My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1168: Extra chapter, encountering two handsome guys

Chapter 1169: Extra chapter, encountering two handsome guys

The villa area where Qin Yinze lives is the most famous Xishan villa area in Minluo City.

The Xishan Villa District has picturesque scenery, the air quality is known to be great, and it also has the reputation of being like spring all year round. Therefore, the housing prices here are also quite expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary wealthy people.

The people who live here are all super wealthy people. The most important thing for the wealthy people is money. Money is naturally not in their consideration range.

Their living requirements are safety, comfort, personal privacy, etc., so the security work in the Xishan Villa Area is quite good.

Jirou has lived here for several months. Normally, a person has to go through a series of security checks when entering the villa area. It is not so easy for thieves to get in.

Today was the first time she saw a thief in the Xishan villa area... Just as she was thinking about it, the thief running towards her was already very close to Jirou.

Jirou often read martial arts novels when she was a child, and she became very chivalrous after reading too much. When she saw a thief stealing two little boys, out of instinct, she would "draw her sword to help when there was an injustice on the road."

When the thin thief ran to her side, Ji Rou stretched out her foot and tripped the fast running thin thief. Seeing how embarrassed the man fell, Ji Rou felt a little sorry and quietly took her foot back. .

Who would have thought that the thin thief opened his mouth and cursed: "You little bitch, you are so fucking nosy, I have to kill you today!"

The thin thief cursed, turned over and tried to get up, but before he could get up, Ji Rou raised her foot and stepped on the back of the thin thief: "Since everyone calls me a bitch, why don't I do something small?" What a bitch does is not worthy of you."

The thief yelled and cursed: "Damn woman, take your stinky feet away right now. Maybe I can spare your life today, otherwise you will have to walk around without food."

"Just you? Why do you think you make me unable to eat and carry around?" To be honest, this is the first time Ji Rou has seen such a stupid thief. She stepped on her feet, and he is still here shouting for beatings. Shouting to kill.

Didn't his mother teach him that a good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences?

She knows that a real man is a man who can bend and stretch, rather than overestimating his abilities.

"Qin leran..."


The two little boys who came later exclaimed at the same time, but the contents of their shouts were different. Jirou didn't pay attention to what they said: "Little handsome boy, don't be afraid, my sister will protect you!"

"Are you?" The two little boys were not afraid of the thief, but were interested in Jirou. They looked at Jirou with wide eyes.

When they heard the sound just now and at first glance, they thought Qin leran was chasing him, but now they saw it clearly and realized that it was not the case at all.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I want to help you catch the thief." As the saying goes, good deeds don't leave a name. Ji Rou also wanted to be a hero, but when she turned around and saw two handsome guys, she was shocked. .

The two little boys were still some distance away from Jirou before, so she didn't see clearly what they looked like. Now the two little boys were right in front of her, and she could really see their little faces clearly.

At this moment, Jirou can't think of any words of praise. She only knows that they are the two most handsome little boys she has ever seen. They are so handsome.

The two little boys were wearing the same sports and leisure clothes. They looked about 1.5 meters tall. They were not short, but their faces were very tender. They looked like they were eleven or twelve years old.

"Little handsome boy, what are your names?" Their faces are pink and tender, and they must feel very good. Ji Rou really wants to reach out and pinch their faces.

"Sister, why don't we call the police and arrest the thief before we talk about anything else...otherwise we'll be in big trouble if he escapes." said the more lively of the two little boys.

"You are so good-looking, I will listen to you no matter what you say." Ji Rou quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone number. At the moment when she was distracted, the thief tried to fight back, but the two little boys moved faster and one of them stepped forward. Step on the thief's hand and the pain will make the thief no longer dare to struggle.

After the two of them took care of the thief, Jirou just finished making the call: "Little handsome boy, the security personnel will be here soon. They will hand the thief over to the police."

Just as Ji Rou finished speaking, several security personnel had already arrived: "It was our mistake to let you encounter thieves in the villa area. We are sorry!"

Jirou waved her hand: "Forget it, just take the person away and hand it over to the police."

But the little boy who had been silent before said with a stern face: "Don't always say sorry. If sorry is useful, what do you security personnel do? There was no big loss today. If the thief hurt someone, it can be solved with an apology." "?"

The little boy was young, but he spoke calmly and forcefully, and had a strong aura, which made several security personnel feel frightened: "Yes, yes, yes... We will immediately arrange for people to check the entire area, and we will also strengthen the guard. Absolutely No more idlers will be allowed to sneak in."

The boy added: "Then take the thief to the police. I don't want to see unsafe situations like this happen in this area again."

"Yes, yes, we will take him away now." The security personnel nodded repeatedly and hurriedly took away the thief.

Not only were the security personnel stunned by the little boy, but Ji Rou was also stunned by the little boy. She spoke and acted like an adult at such a young age.

At such a young age, he is able to control himself without getting angry. What kind of family is this child raised in?

Seeing Ji Rou being shocked, the lively little boy tugged on her sleeves and said sweetly: "Miss, you are not only beautiful, but you also have a shining heart. You are so lovable." .”

Ji Rou smiled and said, "Is it true?"

Whether it's true or not, these words are very effective for Ji Rou. She is almost dizzy from the handsome boy's ecstasy soup.

"I speak the truth from the bottom of my heart." The lively little boy took the initiative to hold Jirou's hand, "Miss, do you have a boyfriend?"

Without waiting for Ji Rou to answer, he added: "You are so young and beautiful, and most people are not worthy of you, so you should not have a boyfriend. Why don't you find a boyfriend so quickly? You can wait a few more years until I grow up." Come on, I’ll chase you, you can be my girlfriend.”

"Little handsome boy, why are you so sweet? Why are you so good at making girls happy? Did you learn it from your father?" Jirou was teased by a little boy who looked eleven or twelve years old. Teasing, the most important thing is that she is quite willing to be teased by him.

"Little sister, I'm not trying to make girls happy, I'm just telling the truth. And are you willing to wait for me to grow up and chase you?" Although he would say nice things to all the girls he met, today he was definitely the one who said it. Praise from the heart, beautiful smile, sweet voice and crisp voice. Most importantly, he is a bit similar to Qin lelan, the little devil. It doesn't matter whether you like him or not.

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