My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1078 Extra chapter, failure to be cute

Chapter 1078: Extra Chapter, Failed to Be Cute

Looking at Ji Rou, who was pretending to be cute and pitiful, Qin Yinze raised the corners of his lips unconsciously, but still asked indifferently: "So hungry that it feels like your body has been hollowed out?"

"Hmm..." Jirou nodded vigorously, rubbed her face against the corner of his clothes, and squeezed out two pitiful tears, "Young Master Qin, if I continue to be hungry, I might be disabled. "

She is like a cute little pet holding her owner and acting cute. Logically speaking, Qin Yinze should be soft-hearted, but he doesn't: "Then why don't you eat?"

Are those dishes for human consumption?

Ji Rou really wanted to ask him like this, but she didn't dare, otherwise the result would still be the same as today, not to mention meat, not even Roumo Xingzi would be able to see it.

Jirou blinked her tear-filled eyes, put her arms around his waist, and pressed her face against his waist: "No meat, no appetite."

"If you don't have meat, you have no appetite. That means you're not hungry enough." Qin Yinze took off her hand that was holding him and said with a half-smile, "If you don't want to eat, just continue to be hungry. It's not anyone else who's hungry anyway. "

What does it mean that no one else is hungry anyway?

Was he so eager to starve her to death?

Ji Rou really doesn't know what the man Qin Yinze thinks. He thinks about how to kill her and marry her every day. If this person's behavior is not perverted, no one believes it.

This man won't eat anything, and Ji Rou doesn't want to work hard anymore. She gets into bed and says dullly, "Then go and leave me alone. It has nothing to do with you if I starve to death anyway."

Instead of leaving, Qin Yinze sat down next to her and pulled off the quilt covering her: "It has nothing to do with me whether you eat or not, but I'm still waiting for your letter of repentance."

I really want to bite someone!

Jirou gritted her teeth and said angrily: "I'm hungry. I'm too hungry to think about things. I'm too hungry to write. If you want to wait for me to write a letter of repentance, then just wait."

This man doesn't know how to pity women at all. He is destined to be alone for the rest of his life.

Besides, no matter what she did, he wouldn't let her eat meat, so why should she listen to his orders.

Qin Yinze suddenly reached out his hand and rubbed her head gently: "Silly girl, do you know who you are talking to? Do you know what you did wrong?"

"Qin Yinze, don't threaten me like this. I'm not afraid of you. If you have any dirty tricks, come up with me. If I give in, I'll hang out with you from now on." Damn, this man is really pushing his limits. She will never do it in the future. Just let him bully you stupidly.

"Very good." Qin Yinze stood up and straightened out her wrinkled clothes. "I just asked Aunt Qiao to prepare braised beef. I thought you could eat it after you wrote the letter of repentance, but now it seems that it is not necessary. .”

Hearing the words "braised beef", Jirou sat up from the bed in almost 0.01 seconds, rolled over and jumped out of bed, threw herself at Qin Yinze, and hugged him tightly: "Young Master Qin , I was so hungry just now. You have a lot of money, so you won’t care about a little girl like me. You give me another half hour. After half an hour, I promise to hand over a confession letter that you can satisfy. In your hands."

"No need." Qin Yinze said, trying to take away her hand holding him, but she held her too tightly, or he was reluctant to take her hand off at all, so he did not tear her off.

"What you want is that I did something wrong in the first place. How can I not admit my mistake?" She raised her head slightly and looked at him with a smile. "You go back to your room and wait for me. I will go find you after I finish writing."

Qin Yinze doesn't speak, Ji Rou rubs in his arms again: "Dear Mr. Qin, can you just give me another chance?"

Looking at her expectant eyes and his desire to make her realize her mistake, Qin Yinze agreed to Ji Rou after thinking for a long time.

As soon as Qin Yinze left, Jirou quickly found paper and pen, sat in front of the dressing table and carefully thought about what she had done in the past few days.

Drinking wine, spitting all over him, and forcibly kissing him were not the same. Could it be that she had done something more extreme than these?

What on earth did she do to make Qin Yinze treat her like this?

After thinking for a while, Ji Rou still had no clue. At the critical moment, she thought of the prince and the monkey, picked up her mobile phone and sent them a voice message: "Prince, monkey, come out quickly. I'll see you if I have something urgent."

After finishing speaking, Ji Rou slowly discovered that there was an extra person in their small group of three people, a new person called the unemployed.

The prince was the first to stand up: "Boss, what's the matter?"

Ji Rou said: "Who is this unemployed person?"

Unemployed: "It's me."

The prince explained: "Boss, aren't you already friends with Dai Li? And she is also a friend of Monkey and I, so I asked her to join our group."

The real situation is that the prince asked Dai Li to add WeChat, but Dai Li refused to give it, so the prince thought of a good way to let her join the group first and add Dai Li's WeChat.

Jirou said impatiently: "Stop explaining, do me a favor now."

Prince: "What's the deal?"

Monkey: "Boss, tell me!"

Dai Li: "Need me?"

"That's..." When the words came to her lips, Ji Rou didn't know how to explain to the prince and the monkey.

Regarding Qin Yinze, she didn't intend to let the princes and others know that Dai Li was here now. Dai Li knew something about the situation. She should ask Dai Li.

Jirou quietly added Dai Li as a friend, and Dai Li agreed within two seconds. Jirou sent her a message asking for help: "Dai Li, let me ask you a question."

Dai Li: "Tell me."

Jirou thought for a while and organized her words: "It's that perverted man named Qin, do you remember?"

Dai Li's voice suddenly rose: "Jirou, you stinky girl, do I owe you in my previous life? Why don't you mention which pot you are talking about every time in front of me?"

Jirou said: "Calm down and listen to me slowly."

Dai Li tried to calm down: "You tell me. You'd better give me a satisfactory explanation."

Ji Rou said again: "Didn't that bitch named Qin always want to kill me? Recently he has become even more perverted and excessive. Not only did he restrict my freedom, he even refused to allow me to eat and wanted to starve me to death. .”

Dai Li was dubious: "Is this really true?"

Dai Li on the other side of the WeChat conversation couldn't see her at all. Jirou still nodded hard: "He insisted that I did something wrong and asked me to write a letter of repentance, but I really didn't do anything. I don't know. What does he want to do?"

Dai Li said: "How do you want me to help you?"

Ji Roushun: "Please help me analyze it. What exactly does he want me to write?"

Dai Li said: "If you want me to analyze it for you, then tell me everything that happened these days."

Ji Rou thought for a while and realized that the incident should have started when she ran away on the highway, so she told Dai Li one by one what had happened in the past few days.

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