My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1144 Extra chapter, in the name of Brother Feng

Chapter 1145: Extra chapter, in the name of Brother Feng

Things often backfire. The more Ji Rou doesn't want to cry weakly in front of Qin Yinze because of this kind of thing, the more her tears fall out of control.

Seeing her tears, Qin Yinze knew that he had struck too hard, but he didn't know how to comfort her. He could only lower his head and continue to apply ointment to her: "Be good if you know it hurts, and don't talk nonsense in the future!"

Ji Rou wiped her tears and said fiercely: "You bastard, when did I talk nonsense? You just know that I am a little girl who is easy to bully, so you know how to bully me!"

For Ji Rou, the pain in her hands is nothing, it is the pain in her heart that makes her feel uncomfortable, as if she is suffocating.

She has lived for twenty years, and has not experienced this feeling of suffocation often. Once was when her father died, and once is now...

She didn't know why, but just thinking that he kept her by his side for these reasons made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

Qin Yinze, this bastard, is not hers. Why should he make her feel so uncomfortable? Why?

Qin Yinze put medicine on both of her palms. Then he looked up at her. When he saw her tears, he felt distressed. He couldn't help but reach out to wipe her tears: "It's my fault."

However, as soon as he stretched out his hand, Ji Rouyang punched him and hit him hard on the chest: "Bastard, you are just a bastard! Why!"

"Yes, yes, I am a bastard, so can you stop crying?" This woman started to get angry, and he had nothing to do with her.

"You told me not to cry, so I stopped crying?" Jirou wiped away her tears hard, crying and scolding, "bastard, why do you do that? Why do you do that?"

Why should he make her worried?

Why should he let her care so much about whether he likes other women?

Why should he let her care so much about his attitude towards her?

Why did he make her so unsure of herself and feel so uncomfortable?

"Yes, I shouldn't bully you." Qin Yinze held her in his arms and patted her back gently, "Be good, don't cry anymore."

"I want to cry! I haven't cried enough!" As long as he didn't know the real reason for her sadness, she had no scruples and cried with all her voice to show him who made him sad.

Qin Yinze said helplessly: "You are so old, why are you crying like a child?"

"You need to take care of it!" She nestled in his arms, crying with snot and tears. "Qin Yinze, let me warn you, if you have sex with other women behind my back, I will definitely not I'll forgive you."

Qin Yinze: "Why don't you spare me?"

Jirou: "Do you really want to find it?"

"Never thought about it." He can hardly stand her alone. If he looks for a few more, he will definitely be exhausted, so he will not look for other women.

"Don't think about it." Ji Rou hugged him domineeringly, "As long as I'm with you for a day, you'd better not think about anything extraordinary."

No matter what the reason is for them to be together, they are together now anyway. Both people's bodies should be loyal to each other and must not mess around.

Qin Yinze answered affirmatively: "Never."

Jirou: "Huh..."

Qin Yinze rubbed her head: "It's getting late. You have classes tomorrow, so go to bed."

Jirou lay on his chest and didn't respond to him. After a long time, he thought she had fallen asleep, and she whispered: "Me neither."

She suddenly said this. Qin Yinze didn't understand what she wanted to say for a while. He was stunned before he realized that she meant that she would not do anything inappropriate behind his back.

It turns out that she is not just asking him to pay unilaterally, but she is also working hard.

Thinking of this, a smile slowly crept onto Qin Yinze's lips, and he slightly tightened his grip on her.

The feeling of being cared about turns out to be like this, a little sour, a little astringent, but mostly sweet.

After Qianshui Company's affairs were handed over to Zeng Yunwei, Ji Rou no longer had to run to the company every day and could attend classes like a normal student.

As soon as she arrived at school today, she received a text message from an unknown number - I have a secret to tell you. If you want to know, then come to the Encounter Bar opposite the south gate of the school.

She didn't say what the secret was, and there was no signee. Ji Rou didn't recognize the mobile phone number, so she classified the text message as a wrong message and deleted it directly.

After deleting the message, Jirou forgot about the matter. She attended class seriously in the morning and ate in the school cafeteria with the prince and others at noon.

Just as she sat down, Ji Rou's cell phone rang again. She opened it and saw another message from the unfamiliar cell phone number in the morning - Ji Rou, you are really a heartless and unjust person. It's only been a few months, and you don't remember your brother Feng anymore.

Brother Feng?

Seeing these three words, Jirou couldn't think calmly. She didn't even eat, got up and ran out. The prince didn't know why, and chased her to the door of the restaurant, stopping Jirou: "Boss, what happened?"

"Get out of the way!" Ji Rou pushed the prince away and ran towards the south gate of the school like crazy, reaching the bar mentioned in the previous message as quickly as possible.

It's noon time now, and there are very few customers in the bar. There are only a few here and there, and everyone can be seen clearly at a glance.

Jirou quickly scanned around and found that there was no Brother Feng she was looking for, but there was someone she was familiar with - her old enemy Xie, the school beauty.

When Ji Rou's eyes fell on Xie, the school beauty, Xie the school beauty was also looking over and waving to Ji Rou: "Ji Rou, I'm here."

There has been no news since Xie, the school beauty, was expelled from the school more than a month ago. Ji Rou is also busy with Qianshui Company these days, and she has almost forgotten that such a person exists.

But just when she was most anxious, the school beauty Xie appeared in front of her again. She had no intention of paying attention to the school beauty Xie. She turned around and wanted to leave, but Xie the school beauty's sharp voice came from behind her: "Jirou, there is no such thing as your brother Feng." , I am the one looking for you, and I am the one who wants to tell you the secret."

"You..." It was like someone poured a basin of cold water on Jirou's head, making her sober in an instant.

What was she thinking? Brother Feng has disappeared for so long. If he would appear, he would have appeared long ago and would never wait until now.

It's just that Xie, the school beauty, is looking for her. What secrets does he want to tell her? She didn't think her relationship with school beauty Xie was deep enough to have a heart-to-heart talk.

"Ji Rou, come and sit here. It's broad daylight. Are you still afraid that I'll eat you?"

Since Xie, the school beauty, tried every means to get her to come over, and Ji Rou also came, she sat down and listened carefully to see what secrets Xie, the school beauty, could tell her: "Tell me."

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