My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1186 Extra: He only has you in his eyes

Chapter 1187: Extra chapter, he only has eyes for you

At the end of Zhan Li, he squeezed in and sat next to Ji Rou: "Sister, do you hate Dr. Tong because you are afraid that she will take away your elder brother?"

"Little guy, what are you talking about? If anyone wants to steal your eldest brother, just go and rob him. I don't care about him." Jirou was really ashamed. Children could see what she was thinking. She Was it so obvious?

"Sister, don't worry, you are our sister-in-law now. The eldest brother only likes you and no one else can take him away." Although Ji Rou didn't admit it, Zhan Limo saw it clearly. Doctor Tong gave the eldest brother When I touched my eldest brother during the injection, my sister's eyes were so fierce that she wanted to chop off Dr. Tong's hand. What if I wasn't worried that Dr. Tong would snatch away my eldest brother?

It's just that every woman likes to tell the truth. For example, their Qin Xiaobao is like this. He obviously likes Old Man Zhan very much, but every day he shouts that he wants to abandon Old Man Zhan and find a pretty boy.

"Little guy, what do you know?" Ji Rou felt warm in her heart when she heard what Zhan Limo said. She rubbed his little head, "Then tell me, sister, how did you see that your eldest brother Like me?"

Does Qin Yinze really like her?

Ji Rou holds her head and thinks for a while. He probably doesn't like her. If he likes her, he will definitely love her, pamper her and follow her. But he has never loved her, doted on her and followed her. He only bullies her. She.

When she went home this evening, she asked him to promise that he would be more accommodating to her in the future and not to be angry with her at all times. Not only did he not agree, he almost left her outside in the cold wind.

How could such a bastard man like her? The little guy said this to make her happy.

"Eldest brother has married you, of course he likes you." Because their family is like this, Old Man Zhan likes Qin Xiaobao, so he married Qin Xiaobao.

Although Old Man Zhan never said he liked Qin Xiaobao, and the two of them would occasionally fight, if Qin Xiaobao had any minor problems, Old Man Zhan would be so worried that he couldn't eat or sleep.

"That's not necessarily true. My marriage with your eldest brother is a bit special." She married Qin Yinze not because of love, but because of an accident. He wanted to compensate her, and then the two of them got together.

"It's certain that the eldest brother likes you." The cold Qin Yinjian took the words and said with great certainty, "Sister-in-law, if the eldest brother doesn't like you, he will definitely not marry you."

"Why is this?" Ji Rou wanted to know how they knew Qin Yinze liked her, but Qin Yinjian took care of his elder brother after saying a word, and had no intention of paying attention to her again.

Ji Rou turns her attention to Zhan Limo again: "Xiao Limo, my sister's brain is not enough. You and your sister can analyze it."

At the end of Zhan Li, he helped Ji Rou analyze seriously: "Sister, if a man likes a woman, he may not say it out loud, but it can be seen clearly from his behavior. Based on my observations in the past two days, as long as you are here, "

"Is it true?" The little guy said so surely that Ji Rou almost believed it. I thought to myself how great it would be if the little guy Zhan Limo was telling the truth.

"Sister, believe me, it's absolutely true that my eldest brother likes you." Zhan Limo raised his hand and patted his chest to show his confirmation.

"Little guy, you are so young, how do you know so much?" Ji Rou carefully recalled the scene with Qin Yinze. When they were together, he did not look away from her, but they were all disgusting looks. .

Qin Yinze always thinks she is stupid, or else he thinks she is always causing trouble. Anyway, in his eyes, she seems to have no merit.

"Sister, you will understand after you see more and listen more." Zhan Limo patted Ji Rou on the shoulder, with a cute look that said, "I have been here, you are still young, you still need to see more, listen more and learn more" .

"Little guy, see what you can do." Ji Rou couldn't figure out the reason. Seeing that it was getting late, she added, "Xiao Limo, Xiao Jian, it's getting late, you two go and have a rest. I'll stay I'll take care of your brother."

"Sister-in-law, I want to stay and take care of my eldest brother." When his eldest brother was in good health, Qin Yinjian wanted to stay with him all the time. Now that his eldest brother was sick, he would never leave him alone.

"Sister-in-law, I also want to stay and take care of my elder brother." Zhan Limo agreed.

"Then you should stay with your eldest brother for a while, and then go to bed when you feel sleepy." Jirou knows that their brothers have a good relationship, and they will definitely be worried if their eldest brother is sick.

But judging from the two little guys' initial behavior when they learned that Qin Yinze had a high fever, they didn't seem to know that Qin Yinze had this old disease.

Ji Rou asked again: "Xiaojian, don't your family members know about your eldest brother's physical condition?"

"I don't know." Qin Yinjian shook his head. If they knew, they would never let their eldest brother be so willful, not treating his illness, and not taking his own life... If the elders in the family knew, I don't know how worried they would be.

"You don't know?" This makes Ji Rou a little bit unacceptable. Aren't they all Qin Yinze's relatives? Why do they not know why Qin Yinze has such a serious old disease? Could it be..."Then your eldest brother has been in three years He suffered a gunshot wound in front of me, and you didn’t know?”

Qin Yinjian added: "The eldest brother suffered a gunshot wound to save his sister. We all know this. We just didn't know that this injury caused such serious sequelae to him."

"Did your eldest brother suffer a gunshot wound while trying to save your sister?" Jirou was a little confused. At that time, Chu Yuan told her that Qin Yinze's gunshot wound was an accidental injury from a shooting incident while traveling in Europe. Which news was it? it is true?

Qin Yinjian realized that he might have said too much: "You don't know?"

"Oh no... I know, I know... I just didn't react for a moment, and I was a little surprised." Ji Rou didn't know why Chu Yuan lied, but she knew Qin Yinze didn't want her to know that he was injured. the real reason. Because she asked him and he didn't say anything.

In order to save his sister, he suffered a gunshot wound. This was not a shameful thing. Qin Yinze didn't say anything, but Ji Rou guessed that he might be worried about her being scared.

In fact, he can tell her that she is not that timid. No, she is timid, but staying by his side requires her to be stronger. She will definitely work hard to become brave and strong, just in case. If there is an emergency any day, she must not hold him back.

Ji Rou reaches out, gently grabs Qin Yinze's hand, and says silently in her heart: "Qin Yinze, don't you often say that I am your wife, but do you know what the true meaning of a wife is?"

His wife is not only his life partner, not only the one who goes to bed with him, but also the one who accompanies him through the ups and downs of life.

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