Yao Lie to check again and again: "Brother Lie, has my father done anything to you?"

Yao Lie smiled softly: "Silly girl, dad asked me to take good care of you in the future."

"Really?" Qin lelan didn't believe it, but suddenly noticed Yao Lie's name just now. The name had changed, which proved that the study room was really harmonious just now.

Her heart finally fell: "As long as you're okay. I'm really worried that you two will fight in the study."

She has not forgotten that because of that incident a few years ago, her father punched Brother Lie twice without saying a word, and Brother Lie could not fight back.

At that time, not to mention how distressed she was.

Seeing that the two juniors had such a good relationship, Jian Ran was also sincerely happy. She said, "You two go about your business. I'll bring tea to your dad."

Qin lelan said: "thank you, mother!"

Jian Ran smiled: "Go ahead."

Watching the two of them walk away, Jian Ran just opened the door and entered the study. Qin Yue was not at the desk, but stood by the window and stared into the distance, seemingly worried.

Jian Ran put the teacup on the desk, came to Qin Yue's side, and gently grabbed his hand: "Qin Yue, what's wrong? Still not satisfied with your son-in-law?"

"No." Qin Yue lowered his head, his eyes falling on Jian Ran's fair and delicate face, "Jian Ran, Aze has returned to Jiangbei."

"What? Aze is back? Is it true or not?" Jian Ran asked several questions, which proves that she has also been worried about the children wandering around in these years.

Qin Yue added: "He arrived in Jiangbei at noon yesterday and is now staying at Lijing Hotel with a girl by his side."

"With a girl by his side? Does it mean that he has put aside the past and is willing to come back to face all of us?" Jian Ran was so excited that she squeezed Qin Yue's hand, "Qin Yue, my mother has been thinking about her every day since she was ill in bed. Him, let’s go pick him up, okay?”

Seeing Jian Ran's excitement, Qin Yue hugged her tightly and hugged her: "I know you are worried about him, but we can't take him back."

Jian Ran doesn't understand: "He has returned to Jiangbei, why can't we take him home?"

Qin Yue said: "You also said that he has returned to Jiangbei. He has returned to Jiangbei, but he is unwilling to return to this home, which proves that he has not given up yet."

Jian Ran's mood suddenly dropped: "Oh."

That child is a part of their family. Without him, there is a gap and the family is incomplete, but they cannot force him.

Everyone is waiting, waiting until he figures it out, waits for him to come back to this home.

No matter when he comes back, the door of the house will be open to him.

Qin Yue patted her back gently and comforted her silently.

Qin lelan pulled Yao Lie: "Brother Lie, what did dad tell you specifically just now?"

"Just let me take good care of you." Looking at Qin lelan, Yao Lie couldn't help but kiss her again, "Of course, there are still three days, only three days."

After waiting for so many years, he could finally marry his beloved little girl back home, take care of her and love her in the name of her husband. Just thinking about it made Yao Lie extremely excited.

Qin leran hesitated to speak: "brother lie..."

Yao Lie worriedly said: "Ranran, what's wrong?"

Qin lelan nestled in his arms and murmured: "I always knew that I was going to marry you, but I don't know why. The closer to the wedding day, the less at ease I feel."

Yao Lie kissed her forehead, held her head, and asked her to look up at him: "Of course, don't worry, I have everything under my control."

"I just know you are there." If it weren't for him, she would definitely be more scared. However, without him, she would not be able to get married.

Qin leran feels that he has been a little nervous recently. He doesn't know what he is thinking about all day long, and he is always worrying about gains and losses.

Something is wrong with Qin lelan these days. Yao Lie thinks this may be what people often call premarital phobia. If this symptom is not properly managed, the situation will be more serious.

He hugged her: "I will take you to a place."

Qin lelan asked: "Where to go?"

Yao Lie said: "Don't ask, you will know when you go there."

Qin leran pulled him: "brother lie, I'm sorry!"

Yao Lie frowned: "Why are you saying sorry to me again?"

Qin lelan took a deep breath: "I've been thinking about someone these days. I wonder where he is? I wonder if he is doing well?"

Yao Lie knew that the person Qin lelan was thinking of was her brother - Qin Yinze, who ran away from home three years ago.

Three years ago, after Qin Yinze left a letter and ran away, Qin leran never mentioned that person once, but it didn't mean that she didn't miss him.

On the contrary, she may miss him more than anyone else and worry about his safety... However, she is unwilling to say it out loud, and she is also worried about making her family sad with her.

Qin leran choked and said: "I really want him to attend my wedding, and I really want him to bless me personally, but I even hope to see him find his own happiness. But after so many years, he has left cleanly, No news has come back, and I don’t even know if he is still alive.”

Yao Lie comforted: "Of course, he will definitely be alive."

Qin lelan didn't want to cry, but couldn't help but shed tears: "brother lie, I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't think about others every day before the wedding, but I just can't help thinking about him. The closer the wedding day is, The more I miss him.”

"I think of everything he did to me in the past. He was really nice to me. No matter what kind of request I made, no matter how unreasonable my request was, he would do his best to help me. Okay, but I always regarded his kindness towards me as having ulterior motives."

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