My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1061: Extra chapter, entering the wrong men’s room

Chapter 1061: Extra chapter, entering the wrong men’s room

"Are you a serious man?" Ji Rou smiled, "If you are a serious man, there will be no such man in the world who is not a serious man."

Monkey: "Speak nicely."

Ji Rou said: "Not long ago, who was drunk, crying and making trouble, ran to the street holding a beautiful woman, and insisted that she was not a man?"

"I told you not to mention this matter again." Listening to the monkey's voice, you can tell that he is anxious. He is really anxious, so anxious that he can jump.

"I'm going to say, what's going on? Come and bite me if you can." He wanted to fight her, but the two brats were still too young.

"Boss, you started the war in the first place, so don't blame me for being rude." Monkey cleared his throat, "Let me ask you, you entered the wrong men's room, and when you saw someone peeing, not only did you not leave, but you I want to go up and see clearly, what is your state of mind?”

"Hahaha..." The prince clapped his hands and laughed loudly when he mentioned this matter. "The boss not only wanted to get closer to see clearly, but also forced the men's room to be a women's room, and finally kicked the person out of the men's room."

The monkey laughed and said, "Boss, I just want to know, did you see clearly when you were so close?"

The prince started cheering: "How can you see clearly when the boss is so close? I just think, why is the boss so domineering? She obviously went to the wrong toilet and she just used her momentum to scare people out."

The monkey talked more and more enthusiastically: "I think... the prerequisite is that the boss can get married. If she gets married, her man will definitely be blocked in the toilet by her, asking him to take out the things for the boss to appreciate."

The prince quickly continued: "Boss, actually, I think you were supposed to be a handler, but who made you run too fast when you were reincarnated and lost your handle, so you are like this now?" . It’s really hard to marry a woman who is more fierce than a man.”

Mentioning this matter, the monkey and the prince were very excited. Just listening to their laughter, one can imagine that they were laughing so hard that they were on their backs.

"So what?" There is nothing like a woman. Jirou can hear these words for days. If she hears them too much, she will naturally become numb. What's more, she has never treated the prince and the monkey as men. .

"We can't do anything to you, but think about it, if others find out about this, will you be able to get married in the future?" Perhaps unwilling to be lonely, the prince stabbed Jirou hard in the chest again.

"Whether I can get married or not, I won't worry about you two. One day, I will shock both of your eyes." When talking about the topic of whether I can get married or not, Ji Rou thought of Qin Yinze. That bitch.

Who says no one wants her?

Qin Yinze, that bastard, was so mean that he stuck it on her like a piece of dog-skin plaster, which she couldn't tear off no matter how hard she tried.

"Then we'll wait for you to shock our eyes out." The prince and the monkey still admitted that their boss was somewhat pretty, but he beat and cursed at every turn. How many men had such a woman? You can surrender.

So for so many years, Xiang Lingfeng was the only one who could subdue their boss and turn their boss back into a normal woman.

It's a pity that Xiang Lingfeng is missing...

"Okay, remember to go to your appointment on time tonight. I'll go to the hospital to accompany my mother first." Ji Rou put her phone away and went to see her mother happily.

Seeing her daughter who hadn't appeared for several days, Ji's mother instantly felt much happier: "Xiaorou, I've worked hard for you these days."

"Mom, it's a bit hard, but no matter how hard it is, I don't feel the pain anymore just seeing you." In order not to worry her mother, Jirou asked the prince and the monkey to tell their mother that she was going to participate in activities organized by the school.

Ji's mother pinched Jirou's pink cheeks and said, "You kid, you are still so sweet-mouthed, you always make your mother happy."

"Because I ate honey before coming here." Ji Rou hugged Ji's mother, "Mom, I miss you so much. Can you let me hold you for a little longer."

"Girl, I miss you too." She missed her daughter after not seeing her for a few days, but she was worried that she would be a drag on her daughter, so she never called her to urge her.

"Mom, I just asked the doctor and your condition is much better. We will stay in the hospital for a few more days of observation and then we can be discharged and go home. At that time, I can spend more time with you."

"Home?" Ji's mother felt a little sad when she mentioned home. After her husband passed away, she had been staying in the hospital and hadn't been home for several months.

"Mom, you still have me." Ji Rou hugged Ji's mother, "Mom, don't be afraid! Some things have happened and we can no longer avoid them. We must learn to face them head-on so that we can live a good life in the future. You said right?"

Ji's mother gently rubbed Jirou's head: "My Xiaorou has really grown up, and she can speak such philosophical words."

"Hehe, of course!" Ji Rou helped Ji's mother sit up, "Mom, the weather is very good today, let me go for a walk in the garden with you."

"I don't want to leave today." Ji's mother pulled Ji Rou to sit down. "Xiaorou, mother has something to confirm with you. You have to answer me honestly."

Jirou blinked her big, watery eyes: "Mom, what's the matter?"

"I know that after your father left, Ji Chendong controlled the company and robbed all our property. So where did the money for my hospitalization these days come from?"

Living in a private luxury ward and being cared for by a private nurse is definitely not a small expense, and it is definitely not what Jirou can afford now.

"Mom, Ji Chendong was caught. He has robbed our property and of course he has to return it to us. The company left by dad is quite famous after all. Are you still worried about not having money to pay for medical expenses?" Ji Rou doesn't want to be there anymore. When Qin Yinze was mentioned in front of his mother, he found an excuse to stop it.

"Xiao Rou..." Ji Rou's mother also worked hard with Ji's father when she was young. How could Ji Rou hide this from her.

"Mom, don't you believe me?" Jirou blinked, with an innocent and cute look, which really didn't look like she was lying at all.

"Xiaorou, it's not that mom doesn't believe you, but she doesn't want you to shoulder everything by yourself and doesn't want mom to share the burden with you." She was worried that her daughter would have to shoulder everything by herself, and that she would be too tired to have anyone to talk to. nothing.

"Mom, dad and you helped me carry everything before. Now that I have grown up, of course I should be the one to carry it." Ji Rou grabbed her mother's hand, put it on her face and rubbed it, "Mom , I will carry it myself if I can, and I will definitely tell you when I can’t.”

Mother Ji sighed: "My silly child!"

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