My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1170 Extra chapter, the sinister little brother (1)

Chapter 1171: Extra chapter, the sinister little brother (1)

Aunt Qiao was extremely worried when she heard that Jirou said that the two strange little boys she brought home came to Minluo City to look for relatives but could not find them.

While Ji Rou came to the kitchen, Aunt Qiao took the opportunity to persuade: "Miss Ji, why don't we call the police? If their family can't find them and report a missing person, then the police will find the person in our house. Even if we jump into the Yellow River, we won’t be able to escape.”

"Aunt Qiao, what you said is not impossible, but what does it matter? We are not real human traffickers anyway. Their families and police came to the door, and we just asked them to take the people away." Ji Rou is a bit less concerned. I don't worry about being regarded as a human trafficker, I only care about whether there will be any inconvenience for the two little guys living here.

She thought for a while and then said: "Aunt Qiao, the two little guys have been looking for my eldest brother for three days. They must not have eaten well or slept well in these three days. I will cut some fruit for them. Please ask someone to clean it up. Guest rooms, and people to prepare a few sets of clothes for them, must make them feel as comfortable as at home.”

"Miss Ji, you didn't know their details when we first met, but you are so kind to them." The husband was not at home, and Jirou brought two strange little boys home. Aunt Qiao was always worried that something would happen again. Come.

Ji Rou opened the refrigerator and picked out two fruits that she thought were good: "Aunt Qiao, they are just children in their early ten years, how can they still lie to me?"

Aunt Qiao: "Miss Ji, I'm worried..."

Ji Rou said: "Don't worry, you can go and do your work. I'm going to cut the fruit."

"Miss Ji, you really don't think about it?" Aunt Qiao sighed silently. Their husbands didn't enjoy the fruit prepared by Miss Ji herself. These two little boys with unknown origins were lucky. If they let their husbands know, they would probably I'm getting jealous again.

Jirou said while cutting the fruit: "Aunt Qiao, they are so young. They have traveled thousands of miles to look for relatives and have not found any relatives. It feels pitiful to think about it. If I am not good to them, who will be good to them?"

In fact, it was because the two handsome boys were so handsome. Who could bear to leave them alone on the road?

Jirou doesn't know if others will, but she is reluctant to let it go anyway.

in the living room.

The young Qin Yinjian sat upright and said with a serious face: "At the end of the war, we are here to find the eldest brother, not for you to come out to pick up the little sister. Do you know what business is?"

At the same young age, Zhan Limo did not sit as upright as Qin Yinjian. He was lying half on the sofa with one foot hanging high: "Qin Yinjian, I am not even eleven years old, how can I I picked up a young lady so early. I just saw that the young lady was really beautiful and couldn’t help but want to get close to her and talk to her more.”

"You still know that you are not over eleven years old?" Qin Yinjian glanced at him and said, "At the end of the war, do you believe I will tell my aunt about the bad things you did?"

"You threaten me again!" Zhan Limo stood up angrily and pointed at Qin Yinjian's nose, "Qin Yinjian, don't go too far. You promised me personally that as long as I accompany you out to find your elder brother, You kept that thing in your stomach.”

"I never remember what I promised you. I only know this bad thing you did. If my little aunt finds out, she will have to skin you." Qin Yinjian raised his lips and smiled softly.

He inherited his father's aloof style. He always looks like a young adult and seldom smiles. Now he looks particularly cute and invincible when he smiles like this. But at the end of Zhan Li, he knows how powerful this little guy, who is not much older than him, is. Dark belly.

" obviously promised it yourself." The little guy Qin Yinjian promised him personally that as long as he accompanied him and carried his family out to find his eldest brother, he would never mention that matter again. It's great now, this sinister little guy doesn't admit it anymore.

Qin Yinjian spat out two words: "Evidence!"

At the end of Zhan Li, he only felt a fire rushing through his chest: "Humph... Qin Yinjian, when I find my eldest brother, I will definitely let him make the decision for me."

At the end of Zhan Li, he swore never to trust Qin Yinjian, a sinister little guy again. Qin Yinjian pretends to be serious and cute in front of his family, but he is actually evil at heart.

"Xiao Zhan, Xiao Jian, I know you ran away from home to find your elder brother, but it's useless to worry if you can't contact him now. I've prepared some fruit for you. You can eat some fruit first and think about it later. There's a way." Ji Rou held a large plate of fruit and heard Zhan Limo talking about big brother before entering the living room. She instinctively thought that the two little guys were in a hurry to find big brother.

"Miss, you're so kind!" Zhan Limo immediately put on a cute smile and put it next to Ji Rou, "Miss, did you cut these all by yourself?"

"Yeah." Jirou nodded, "The cut doesn't look good, I hope you don't dislike it."

"Sister, you cut it beautifully. I think what you cut with your own hands must be delicious, and I will eat it all." These are the tricks Zhan Limo learned from his mother to please girls, and they are very effective. of.

"Eat slowly. If you don't eat enough, I'll prepare it." Ji Rou was also treated by Zhan Limo. When Zhan Limo praised her, she couldn't wait to do something to please them.

Jingle Bell--

Ji Rou was thinking about what else to do when a call suddenly came in. When she saw it was Dai Li, she immediately answered: "Dai Li, what do you want from me?"

"I'm almost done here. If it's too late, you won't learn anything. Are you here yet?" Dai Li's annoyed voice came from the phone.

"What are you talking about?" As soon as Jirou saw the two handsome boys, she completely forgot about her morning plan to learn from Dai Li how to seduce men.

"Ji Rou, your head was caught by the door?" At this point, Dai Li realized that it might be Master Qin who was beside Ji Rou, and Ji Rou didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Dai Li is also a smart person, so she immediately changed her statement: "I was bored and calling you to play with you. It's okay. It's okay. It's a rare holiday for you and Young Master Qin to have fun, so I won't disturb you anymore."

"Dai you have something...hello?" Before Ji Rou could finish her question, Dai Li on the other end of the phone had already hung up, "Why is this person so nervous today?"

At the end of Zhan Li, he came to Ji Rou and said considerately: "Miss, are you busy with something?"

"I'm fine this weekend. After you finish eating the fruit, we will make a plan together on how to find your eldest brother." Ji Rou really treats the two little guys as children and is not wary of them, but she doesn't I know these two little guys are evil.

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