My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1099 Extra chapter, flash marriage is unreliable

Chapter 1100: Extra chapter, flash marriage is unreliable

It has nothing to do with him again!

This reply made Qin Yinze frown, and he couldn't help but feel anger rising in his heart: "Ji Rou, you are my wife, I am your husband, and we are a legal couple. I said, you It's my business, don't turn a blind eye to it."

He talked nicely, and Jirou felt a little guilty. When he got angry, Jirou wanted to stand up and fight with him: "I just turned a deaf ear? So what?"

"You..." He has never seen such an unreasonable and disobedient woman. There is no redeeming quality about this woman. He only married her because he was possessed by a ghost.

Jirou is even more fierce than him: "What happened to me? I've been like this since I was a child. If you can't stand me, you can invite the divorce person to come to your door and divorce us!"

"You need to deal with it!" Although this woman has no redeeming qualities, he chose her, so he is not going to let her go, so she must be dealt with!

Ji Rou said provocatively: "Heh... hit me if you can!"

Qin Yinze: "..."

She really thought he couldn't deal with her.

Qin Yinze pulled her up and walked to the room. When he walked into the room, he slammed the door, leaving her and taking off the buttons of his shirt as he walked.

Jirou stuttered nervously: "Qin, Qin Yinze, what do you want to do?"

Qin Yinze ignored her, turned around and went into the dressing room. When he came out again, he was wearing a loose white sports suit, and then threw her a pink sports suit: "Put it on!"

"Don't wear it!" Let's not talk about why he asked her to change clothes. Even the pink color was not her favorite style, so she absolutely didn't want to wear it.

Qin Yinze said with a faint smile: "Want me to help you put it on?"

Damn, he threatened her again. Who is afraid of whom? If you have the ability, come and help her wear it!

When Jirou didn't take action, Qin Yinze approached her decisively, as if he really planned to change her clothes himself. Jirou saw that the power was wrong, so she grabbed her clothes and ran away.

Depend on!

She is definitely not as thick as Qin Yinze, a bastard!

Jirou went back to her room, put on her clothes honestly, and looked at herself in the mirror who was so pink and tender against the pink color. She didn't like it no matter how she looked at it. She looked too much like a girl, which was not her style. .

She didn't like herself like this, she didn't like dressing up like this, but there was nothing she could do about it. If she fell into the hands of the devil, she would lose her freedom and have no free choice.

Dong Dong——

There was a sudden knock on the door, and then came Qin Yinze's domineering voice: "Is it not done yet?"

Jirou walked over, opened the door, and shouted angrily: "Young Master, I'm ready. What are your orders?"

Qin Yinze gave her a cold look: "Follow me."

"Where to go?" She didn't want to go, not at all, but if she didn't leave, he would carry her like a bag of goods, so Ji Rou had to follow him.

He ignored her again, his face was as black as charcoal!

After living here for so long, Jirou still doesn't know that the entire third floor is a gym, with more fitness equipment than in the gym.

Without giving Ji Rou time to buffer, Qin Yinze's demonic voice sounded in his ears: "First do a hundred sit-ups."

Damn it, this is murder in disguise!

She was so hungry that she had no strength to walk, and he still wanted her to do a hundred sit-ups. He wouldn't stop until he squeezed out her last breath.

No, no, I really can't sit still and wait for death, otherwise she will probably not see the sun tomorrow.

"My head is so dizzy!" Ji Rou had an idea and sat down on the ground. She lay on the ground casually, closed her eyes, and pretended to faint from hunger.

But instead of worrying about her, Qin Yinze still said in a cold and cold tone: "You want me to give you artificial respiration?"

Such a person really deserves a beating. Ji Rou can't beat him, and silently curses him in her heart for choking to death after drinking cold water.

Soon, Ji Rou felt the man approaching her, and then she felt his warm breath... This man's breath smelled surprisingly good.

Just when Jirou was distracted, two warm lips pressed against hers, kissing her domineeringly and forcefully.

Ji Rou suddenly opened her eyes wide, saw the faint smile in his eyes, and pushed him away anxiously: "Qin, surnamed Qin, are you still a human? You don't even let go of unconscious people?"

"I've never seen a comatose person who can still talk." Qin Yinze turned over and lay next to her, and suddenly laughed. The only advantage of this girl is that she is so cute!

"Why are you laughing?" Such a lame method would definitely be seen through by him. Ji Rou's pink face was stained with crimson, and she stretched out her hand to pinch him, "Don't laugh at me!"

"Ji Rou..." While calling her name, he reached out and rubbed her head, looking up at the ceiling, "My father and my mother also had a flash marriage. My mother followed my father the second time she saw her. He went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate.”

Hearing what Qin Yinze said, Ji Rou confirmed her previous guesses about Qin Yinze's family. He was indeed a poor child left behind after his parents divorced.

After the second meeting, he went to get a marriage certificate. His parents were quite bold and bold, but they ended up getting divorced. Leaving a child like Qin Yinze behind made him grow into a pervert.

Jirou suddenly sympathized with him, reached out and patted his shoulder, and comforted him in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "Don't be sad, learn from them and don't make the same mistakes again. Flash marriages are particularly unreliable, don't Learn this, learn something good.”

Qin Yinze looked sideways at her: "What?" What is in this woman's head?

Jirou patted him on the shoulder again: "Stop talking, I understand everything!"

This woman's brain circuit is different from others. Qin Yinze doesn't want to explain to him anymore, but suddenly wants to tell her about the affairs between her parents and let her know that a flash marriage can also lead a good life.

After a long pause, he said slowly: "I once heard my mother talk about something. After marriage, she always thought that the marriage would not last long. Until one time when her father was ill, he told her that her wife was not only It’s an identity, and it’s a person who needs to be together for a lifetime. From the day they registered, he handed over his life to her. If something happened to him, she would be the only one to sign in the family signature column.”

Jirou never expected that Qin Yinze's parents also had such a beautiful and romantic past, but the marriage without an emotional foundation still failed to withstand the impact of time and eventually fell into pieces.

Ji Rou turned her head and saw that he was still looking at the ceiling steadily, but his eyes were calm and gentle, not at all like a child abandoned by his parents.

At this time, he also turned his head, and their eyes collided in the air. He seemed to be fine, but Ji Rou's heart hurt inexplicably. She didn't like this feeling very much!

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