My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1086 Extra chapter, affecting development

Chapter 1087: Extra chapter, affecting development

Restaurant on the first floor.

Aunt Qiao, who was setting breakfast, heard the footsteps and immediately looked up. This sight surprised her. The two people who had a huge quarrel last night actually walked to the restaurant arm in arm today.

To be more precise, it's not that they are holding hands, but that Ji Rou is hanging on Qin Yinze's arm, and she is almost hanging on him.

Qin Yinze not only did not push her away, but also allowed her to jump around him: "Master Qin, let me tell you, I am still growing up. If I don't eat some nutritious food, I may lose weight." Not taller. If I don’t grow taller, it will have a great impact on you.”

After all, he is her nominal husband now. If she becomes ugly, thin and short due to malnutrition and hunger, his husband's face will be disgraced.

"How old are you? How old are you this year?" Qin Yinze glanced at her lightly, and he knew that she took the initiative to hold his wrist and pretend to be intimate with him for a purpose, "Who else told you that you can only eat meat? Only nutritious?”

"I develop later than others. You should know this." Before getting up, he still disliked her. "I don't know if others are like this. Anyway, I can't eat enough without meat. If I don't eat enough, it will affect me." My development.”

Jirou is still working hard. In order to eat meat, she has really lost her bottom line in life, because she has been a person who can't even eat without meat since she was a child.

Qin Yinze curled his lips and glanced down at her: "Can you still grow at your age?" In fact, she looks suitable and doesn't need to grow anymore.

"Can't I grow? Who said that you can't grow after you are twenty years old?" She found so many reasons, but the man was still indifferent. Ji Rou yelled in a hurry. After yelling, Ji Rou looked at When there was another person in the restaurant, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Aunt Qiao, good morning!"

"Good morning, sir! Good morning, Miss Ji!" Aunt Qiao looked up at the clock on the wall. The hour hand had already pointed to ten o'clock in the morning, which was not too early.

Before Jirou showed up, their husband's breakfast time was six o'clock in the morning. Regardless of spring, summer, autumn, or winter, whether it was windy or rainy, his breakfast time was never delayed.

Jirou didn't appear for long, but her impact on their husband's life was not small. Many small things quietly changed because of her.

Like these breakfasts. Their husband likes to eat light food and never eats greasy food. However, he also specially ordered the kitchen to improve the food and add some flavors that Miss Ji likes on the basis of a healthy diet.

But if the husband doesn't tell her, Miss Ji will have no way of knowing.

Jirou walked up to the dining table and saw that there were two bowls of oatmeal porridge, a plate of fried shredded lettuce, two boiled eggs and a cage of small steamed buns: "Aunt Qiao, what's the filling of the steamed buns?"

Aunt Qiao said: "It's not advisable to eat anything too greasy in the morning, so the kitchen prepares stuffed vegetables."

"It's all vegetarian stuffing?" It's all light food. Jirou's good mood suddenly dropped a lot. She looked at Qin Yinze and said, "Master Qin, if this continues, I will starve to death. Really?" Will starve to death."

Qin Yinze rubbed her head and said, "Eating these is good for your health."

"Good for your health? Are you sure you don't want to starve me to death?" Jirou expressed doubts about his intentions.

Qin Yinze: "..."

"So you are really doing it for me. Since you are doing it for my own good, then you must let me enjoy my meal." Jirou smiled at him, then turned to Aunt Qiao and said, "Aunt Qiao, you heard it too Well, Mr. Qin is very concerned about my health. If you want me to eat happily, you can prepare some nutritious breakfast, such as chicken, duck and fish. I am not picky about food. "

Isn't she a picky eater? She is really not picky about food, she will eat anything as long as it is meat.

Aunt Qiao looked at Qin Yinze. He didn't say anything and motioned for her to go down first. After receiving the instruction, Aunt Qiao hurried away: "Miss Ji, please use it slowly."

Seeing Aunt Qiao being ordered to go away, Ji Rou glared at Qin Yinze: "Stingy! You are so stingy! You are the stingiest man I have ever seen in my life. You are reluctant to let your female companion eat your meat. How can you marry her?" My wife is really blind."

Ji Rou feels sad when she thinks that this blind woman is herself.

"I think she's not blind, her eyes are very bright." At the right time, Qin Yinze stabbed her wound, making her crazy.

Jirou: "..."

Forget it, forget it, she has a lot of money, so she won’t care about a bitch like him. Jirou was really tired after exercising too much last night and coming here again in the morning. No matter whether the food was delicious or not, she should eat to fill her stomach first.

After sweeping through the few foods on the table, Ji Rou reached for an egg, which was the only nutritious food for her in the breakfast.

Jirou ate the egg in two mouthfuls. The yolk was too dry, making it difficult for her to swallow. Fortunately, Qin Yinze brought a warm milk in time, otherwise she would have choked to death.

"Eat slowly!" Qin Yinze and Ji Rou sat on the left and right sides of the long table, facing each other. He wanted to reach out to help her smooth her flow, but he couldn't reach her.

"I want you to take care of me!" A troublesome man, if it weren't for him not letting her eat meat, would she be in such a mess now?

Not long ago, she thought he had discovered his conscience, so she took the opportunity to propose eating meat. Who knew it was all an illusion created by him to show her.

"Sit over here." Qin Yinze patted the place next to him.

"No." She refused to get too close to him.

"Then shall I go there?" His tone was slightly serious, full of threats.

"I want to eat roasted chicken and braised pig's knuckles. If you let me eat roasted chicken and pig's knuckles, I will listen to you in everything you say." She pouted, trying to look pitiful, hoping that this man would have a real conscience.

Qin Yinze walked to her side and sat down: "Behave well this month, and you will have whatever you want in the future."

"What? A month? Are you serious?" Ji Rou was so sad that she almost cried when she thought about not being able to eat meat for a month.

All this time, she thought Qin Yinze was just saying it casually, but she didn't expect that he was serious.

Qin Yinze smiled: "If you perform well, I can reduce the number of days."

Jirou took his hand and touched her face: "Look, I'm as thin as a bamboo pole. If you let me starve for another month, I will only have bones left, and it won't feel good to the touch."

Qin Yinze pinched her face, which was very elastic: "I don't mind how it feels, because your current feel is not much better."

"You..." If you dislike her so much, why didn't you let go of her last night? Who was the person who tormented her to death in bed last night?

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