My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1084 Extra Chapter, The Legend of the Albizia Julibrissin Tree

Chapter 1084: Extra Chapter, The Legend of the Albizia Julibrissin Tree

The night is as dark as ink.

The crickets in the garden of the villa never stopped chirping. In the dead of night, it sounded very noisy, but it still had the original harmony of this world.

The master bedroom on the second floor of the villa turned on the light, and the orange-red light penetrated the thick curtains and shone on the acacia tree in bloom outside the window.

There is also a very poignant legend about the acacia tree. It is said that the Albizia Julibrissin tree was called the Kuqing tree in its earliest days and did not bloom.

Later, because a scholar abandoned his wife after high school, the wife was filled with resentment and left a last word before her death: If the husband changes his mind, from now on, let the tree of bitterness bloom, with the husband as the leaves and she as the flowers. The flowers will never grow old. If the leaves never fall, we will have different opinions throughout our lives, and we will be happy every night in the world!

Later, when the woman died, the bitter love tree also bloomed. In order to commemorate the woman's infatuation, people changed the bitter love tree into an acacia tree.

Qin Yinze heard this poignant legend told by his grandma not long after he arrived at the Qin family. He was still very young at that time, and he didn't remember too many things at a young age, but somehow, he kept this legend firmly in his mind.

Perhaps it is because his life is constantly connected with this legend. She is also deeply in love with someone, hoping day and night that she will look back, hoping that she can see him among thousands of people.

However, no matter how many years they wait, even until the end of their lives, the person they are longing for never looks back. They have long since found the person who belongs to them, but that person is not him.

It was a coincidence that when he decided to settle down in Minluo City three years ago, he got such a small sapling by chance. He planted it in the garden with his own hands, and watched it grow day by day under the window of his room. high.

Now three years have passed, and the small sapling that could die at any time has grown up, bloomed, and will bear fruit after the flowers fade.

The lives of the little sapling and his are so similar. They both encountered people and things that changed their destiny when they were most helpless in life.

However, his life was completely different from that of this Albizia Quan. His life did not blossom and bear fruit. It was still the same as before, lonely and lonely. No one could enter his heart and make his heart truly peaceful.

Until she appears...

Thinking of her, Qin Yinze subconsciously tightened his grip on her. Almost at the same time, Ji Rou in his arms shouted: "Qin Yinze, be gentle! Do you want to strangle me?"

Qin Yinze ignored her, and the strength in his hand was not light but heavy.

He did everything against her. She had been bullied by him just now. They were still in bed, and he couldn't bear to let her go.

Ji Rou is going crazy with Qin Yinze: "Qin Yinze, you are a cheap man and a bastard, you are addicted to bullying me, aren't you?"

Qin Yinze: "Yeah."

He doesn't know why, but he likes to see her noisy and noisy. She is full of energy and makes people want to get closer to her, hoping that her youthful vitality can infect him.

Ji Rou pinched him and roared: "What did you say? Say it again!"

He actually admitted that he was bullying her.

The key is that he admits it, and she can't do anything to him.

So angry!

I'm about to explode!

He bullied her and she couldn't resist. Thinking about it, she actually felt comfortable during the process. She didn't want to argue with him at first, but this man was too much.

Not only did he not let her go afterwards, he hugged her so hard that she almost couldn't breathe and was about to be strangled to death by him. Bastard, what a pervert, what exactly does he want?

"Be good, sleep!" Qin Yinze ignored her roar and still hugged her tightly, pressing her head against her chest.

"Go to sleep!" He was wearing nothing, and she was wearing nothing. The two naked people hugged each other tightly, and they could feel each other's temperature. Did this mean they wanted to sleep well?

"Do you want to do it again?" This little woman looks thin, but she has a very good physical condition, and she is also very good at tossing. He just tossed her once, and she was still very lively, and there was no sign of fatigue on her body.

"You bastard, what kind of bug are you? You've been thinking about this all day, why aren't you exhausted?" Still thinking about it, he actually wanted to come, and Ji Rou kicked him again.

Ahhhh, the key point is that she thought his proposal was very good. She didn't cooperate well with him just now when she was angry with him, and the process was somewhat unsatisfactory.

If she was given another chance, she thought she could cooperate even more perfectly, allowing him and her to enjoy the sexual pleasure between men and women.

But this time, he must not be allowed to bully her. She must take the initiative. She must be on top and let her bully him... When she had this idea, Ji Rou actually took action.

She rolled over him and sat on him, like a superior queen: "Qin Yinze, let me do it this time, you are not allowed to move."

Qin Yinze curled his lips: "Are you sure?"

Jirou glared at him fiercely: "Just do whatever I tell you to do, don't fucking talk nonsense!"

Qin Yinze curled his lips and smiled in a charming and treacherous manner: "Okay!"

Jirou started acting randomly... Later, Qin Yinze was really obedient and didn't move, which made Jirou so angry that she was about to explode. She worked so hard, but he really didn't cooperate with her.

Is it because she is unfeminine and unattractive to him?

Or this man is not a man at all... This is impossible. Wasn't he very brave that time just now?

"Please!" He said in a hoarse voice, breathing warm breath into her ear.

"I beg...bastard, why do you want me to save you?" He actually negotiated terms with her at this time, and made her cry and beg him, no, absolutely not, she had to hold on, even if he didn't move. The worst case scenario is that she should give up.

Ji Rou turned over and wanted to evacuate. Who knew that she had just had this idea when she was grabbed by Qin Yinze. He told her with practical actions that it was not that she was not attracted to him, or that he was not good, he just wanted to Toss and toss her.

No matter how strong Jirou's physical strength was, she couldn't withstand Qin Yinze's torment. At the end of this time, she was so tired that she felt like she had no bones, and she collapsed in his arms: "Son of a bitch!" She still had a little strength. , she did not forget to scold him.

"Yeah." Qin Yinze gently stroked her back and responded softly. She said he was a bastard, so he was, as long as she was happy.

"You bullied me again!" He clearly said that she was the one who bullied him.

"Then I'll let you bully me next time." There was a tenderness in his tone that he had never had before.

"Liar, I don't believe you!" He always kept his word. This was not the first time she had been deceived by him, so she didn't want to believe him.

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