My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1080: Extra chapter, punishment for pretending to be someone else’s girlfriend

Chapter 1080: Extra chapter, punishment for pretending to be someone else’s girlfriend

This stupid girl is really flexible and flexible in order to eat.


Suddenly thinking of something, Qin Yinze looked up at Jirou, who knew she was also looking at him.

Her flattering smile was right in front of his eyes. She looked very cute. He couldn't help but wanted to reach out and squeeze it, but before he could raise his hand, she spoke: "Young Master Qin, I wrote a letter of repentance this time. , are you satisfied?"

If it were just the content in the letter of repentance without looking at the truth behind the incident, Qin Yinze would still be quite satisfied with the letter of repentance, but now he is not satisfied.

He looked at her pink face that enlarged in front of him, smiled, and said, "Do you think I should be satisfied or dissatisfied with your letter of repentance?"

"I think... Mr. Qin, how dare I guess what you mean?" What is wrong with this man? If you have something to say, tell her what to guess? She was not a roundworm in his stomach, so how could she possibly guess it.

She obviously wanted to get angry, but Jirou still maintained an elegant and flattering smile. Everything she endured for the fragrant braised beef was worth it.

She can even think of Qin Yinze's face as beef, so no matter how much he treats her, she can't get angry at him. After all, she loves to eat beef.

Young Master Qin, who didn't know that Ji Rou regarded him as a piece of beef, continued slowly: "Then you can guess as you like. I don't blame you if you guess wrong. There will be a reward for guessing correctly."

"What's the reward?" Before he could answer, Ji Rou said for him, "Then reward two pig's hands. It's best to be stewed with soybeans. It's soft and not greasy when eaten."

Qin Yinze: "..."

He didn't speak. Jirou realized that she seemed to have got the order wrong. After all, she still had to guess correctly before she could get a reward. She laughed along with her: "You asked me to guess, I think you should be satisfied."

She didn't just randomly say that he was satisfied with the confession this time. She also observed carefully. If he had been dissatisfied, he would have changed his face and wouldn't have said so much to her.

"Do you think I should be satisfied?" Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't know until I read your letter of repentance that you pretended to be someone else's girlfriend."

"You didn't know?" Oh my god, he didn't know, and she foolishly didn't blame herself. Is this the legendary shooting of oneself in the foot?

"Should I know?" Qin Yinze knew that the reason why she took the initiative to admit her mistake was because she knew that he knew about it. If she didn't know that he knew about it, then she would definitely not realize that it was a mistake.

He just used a little trick to test her bottom and tried it on.

"No... I know you don't know, so I told you honestly." Ji Rou regrets so much that she foolishly thought that Qin Yinze had such powerful powers that he knew about her pretending to be someone else's girlfriend.

She really wanted to grab the confession book, delete the memory from his mind, and pretend that nothing happened just now.

"Yeah." He snorted softly, not knowing whether he believed what she said or not. Just when Jirou was feeling uneasy, he asked again, "You were drunk and mistaken me for someone else. Who is that other person?" While asking, Qin Yinze tapped the word "other person" with his slender finger, "Think carefully and speak slowly, I have time to listen to you."

"It's someone else." Jirou doesn't know who that someone else is. Maybe it's a handsome guy, maybe it's Brother Feng whom she thinks about day and night. Anyway, she won't tell him.

"Huh?" Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously not so satisfied with Ji Rou's answer.

Under Qin Yinze's gaze, Jirou's stomach growled twice, and she quickly said: "Young Master Qin, look at my stomach growling with hunger. Can you let me eat some beef first?" Fill your stomach, let me eat, and let’s talk slowly.”

"Discuss terms with me?" Qin Yinze stood up and prepared to leave.

"No." Ji Rou stretched out her hand to hold him, "Don't leave, I said, I'll just say it nicely. There is no one else at all, you are the only one from beginning to end."

Qin Yinze: "Only me?"

Jirou nodded vigorously: "Yes, it's just you. When you came last night, I saw a handsome guy, and that handsome guy was you."

What she saw was him, what she was talking about was her Brother Feng, and what she was thinking about was her Brother Feng, but she had the nerve to say in front of him that "someone else" was him.

Knowing that this was the result, Qin Yinze was still a little angry. His eyes darkened slightly, and he asked again: "You shouldn't say things you shouldn't say to Dai Li. What did you say?"

"Ah... you don't know?" Ji Rou wanted to cry, and wanted to cry loudly to show him. This man didn't know, but she didn't bring it upon herself.

Qin Yinze encouraged her: "Talk about it."

"I..." Jirou regretted it. She had known better and stopped talking. She hesitated for a long time, "Actually, it's nothing. She just asked me for your phone number, so I told her quietly."

Qin Yinze knew that she gave Jirou his phone number, so Jirou made this excuse and couldn't let more of herself fall into his hands.

Qin Yinze: "What else?"

"No more." What he didn't know was that even if he beat her to death, she wouldn't say anything more. Otherwise, she wouldn't know how he would kill her in the future.

"No more?" Qin Yinze looked at her with a half-smile.

"It's really gone." Jirou felt a little guilty when he saw it, but luckily, she held on this time and didn't let herself get hurt.

"Well, she behaved pretty well." He said, and Ji Rou breathed a sigh of relief. This bastard finally stopped troubling him about this matter.

"But because you went behind my back and pretended to be someone else's girlfriend, how do you think I should punish you?" He looked at her with a smile, as if he really listened to her opinion.

Ji Rou is going crazy: "What...what do you mean?"

Qin Yinze: "That's what you heard."

Ji Rou clenched her fist: "I have already said that I will not do this kind of thing again. Why are you still holding on to this matter?"

Qin Yinze added: "It's a good attitude to admit your mistakes."

Ji Rou thought things had turned around and said excitedly: "Then can I go eat beef?"

"Beef?" Qin Yinze suddenly smiled, "You are right, then I will punish you by not eating beef tonight."

When she heard that she could no longer eat beef, Ji Rou didn't think much. She was so angry that she raised her fist and hit him: "Qin Yinze, are you looking for death?"

Qin Yinze easily grasped Ji Rou's fist and nodded very seriously: "I'm just looking for death."

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