My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1116 Extra chapter, there is no other woman

Chapter 1117: Extra chapter, there is no other woman

But just when Ji Rou touched him, he still grabbed her hand tightly with his eyes closed. He growled in a hoarse voice: "Don't go..."

Ji Rou was suddenly caught by him and heard his roar. She instinctively wanted to withdraw her hand, but he held her hand tighter: "Don't go..."

"Okay, okay... I won't leave, I won't go anywhere, I will be here with you, always with you." He kept repeating "Don't go" in his mouth, but these three simple words made people feel uncomfortable. Jirou felt the despair in his tone. Jirou couldn't bear to ignore him, so she comforted him softly.

This man is usually as domineering and arrogant as the King of Heaven. Ji Rou can hardly imagine that he also has a fragile side.

In fact, she wanted to take this opportunity to give him a few hard slaps to let him know that she was not someone to be trifled with...but she couldn't do it.

"Don't go... don't go..." He held her hand tightly and kept repeating these three words.

"I won't leave! I will accompany you!" Ji Rou opened her arms and hugged him, answering him patiently.

She wanted to know what happened to him? Who is he trying to keep?

Hearing her comfort and smelling her breath, Qin Yinze gradually relaxed his brows, and soon fell asleep in her arms.

Looking at his stretched brows and his quiet face, Ji Rou couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pinched it: "You bastard looks quite attractive, but you have a bad temper!"

With just the right facial features and sexy lips, she is the type that looks better the more you look at her.

Rich, powerful, and good-looking, there should be many women around him, but she has not seen any other women around him for such a long time.

In addition to her, the other women who appear around Qin Yinze these days are Aunt Qiao.

Although Qin Yinze is not doing his job properly like other rich second generations, he never goes home and hangs among the flowers all day long.

A man who has never made any gossip, but for this reason, Ji Rou thinks he is pretty good.

"Qin Yinze, actually..." Ji Rou lay down close to Qin Yinze, holding his arms with both hands and pressing her face against his arms.

Although Jirou doesn't want to admit that she and Qin Yinze are husband and wife, she can't help but get close to him whenever she's around him.

It was the same at this time. Qin Yinze was already asleep. She could stay away from him, but she didn't. She leaned close to him and could even feel the temperature of his body.

The temperature of his body... His body temperature seemed to be different from usual, a bit hot.

Jirou hurriedly stretched out her hand to touch her forehead. It was hot to touch and he had a fever again.

This man looked strong, but he always had high fevers. He was not as good as a girl like her. Ji Rou looked down on him, but she didn't waste a moment and hurriedly called Dr. Tong.

Not long after, Dr. Tong arrived in a hurry and took Qin Yinze's temperature immediately. The temperature was over 39 degrees, indicating a high fever.

Jirou can't help, so she can only worry: "Doctor Tong, what's going on with his body? There's no wind and rain today, why does he have a fever again?"

Dr. Tong first gave Qin Yinze an antipyretic injection: "Because he drank alcohol today. His old disease not only attacks on rainy days, but also when he drinks alcohol, and there are many uncontrollable factors."

After listening to Dr. Tong's explanation, Ji Rou frowned in worry: "Is there no way to cure his condition?"

"It's not impossible." Dr. Tong said while dispensing the medicine. "This needs to be adjusted slowly over a long period of time, starting with improving the physical condition. However, my husband is unwilling to cooperate with the treatment. This is the headache."

"The body is his own. If he doesn't take good care of himself, will others still worry about him? Anyway, I won't. I hope he dies early." After saying that he wouldn't worry, Ji Rou immediately asked , "Doctor Tong, how on earth is he going to treat this? How can I help?"

Hearing Ji Rou ask this, Dr. Tong, who had always looked serious, finally had a smile on his face: "I am responsible for the medicine and diet to regulate the body. Miss Ji only needs to find a way to get her husband to cooperate with the treatment."

Ji Rou is full of ambition: "Leave it to me, I will take care of it. If he doesn't cooperate with the treatment, I have a way to deal with him."

Doctor Tong added: "Then tonight..."

Jirou said: "Dr. Tong, you go and rest. I'm here to watch. If there is anything else going on with him, I'll call you as soon as possible."

Dr. Tong was not at ease: "Miss Ji, why don't you go and rest, I'll stay with him here."

Dr. Tong is a female doctor. She is not very old. She looks to be in her thirties at most. She is pretty and has a good temperament.

Let a beautiful and temperamental woman stay here to take care of Qin Yinze, in the middle of the night. What if she has unreasonable thoughts about Qin Yinze?

no! Absolutely not! This risk can't be taken, Ji Rou smiled: "Doctor Tong, it's already troublesome to wake you up in the middle of the night. How can I bother you to stay here to take care of him?"

Doctor Tong: "But..."

Jirou pushed Dr. Tong out of the door, smiled and waved: "Doctor Tong, it's getting late, go and have a rest. I'm here, don't worry."

Before leaving, Dr. Tong warned again: "Ms. Ji, please remember to find a way for your husband to take one dose of the medicine I just prescribed to prevent his high fever from recurring."

Ji Rou nodded vigorously: "Doctor Tong, don't worry, I will do it. I will definitely find a way to get him to take the medicine."

Jirou didn't think much about it when she agreed to Dr. Tong. When she returned to the room and saw a few pills, she felt a headache.

Qin Yinze was asleep, and he wouldn't take the initiative to swallow the medicine when he put it in his mouth. If she wakes him up, he won't cooperate with her and take the medicine.

But no matter how troublesome it was, Ji Rou had no intention of giving up in order to make Qin Yinze's body recover quickly. She poured a cup of warm water, dropped the pills into the water to melt, and then took a small spoon and fed him one by one.

Jirou's movements are very gentle. Firstly, she is worried about disturbing him, and secondly, she is worried about hurting him. After all, this man is also a human body, and he will also feel pain.

She was obviously so careful and considerate, but what she said was vicious and fierce: "Qin Yinze, let me tell you, if you don't take medicine well, I will dig a hole for you until you are terminally ill. , I will drag you and bury you.”

"Qin, don't think I'm joking. I'm serious. I'm absolutely serious. Don't believe me. If I say it, I can do it."

Seeing Qin Yinze swallowing the potion bit by bit, Ji Rou finally breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out her hand to rub his face: "Yes, you have to be so obedient to be liked."

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