My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1056 Extra chapter, death is so close

Chapter 1056: Extra chapter, death is so close


Shengtian Hospital.

When Qin Yinze received the call and arrived, everyone in the Qin family gathered around the hospital bed to listen to the old lady's last words.

Qin Yue grabbed the old lady's hand: "Mom..."

The old lady looked at Qin Yue and Jian Ran beside him, and said feebly: "Mozhi, Jian Ran, you two have worked hard these years."

Jian Ran shook her head: "Mom, no, being able to take care of everyone is not only the responsibility of the two of us, we also feel the warmth and happiness of the family from this responsibility."

The old lady was very satisfied and said slowly: "From now on, your father will be taken care of by you. You must spend more time with him and don't let him get too lonely."

Qin Yue and Jian Ran nodded at the same time: "Mom, we will."

The old lady's gradually distracted eyes moved slightly and fell on Qin leran: "Of course, grandma may not be able to see your wedding. But your wedding must be held on time. Grandma may not have gone far by then, and she may not be able to see your wedding." I can see you."

Qin leran was so sad that he wiped away tears: "grandma, I don't want you to leave. You have to be good and watch me get married, and you have to be a witness to my wedding."

The old lady wanted to reach out to wipe away the tears from the corner of her granddaughter's eyes, but she was too weak to lift her hand: "Of course, don't cry, don't make your brother lie sad."

The old lady looked at Yao Lie again: "My child, our family's Ranran will be left to you from now on. You must treat her well."

Yao Lie half-knelt beside the bed: "Grandma, I will take good care of her for the rest of my life! Please don't worry!"

The old lady curled her pale lips with satisfaction, then looked at Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei: "Nianbei, Xiaobao has you to take care of me, and you have Xiaobao to accompany you, so I feel relieved."

Zhan Nianbei nodded, his eyes sparkling with tears as he had never shed tears before: "Sister, don't worry. We will live well in the future."

Qin Xiaobao cried so hard that he couldn't even speak, he just nodded desperately.

The old lady's eyes fell on the two children at home again: "Little cutie, little Limo, you have to grow up quickly. When you get a wife in the future, you must tell me."

The two little boys nodded sensibly: "We will."

There was really not much time left, and she was about to take her last breath, but the old lady was still holding on. She was waiting for someone, the child she couldn't worry about.

Finally, before she took her last breath, she waited for him. She used the last strength of her body: "Aze..."

Qin Yinze stepped forward, knelt in front of the old lady's bed, and choked out: "Grandma... I'm sorry! I couldn't bring her to see you."

The old lady smiled slightly and waited for a while before speaking: "My child, it doesn't matter if she didn't come to see grandma. Then please tell her for grandma that grandma will definitely like her if she sees her. Grandma is also very welcome." She married into our Qin family to be our Qin family’s daughter-in-law.”

Qin Yinze held the old lady's hand: "Grandma..."

The old lady added: "I have a gift for her."

After hearing what he said, Qin's father took out a box and handed it into Qin Yinze's hand. The old lady then said, "This is a gift I have prepared for my eldest grandson. I hope she likes it."

Qin Yinze took the box with trembling hands and nodded desperately: "Yes, yes, she will like grandma, and she will also like the gift you gave her."

"Okay." After explaining everything, the old lady's eyes finally fell on Qin's father. She smiled slightly, "Brother Hao..."

Qin Hao shook her hand hard and choked with sobs: "Yan'er, I'm here. I'll listen to what you want to say. Don't be in a hurry, take your time."

She opened her mouth, but because her body was too weak, she could not make a sound. So everyone waited for a while with their hearts in mind before hearing her say: "Brother Hao, I still want to meet you in the next life. I still want to Will you be your wife?"

"Yan'er, of course I am willing." Qin Hao lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then smoothed the broken hair on her forehead, "Just wait for me, I will chase you and marry you home. However, I will never let you suffer again in the next life.”

The old lady showed an elegant smile and shook her head invisibly: "No, I have never felt bitter when I am with you. I have always been the happiest woman in the world."

She has a husband who loves her and cares for her, a filial, smart and wise son, a lively and lovely daughter, and so many filial grandchildren.

Her life is complete.

When everything in the past was replayed in her mind, she slowly closed her eyes, took her last breath, and left this beautiful world and the person she loved the most peacefully.

If there is an afterlife, she hopes that she can meet Qin Hao again, bear children for him, and let him hold her hand for the rest of her life.

The old lady left, and the Qin family buried her in the peach blossom forest on Yanran Mountain, the place where her best memories began.

According to tradition, weddings cannot be held within a short period of time after a wedding, but Qin leran's wedding was the most worrying thing for the old lady. Before she died, she gave many instructions that their wedding must be held on time.

Therefore, Qin leran's wedding was not delayed and was held on time at the Quansheng Hotel. However, everything was kept simple and interviews and reports from the media were refused.

Many people expressed their disbelief that the Qin family had just held a funeral and then held a happy event, but the Qin family did not stand up to explain. This is their family's own business, and no one feels the need to explain it to others.

Today, reporters from all walks of life gathered at the hotel's entrance early, and everyone wanted to grab the headlines. However, the Qin family's security work was very good, and no one could enter the wedding venue except the guests invited to the wedding.

There were not many guests at the wedding. They were all the best relatives and friends of the Qin family.

Qin Yue personally handed Qin lelan into Yao Lie's hands: "The daughter I hold in my hand and feel pain in my hand, today I personally hand her into your hands. In the future, I hope you can love her more than me."

Yao Lie took Qin leran's hand and said solemnly: "Dad, don't worry, I will give Ranran her happiness from now on, and I will protect her life."

Yao Lie, like Qin Yue, is not good at expressing feelings in words, but at this moment, they broke the rules for the woman they love most.

Looking at the son-in-law who was not very satisfied with him in the past, Qin Yue finally nodded with satisfaction after staring at him for a long time.

His daughter did not make a mistake. Her brother lie was indeed a man worthy of her lifelong trust.

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