My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1155: Extra chapter, I seem to have seen Brother Feng

Chapter 1156: Extra chapter, I seem to see Brother Feng

Qin Yinze has always had a very strong sense of time. If he says what time to pick up Jirou, he will show up on time and will never keep Jirou waiting.

As soon as Jirou slipped out of the classroom, Qin Yinze called: "Are you out?"

Ji Rou said happily: "Go downstairs immediately. Please wait for me, Mr. Qin."

Qin Yinze said: "Okay."

It's class time now. Teachers and students are all in class. When Ji Rou walks out of the teaching building, she is the only one in the entire campus, which seems very awkward.

However, for a veteran like her who often skipped classes, she didn't think anything of it. She skipped towards the school gate while humming a familiar song happily.

——Looking forward to your return, my little baby.

——Looking forward to your hugs, my little baby.

Jirou is tone-deaf when she sings. In the words of Wang Zi and others, others cost money to sing. Jirou sings to death, but she has no self-awareness at all. When she went to karaoke, she was still a Maiba-level figure, and most people couldn't stand it. She, only the prince and the others can tolerate her.


Humming, a once-familiar voice suddenly came to Jirou's ears. Almost the moment she heard the voice, she turned back and looked in the direction of the voice, but saw nothing.

"Brother Feng?" Jirou didn't give up and looked around, but she still didn't see anyone. She couldn't help but laugh at herself, "I must be crazy. I actually had a hallucination in broad daylight, thinking that Brother Feng was screaming. I."

She thought that the reason why she had auditory hallucinations was that she heard rumors about Brother Feng today and thought too much about it, which led to the hallucinations.


Ji Rou had just taken two steps when a familiar voice came again. She looked in the direction of the source of the sound. This time she saw a young and handsome man.

He was standing in the shade of a tree in the distance, wearing her familiar white casual suit. The sun shone on his body, making him look as warm as the sunshine in winter.

"Feng...Brother Feng?" Ji Rou murmured. Is the man under the shade really her brother Feng? Is it really him? Did he really come back alive?

Why is this all so unreal like a dream? It seemed that as soon as she woke up from her dream, everything in front of her would disappear without a trace, just like many times before.

"Xiao Rou..." He smiled and stretched out his hands to her. Just like many times before, when she was sad and helpless... he always stretched out his warm hands to her with a smile. Big palm held her hand and told her, "Xiaorou, don't be afraid, Brother Feng is here!"

"Brother Feng!" Jirou didn't think any more and ran towards him like flying. No matter whether the person in front of her was real or fake, she wanted to hug him and let him know that she was always worried about him.

But, just as she was about to run close to him, her "Brother Feng" turned around and ran away. His speed was very fast, leaving Ji Rou far behind in an instant.

"Brother Feng, don't run, wait for me!" Jirou shouted desperately and chased him, but he disappeared from her eyes and disappeared out of thin air as he ran.

Is it just her hallucination?

Jingle Bell--

The ringtone of an incoming call suddenly rang, bringing Ji Rou back from her thoughts. She took out her phone and saw the three words "Uncle Qin" displayed on the screen.

She answered the call and said dullly: "It's coming."

Qin Yinze: "Look back."

Jirou turned around and saw him standing not far behind her, with a careless smile on her lips: "What were you running just now? The more I call you, the faster you run."

"Just now I..." Could she tell him that just now she thought she saw her first love? Can it? Can you tell him?

Definitely not.

Qin Yinze is such a domineering and powerful man. If he knew that she had a boy she liked before, she would definitely not let her off lightly.

In order to have an easier life in the future and to live longer, Jirou decided to let the past things rot in her stomach without telling Qin Yinze: "Can you control why I run?"

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows and reached out to pinch her face: "Ji Xiaorou, it seems that I haven't educated you enough, and you dare to talk nonsense. I told you not to make me angry!"

Jirou swatted his hand away: "That's right. You said you wanted to give me freedom. Just now I just ran around for a few steps, and you were asking all the questions. How can I be free?"

Normally when Qin Yinze asks her, she will definitely answer obediently. Today, one look at her look and he knows that she has something going on in her heart. She looks very stupid and stupid, and her stupid look makes people want to bully her.

Qin Yinze wanted to take her out on a good date today. He didn't want to have an unpleasant quarrel with her over a trivial matter. He put his arm around her waist and said, "It's my fault. I shouldn't make Miss Ji angry. So now Miss Ji is willing to give me one Chance, let me treat you to dinner to apologize?"

Ji Rou had a guilty conscience, but now he took the initiative to admit his mistake. What reason did she have to disagree? She smiled and said, "Of course I do."

Qin Yinze hugged her and kissed her: "Thank you, Miss Ji."

"Humph, I don't care about you, a mortal." Jirou is a typical person who can climb up if you give her a pole. Qin Yinze thanks her, but she really thinks that she is wrong. He was as proud as a arrogant peacock, and he just had to open his screen to compare his beauty with others.

"Then I'd also like to thank Miss Ji for not caring about me." This girl is really thick-skinned. Qin Yinze only thinks that she is so silly and cute.

"Young Master Qin, if you want to thank me, why don't you invite me to have hot pot." Now that the weather is getting colder, the hot pot business is gradually getting better. Ji Rouzui has been greedy for a long time, but because she got into trouble last time, she is still being punished. During the period, I didn’t dare to ask for hot pot. She couldn't miss such a good opportunity today.

"Okay." Qin Yinze held her hand, "I will do whatever you want to eat today."

Qin Yinze agreed so readily, Ji Rou felt a little uneasy: "Master Qin, are you plotting something against me again?"

Ji Rou always feels that Qin Yinze has bad intentions, and he must be thinking about how to plot against her.

"What are you thinking about all day?" Qin Yinze knocked on her head, "Isn't it okay for my husband to treat his wife to dinner?"

"It's natural for a husband to treat his wife to dinner, but..." Ji Rou stared at Qin Yinze closely, "You are not usually such a generous person. Doing this suddenly will make people panic... Mr. Qin, are you Didn't you do something sinister behind my back and try to silence me with a meal? "

Qin Yinze knocked on her head: "Ji Xiaorou, I think you should change your major and become a screenwriter after graduation. You have such a big mind, this industry is definitely suitable for you."

Ji Rou hugged his arm and smiled slightly: "If I could be a screenwriter, I would be the first one to write about your young master Qin's forced marriage and robbery."

Qin Yinze: "Write it and try it and see how I deal with you!"

Ji Rou: "Tyrant!"

The two of them were fighting fiercely, unaware that a pair of eyes behind them had been staring at them, and those eyes were as red as stained with blood.

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