My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1082 Extra chapter, pretending to be sleepwalking

Chapter 1082: Extra chapter, pretending to be sleepwalking

The tempting food was placed on the kitchen counter. Jirou moved two small steps to the left and reached for the food, but when her hand touched the lid, she hesitated.

Could it be that Qin Yinze deliberately deceived this food in such a conspicuous place?

Or maybe there is poison in the food, and if she eats it secretly, she will be poisoned to death. Qin Yinze can still say that it is poisonous for rats. If she eats it secretly, she deserves to be poisoned to death!

"As the saying goes, women's hearts are the most poisonous. I think this damn bastard Qin Yinze's heart is more poisonous than women. He will never give up until he poisons me to death."

When Ji Rou criticized Qin Yinze in her heart, she walked to the kitchen door and looked around to make sure no one was peeking in the dark, and then returned to the kitchen.

Opening the lid, there were two bowls under the lid. The bowls contained two bowls of paste that Jirou couldn't name.

The dark paste smelled quite good, so it must be food.

Ji Rou came closer and smelled it, confirming that it was the aroma of food.

She was sure it was food, but she couldn't bear to eat it. She also wanted to check the color to confirm whether Qin Yinze had drugged the two bowls of paste.

Jirou wanted to observe a little longer, but her stomach didn't agree, and it grumbled and urged her.

"The taste is not abnormal, there should be no problem." Ji Rou picked up a spoon and took a spoonful of it and put it into her mouth. This thing looked unappetizing, but it tasted quite fragrant and refreshing.

Ji Rou finished one mouthful, then another. After a while, two bowls of paste that she couldn't name entered her stomach.

"Hiccup -" Ji Rou burped in an inconspicuous way after eating too much. She rubbed her belly and said, "My dear, I accidentally overstuffed myself, but I still ate something without any oily smell."

In the past, she wouldn't even take a second look at these dark foods. This time, she was really too hungry and couldn't care less.


There was a sudden sound in the dining room outside the kitchen. It was the sound of a light switch. The light instantly illuminated the entire restaurant and the kitchen where Jirou was.

"Oops!" Ji Rou secretly screamed. She stretched her head and saw that the person who turned on the light was Qin Yinze who wanted to kill her every day.

Why did this bastard come to the restaurant in the middle of the night without sleeping?

Could it be that he knew she was eating secretly in the kitchen and was he here to catch her?

no! no! We must not let Qin Yinze, the bastard, be caught!

Ji Rou wants to find a place to hide, but although the kitchen is big, there is no hiding place.

Seeing Qin Yinze walking towards the kitchen, getting closer and closer. In a hurry, Ji Rou opened the refrigerator door and tried to get into the refrigerator to hide.

But before one foot stepped in, she was frightened back by the strong air conditioning in the refrigerator. If Qin Yinze didn't leave for a while, she would be frozen to death in the refrigerator. Such risky behavior cannot be done.

Unexpectedly, the moment Ji Rou hesitated, Qin Yinze had already stepped into the kitchen with one foot, and he also saw her.

His gaze on her was slightly surprised at first, and then became very cold. It was so cold that Ji Rou felt colder than the air conditioner in the refrigerator, making her feel chilled from the bottom of her heart.

If she was caught stealing food, this man would scold her again.


Ji Rou's brain was running rapidly, and soon the emergency system in her brain exerted a powerful effect in time.

She stretched her hands forward, closed her eyes and jumped out like a zombie.

At this time, he closed his eyes and looked at nothing. He pretended that he had come here while sleepwalking. He was not so embarrassed after being discovered by Qin Yinze.

Ji Rou feels that she is so smart and can come up with such a good idea so quickly.

Obviously, Qin Yinze didn't expect that this stupid woman would have such a trick, and couldn't help but be stunned.

Seeing her jumping like a zombie and opening her eyes slightly to look ahead from time to time, Qin Yinze couldn't help but feel that she was a little silly, so cute.

"Sleepwalking?" Qin Yinze asked her.

"Congratulations on the correct answer!" Ji Rou wanted to praise him, but she couldn't hold back and said nothing because she would reveal her secrets as soon as she spoke.

"Is he sleepwalking or is he a zombie?" He turned slightly to block her way, and waved his hand in front of her eyes.

Jirou in "Sleepwalking" probably didn't know that he was blocking her, so even though she knew that the road was blocked by him, Jirou still jumped forward.

She jumped once and was blocked by him. She jumped again and he blocked her again. This was repeated for several rounds. Jirou was finally too tired to jump anymore and reluctantly stopped.

"I can do it during the day, and I can do it while sleeping. She is really a master who can do it." Qin Yinze stretched out his hand and pinched her tender face, "It feels pretty good!"

"What a fart, okay, you squeezed it so hard, do you think it won't hurt if I sleepwalk?" Ji Rou suspected that this man actually knew that she was pretending to sleepwalk, but now, even if he knew, she She couldn't admit it, so she could only continue to pretend and curse in her heart.

But at this moment, Qin Yinze's face suddenly came close to hers, so close that Ji Rou could feel his warm breath spraying on her face.

What is he going to do?

What does he want to do?

He wouldn't want to molest her while she was sleepwalking, would he?

Ji Rou wanted to retreat, but Qin Yinze stretched out his hand and hugged her waist, making her unable to retreat.


Ji Rou screamed in her heart, shameless bastard, don't mess around, don't mess around, if you touch her again I'm going to beat you up.

But no matter how Ji Rou screamed in her heart, Qin Yinze couldn't hear it, so she couldn't stop Qin Yinze from getting closer and closer to her, so close that the tip of his nose touched hers.

The next second, he stretched out his hand to hold her small chin and raised it slightly, admiring: "The eyelashes are very long and very beautiful."

"I know my eyelashes are long and beautiful, so I don't need you to praise me! Get your dirty hands away quickly!" Jirou swatted his hand away, but she didn't dare and could only blame him in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yinze not only didn't let her go, but lowered his head and kissed her.

At first, he kissed her quite gently, gently, as if he was caring for his baby.

But in just a few seconds, his kiss became more and more overbearing, more and more overbearing, so overbearing that he seemed to be kissing his way into the depths of her soul.

Jirou tried to struggle, but this man was so strong that she could only be trapped in his arms and let him kiss her unbridled.

Woo woo woo...

Ji Rou feels so pitiful, she is simply the most pitiable wretch in the world.

She was just hungry and ate a little something secretly in the kitchen, and now she was going to be "eaten" back with profit by the man Qin Yinze.

The key...the key...she shamelessly enjoyed him "eating" her like this.

Even she herself didn't know when her hands naturally rested on his shoulders. She pressed against his body and responded passionately to his domineering and lingering kiss.

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