My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1192: Extra chapter, if you have a son-in-law, you don’t want a daughter (1)

Chapter 1193: Extra chapter, if you have a son-in-law, you don’t want a daughter (1)

"Qin Yinze, you don't need to be so exaggerated when you want to give gifts!" Ji Rou looked at the room full of gifts, large and small, tall and short, and suddenly felt that it was not the door that was blocked but her heart, "Are you Are you showing off your wealth to our family?”

"What do you mean by showing off your wealth to your family?" Qin Yinze said matter-of-factly, "I already have money, so why do I need to show off my wealth? People who show off their wealth usually don't have much money."

What this man said and what his tone was, he sounded like he was 1,250, no matter how he looked at it, he was annoying.

Ji Rou glared at him fiercely: "Okay, if you have money, you are the uncle. Let me tell you, if you have more money than you can spend all, you can give cash directly to my family. My family is short of everything, but short of money. !”

Qin Yinze: "Now we are a family."

The underlying meaning of Qin Yinze's words is that his money is Jirou's money, and she can spend it however she wants. But every time Jirou thinks about it, she is different from normal people, and she can't understand this meaning. .

Ji Rou rolled her eyes at him: "My mother hasn't seen you yet and hasn't acknowledged you yet. Don't call us a family so quickly, otherwise you will probably get hurt."

She is the only child of her parents. Her father has said before that their daughter will look for the best husband in the future, so her mother will be very picky about her son-in-law, and it is very likely that she will look down on Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze: "..."

Could he tell her that his mother-in-law had already asked him to meet and recognized him a long time ago?

"Xiaorou, you are here!" Hearing Jirou's voice, Ji's mother who was busy in the kitchen tried her best to squeeze out, but because the gifts filled the entire living room, Ji's mother couldn't squeeze out for a while, "Just come back and see me. What kind of gifts are you buying? I’m almost running out of room to stay after buying so many.”

"What gift do you think you gave me?" Ji Rou glared at Qin Yinze again, and then said, "Mom, we're here. Things are blocking the way here. Don't rush out. I'll take a break first. Teng, come out again.”

Qin Yinze only thought about buying gifts for his mother-in-law, but ignored a very important reality. Ji's house is an ordinary community house, with three bedrooms and two living rooms. It's not a villa, so there's no room for so many things. For a moment, Qin Yinze, who wanted to please his mother-in-law, finally felt a little embarrassed.

"Qin Yinze, please tell them not to move. If they move any further, there won't even be a place to eat tonight." Ji Rou glanced at Qin Yinze with disgust, put her bags away, and helped organize the house. Gifts big and small, "My mother has everything she needs to eat, use and live. Her only wish is that I can spend more time with her. If you are really serious, let me go home at least three nights a week from now on." with her."

"Wait a minute, don't move these things into the house." Qin Yinze told the workers to stop moving things into the house, then turned back to Ji Rou and nodded: "Okay."

"Did you agree?" Qin Yinze actually agreed. He agreed so easily. There must be some fraud in it.

"You move all the things in the living room into the empty room and sort them out faster. After moving, go to the finance department to settle the bill. I will notify them to give you twice the salary." After ordering the movers, Qin Yinze looked at Jirou again , "I will go home with you to be with my mother from now on."

It is indeed a scam!

But this "cheat" made Ji Rou feel warm in her heart. She pursed her lips and smiled at him: "Mom is not in good health and I am weak. There is a shortage of laborers in the family. If you are willing, then come."

Qin Yinze: "Okay."

"Qin Yinze, do you hear what I'm saying clearly?" It's not like Qin Yinze's style to agree on everything in one night. I wonder if this kid has done something wrong?

"Of course." Qin Yinze squeezed her face, "I'm glad to serve my wife."

"My dear wife, it gave me goosebumps all over the floor." Ji's mother finally squeezed out from the pile of gifts, her eyes fixed on Qin Yinze, looking at him as if it was the first time they met, " Xiaorou, this is my son-in-law."

"Mom, that's him. He's Qin Yinze. I mentioned it to you two days ago." Although he and Qin Yinze have been married for several months, they have done all kinds of things between husband and wife, but The first time she took him home to meet his parents, especially when her mother said the word son-in-law, Ji Rou blushed with embarrassment.

Qin Yinze, who pretended to be meeting Ji's mother for the first time, said politely: "Hello, Mom! My name is Qin Yinze, and I am Xiaorou's husband. I should have come to visit you earlier."

"It's not too late, I'm very happy that you can come see me together." Ji's mother was so happy that she looked at Qin Yinze seriously again, "This child is handsome and has temperament, just like our family Xiaorou is simply a match made in heaven.”

Just now, Jirou was still thinking that her mother would be very picky about her son-in-law. Is this a picky attitude? Obviously not! Jirou tugged at the corner of her mother's clothes and whispered, "Mom, be more reserved."

When a mother-in-law meets her son-in-law for the first time, shouldn't she put on airs, test her son-in-law, and make him promise to treat her daughter well in the future, so that she will be reluctant to hand her over?

But look at her mother, she didn't even have a good conversation with her son-in-law when they met just now, but she actually thinks that this son-in-law is fine. If the daughter is sold "cheaply" like this, the son-in-law who takes over the daughter will not know how to cherish the daughter.

Ji Rou was so anxious that she shouted in her heart: "Mom, what's wrong with you? You can't be confused at the critical moment. You must pass the final hurdle for your only daughter in the first half of her life!"

However, none of them could hear her voice. Qin Yinze also happily accepted Ji's mother's praise: "Thank you, Mom!"

Ji's mother smiled and said, "You have already called me mom. This will be your home from now on. Don't be polite to us."

Jirou: "..."

Jirou's mother's behavior made Ji Rou feel that her mother wanted to marry her off. Now that someone finally married her, her mother should go to the temple to burn incense.

"Xiaorou, please clear the sofa quickly and let Xiao Qin sit for a while. I have to continue preparing dinner." After explaining, Ji's mother turned around and walked to the kitchen. After taking two steps, she turned back and said, " By the way, Xiao Qin should be thirsty. There is a new cup I prepared for him in the disinfection cabinet. Remember to give him a glass of water. "

"Mom, wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Jirou hoped from the bottom of her heart that her mother would accept and like Qin Yinze. Jirou, but when she saw that her mother was so kind to Qin Yinze, she ignored her. It’s also very unpleasant.

When a girl looks for a husband, she always has someone to love her. She found a husband who not only doesn't love her but also competes with her for favor. What kind of talk is that?

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