My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1097: Extra Chapter, I Can’t Like It But I Can’t Forget It

Chapter 1098: Extra Chapter, I Can’t Like It But I Can’t Forget It

Ji Rou is speechless again. Can she say that she and Qin Yinze, that bastard, have "cooked" raw rice several times? Can she say that they have tried both "stewed" and "fried"?

"Boss, hurry up and hug Young Master Qin's thigh. Let's take a step first." Before leaving, the prince and the monkey pushed Jirou, "Stop whining, hurry up!"

Ji Rou sighed silently: "It's great to be powerful and rich? Why should you let him hug his thigh? Can't Qin Yinze hug her thigh?"

Just when Ji Rou had this idea, Qin Yinze came to her again, but not to hug her thigh, but to question her: "Didn't you see that I was waiting for you?"

"I saw it." He was so flamboyant and attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared. She couldn't even pretend not to see him.

Qin Yinze frowned displeased: "You see me waiting for you, and you're still dawdling!"

Look, look, he is mean to her, and he only shows off in front of outsiders. When they are alone, he only knows how to bully her.

Humph, she didn't want to pay attention to such a duplicitous man: "I didn't ask you to come pick me up, you have to come, blame me!"

Ji Rou stepped forward and wanted to leave, but Qin Yinze pulled her back: "I let you go?"

This man got nervous when he saw her, and Ji Rou became angry: "Qin, do you want to fight?" She put her backpack on her shoulders, "Come on, let's fight, I'm afraid of you!"

But just when she was furious, Master Qin suddenly took her hand and pulled her into his arms: "I told you to treat you to delicious food tonight."

"Do you really want to treat me to something delicious?" As soon as she heard that there was something delicious, Ji Rou's anger disappeared. Although she still didn't believe that Qin Yinze would treat her to delicious food, the word "delicious" was too attractive to her.

"Yeah!" Qin Yinze nodded, thinking that this silly girl was cute.

Ji Rou turned around and opened his car door, sat firmly in the passenger seat, and said with a smile: "Young Master Qin, let's go then!"

Finally, Master Qin told Ji Rou with facts that this man's words were really untrustworthy and he couldn't believe a word of it.

The delicious food he was talking about were a few vegetarian dishes made in various ways, such as fish-flavored eggplant without fish at all, etc. Ji Rou's minced meat was not even visible.

For a person who loves nothing but meat, as long as there is no meat, whatever she eats is like drinking white rice porridge, which is tasteless.

"Liar! Big liar! Dead liar!" Ji Rou lay weakly on the dining table. She felt that she was so angry with him that she didn't even have the strength to hold chopsticks.

"There are many delicious foods in the world. Roasted chicken and braised pork knuckles are not the only ones that are delicious." Qin Yinze patiently enlightened her, "How do you know whether it tastes good or not if you don't try it?"

But Ji Rou couldn't listen, she only knew that this man had deceived her again, and she stupidly believed that he would treat her to delicious food.

"Qin Yinze, you liar!" If you don't want to eat, you won't eat. I don't want to be bullied by him anymore.

Qin Yinze looked at her: "Your eating habits must change."

Ji Rou wants to hit someone: "I have been eating like this for twenty years? How do you want me to change? You make me listen to you in everything, why don't you spend money to buy an inflatable doll?"

What inflatable doll?

Qin Yinze frowned: "Speak carefully from now on and change your bad habits."

"Haha..." Ji Rou laughed angrily, "Then please tell me, Young Master Qin, what habits do I have that are good in your eyes?"

Qin Yinze thought for a while and said, "It hasn't been discovered yet."

This kind of man is here to stir up trouble.

If it were anyone else, she would have punched her so hard that she would have called her aunt.

Ji Rou picked up her bag and stood up to leave: "Don't talk to me again, otherwise I won't know what I will do to you?"


As soon as the car stopped, Jirou opened the door, got out of the car, and left without even mentioning that Qin Yinze should go with her to visit her mother.

Qin Yinze was unhappy and called her: "Jirou, there are no entertainment facilities in the hospital, and I have nothing to do."

Jirou: "Then you go home early."

Qin Yinze: "..."

Doesn’t she know how to take her son-in-law to meet her mother-in-law?

Ji Rou didn't pay much attention to him and went directly to the hospital gate and came to the ward where her mother was hospitalized.

Mother Ji just came back from chatting next door. When she saw Ji Rou coming, she smiled and said, "Just now I told Aunt Wang in the next room about my Xiaorou, and my Xiaorou is here."

"I may have sensed that my mother missed me, so I came here." Ji Rou threw herself into her mother's arms and hugged her hard, "I miss my mother so much too."

Mother Ji rubbed her head: "Well, I miss my baby so much too!"

"Hey, I knew you missed me." Ji Rou asked Ji's mother to sit down and went to get an apple. "Mom, I'll peel the apple for you to eat."

"Okay." As soon as she saw her daughter, all her ailments were gone. Mother Ji could only see her daughter's cute and filial look in her eyes. This is her treasure and her only spiritual sustenance after her husband leaves.

Ji Rou holds an apple in her hand and wants to peel it for her mother, but she seems a little clumsy because she has never done this before.

Mother Ji smiled and said, "Xiaorou, just leave it to me."

Ji Rou was unwilling: "Mom, you used to peel apples for me to eat. Now that I have grown up, I should peel them for you to eat."

Although peeling an apple is just a small thing, Ji Rou wants to start from such small things and slowly learn to take care of her mother.

"Okay, okay...let my little Rou cut it for me to eat." Looking at Ji Rou's clumsy movements, Ji's mother found it funny and extremely comforting. After staring at Ji Rou for a long time, she suddenly asked, "Xiao Rou, what are you doing?" Have you got a boyfriend?”

Hearing Ji's mother's question, Ji Rou's hand holding the fruit knife paused slightly, almost cutting her hand: "Mom, why do you ask that?"

"No reason. I just think that my baby girl is so good that she should be chased by boys." No matter what others think of Jirou, in the eyes of Ji's mother, Jirou is the best child, and no one else can compare with her. Fuck her.

"Sure enough, she is my own mother, she thinks so highly of me." Ji Rou smiled sweetly and climbed up the pole, "There is a long line of boys chasing me in school, but who said your daughter is so good? I can't look at any of them. Up."

"Xiaorou, do you look down on him? Or can't you forget him?" Ji's mother doesn't want to mention that person, but there are some people who can be treated as if they don't exist if you don't mention them.

The disappeared Xiang Lingfeng is a cancer in Ji Rou's heart. Only by completely pulling her out of Ji Rou's heart can Ji Rou accept new feelings and continue her life well.

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