My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1090 Extra Chapter, My Xiaorou

Chapter 1091: Extra Chapter, My Xiaorou

Qin Yinze warned: "What's your matter? It has nothing to do with me? Ji Rou, try saying it again!"

Jirou said softer and softer: "This is school, they are deliberately making trouble for me, you can't help me, I don't want to cause trouble to you."

Qin Yinze still had a dark face and a cold voice: "How do you know you are causing trouble for me? What if I just like to clean up your mess?"

Ji Rou frowned, not believing that he would be so kind: "Unless you eat too much and have nothing to do."

Qin Yinze was stunned and replied: "I just ate too much!"

Jirou was very surprised. This man's thoughts were indeed different from those of ordinary people.

She could ask him for help, but she didn't. This made Qin Yinze very angry. If he looked at this face one more time, Qin Yinze might strangle her to death. He looked away from her face. Looking at the crowd of people watching, he finally landed on the school beauty Xie, "You, lead the way to the school affairs office."

"Me?" Xie, the school beauty, was suddenly called by this good-looking and powerful man who drove a luxury car. However, when she saw him holding Ji Rou, she felt strong jealousy in her heart. "Mr., we Outsiders are not allowed to enter the school at will.”

Ji Rou also nodded: "That's right, outsiders are not allowed in our school."

Qin Yinze picked up Jirou and said, "What about the student's guardian?"

Ji Rou said: "Guardians can... No, I am an adult and I don't need you to be my guardian."


This word was also heard by other people present. When did the woman Ji Rou gain such an excellent guardian?

What's even more irritating is that although this man didn't look good on Ji Rou, his actions in holding her made it clear that he cared about her.

The girl next to Xie, the school beauty, is still having sex with her: "That guy is so handsome, please come face to face with me!"

Xie, the school belle, was angry and worried about who to turn to. She turned around and glared at the girl: "Do you think you are worthy of your beauty?"

When the girl was scolded, her face turned pale, and she retorted in a low voice: "Everyone can think about such a handsome man, but can't I think about it?"

Xie the school belle angrily raised her foot and stepped on the girl's foot, and gave it a hard kick: "What do you think is the use? If you have the ability, go grab him and turn Jirou in his arms into you."

The girl's feet were stepped on by Xie, the school belle, and it hurt. She was angry: "I'm not as capable as you. If you can, go grab him and replace Jirou in his arms with you."

The little girl who usually didn't dare to take a breath when she was around him actually dared to yell at her like this today. Xie, the school beauty, was so angry that she turned pale with anger.

Jirou! Ji Rou! This bitch is indeed her nemesis. As long as Jirou is around, nothing good has ever happened to her.

She is no worse than Ji Rou. No, to be precise, she is much better than Ji Rou. Why should Ji Rou take advantage of her? Why?

Xie, the school beauty, looked at the man holding Ji Rou's back, gritting his teeth with hatred, and his face was distorted with anger.

Qin Yinze put Ji Rou into his car and helped her fasten her seat belt before he got into the driver's seat.

"Master Qin, what do you want to do?" In the past, she was watched like a monkey by her classmates, but this time with him, Ji Rou was really unwilling.

Qin Yinze still ignored her and drove away, but his destination was not elsewhere, but on campus. Jirou exclaimed: "Master Qin, only cars with special passes can drive into the campus, yours The car can't get in."

"Really?" As soon as Qin Yinze finished speaking, reality slapped Jirou hard. Just looking at the license plate number, the security guard let him go without asking anything.

But thinking about it, Ji Rou understood that Qin Yinze, the bastard's father, Mr. Qin, was the richest man in Minluo City and was in the limelight for a while. It was not a piece of cake for his eldest son to drive into the campus.

As the saying goes, money can make all the difference. His family is so rich, so it doesn't matter if he drives a car into the school!

Ji Rou is still trying to persuade him to mind his own business: "Young Master Qin, I can handle my affairs, but you don't want to..."

Qin Yinze freed his hand and held hers: "from now on, your business is my business."

Although this bitch's words were very domineering, they were not so annoying, and there was even a trace of warmth that invaded Jirou's heart.

She stopped when she wanted to withdraw her hand and let him hold her hand...

The car slowly arrived at the school office area, and what Jirou didn't expect was that Yinze not only drove the car into the campus gate, but was also personally greeted by the principal and school leaders.

The principal and the school leaders stood in a row to greet Qin Yinze. Ji Rouzhi had seen that scene at major school events or when leaders from above came to inspect the work.

Seeing Qin Yinze, the principal greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Qin, we are very honored that you can take time out of your busy schedule to come to our school to inspect the work!"

Qin Yinze just snorted softly: "Yeah!" Even the polite words were omitted.

Ji Rou silently lamented that there was a rich and powerful father who was just dragging him. He was obviously just here to hang around, but he said it was to inspect the work. What qualifications did he, a second-generation ancestor, have to go to a university like theirs to inspect the work.

The principal said: "When I heard that Mr. Qin was coming to our school, I didn't waste a moment and immediately organized the school leaders to welcome you."

Seeing the principal fawning over Qin Yinze without any bottom line or moral integrity, Ji Rou suddenly thought of what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, the principal talked to her. He was friendly and praised her as if she was in heaven. Could it be because he knew about her relationship with Qin Yinze.

It shouldn’t be!

If she didn't talk about the matter between her and Qin Yinze, Qin Yinze wouldn't talk nonsense. How could the principal know?

Because she couldn't figure it out, Ji Rou looked at Qin Yinze quietly, and the principal was saying to him: "Mr. Qin, I have heard about what just happened. I will immediately have the student who made the trouble come to apologize to Ji Rou."

Ji Rou really didn't expect that Qin Yinze, a man, could reach out to the campus. Even the principal nodded and bowed to him. So was the Vegetarian Festival in the cafeteria also because of him?

It must be him, it must be him, this bitch man used all kinds of methods to prevent her from eating meat.

Just when Jirou was so angry that she gritted her teeth, Qin Yinze suddenly reached out and rubbed her head and said to the principal: "My Xiaorou's temper is usually a bit hot, but her nature is not bad. , If others don’t mess with her, she will never take the initiative to cause trouble.”

After hearing what the principal said, he knew very well what the man named Qin wanted to express. No matter who was right or wrong about this matter today, his Ji Rou would not be wrong anyway.

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