My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1194: Extra chapter, if you have a son-in-law, you don’t want a daughter (3)

Chapter 1195: Extra chapter, if you have a son-in-law, you don’t want a daughter (3)

Just when Jirou felt that the whole world was bullying her, Qin Yinze, who had taken away her exclusive love, finally realized his conscience and gave her a piece of her favorite braised pork knuckle: "Xiaorou, this dish should be mom's I made it especially for you, please try it.”

Oh shit! This bastard's conscience hasn't been eaten by a dog yet. At the critical moment, he can still remember her love for braised pork knuckles. Woo hoo hoo... Qin Yinze's small gesture moved Jirou to tears.

"Thanks!" She took the golden pig's knuckles handed over by Qin Yinze, opened her mouth and took a big bite. The taste was the taste of her mother's food that she was familiar with. One bite would make her forget all the depression tonight.

"Eat slowly. It's such a big plate and no one will compete with you." Qin Yinze patiently warned.

"You know, I can't slow down when I see delicious food." Ji Rou is still the same Ji Rou. Her straightforward temperament has not changed at all after getting married. Her emotions and sorrows are all written on her face. She eats the food she likes. He eats in large quantities without caring about his image.

"Look at you, you're eating like a little cat." He scolded her in a disgusting tone, but Qin Yinze didn't forget to take a wet wipe to wipe her mouth. This girl is a person who doesn't make people worry.

"Son-in-law, she has been like this since she was a child. Don't worry about her. Eat quickly. If you don't eat it, this table of food will be cold." In the past, Qin Yinze did these things for Ji Rou. Ji's mother did it for her. Today Seeing that Qin Yinze did it so naturally and definitely not pretending to look at her, Ji's mother was so relieved that she wanted to go to the kitchen to cook a few more dishes to show her satisfaction with her son-in-law.

"Okay." Qin Yinze personally served the soup to Jirou. He was drinking the soup from the bowl himself, but he still paid attention to Jirou from time to time while drinking the soup, for fear that she would choke.

Jirou felt that Qin Yinze had robbed her of her exclusive favor, but she didn't know that the two people at the dinner table except her were all about her, and she was the most important person in their hearts.

Although Mother Ji and Qin Yinze were talking at the dinner table and ignored her interruptions, the topic they discussed was her, and she was the absolute heroine tonight.

The meal lasted for nearly two hours. Ji's mother and Qin Yinze talked about all the topics that could be discussed in front of Ji Rou. Some topics that could not be discussed in front of her were not discussed yet.

So, Ji's mother started cheating her daughter again: "Xiaorou, I have a few words that I want to talk to my son-in-law alone. Let's go to the living room. You clean up the dining room and wash the dishes."

"Mom, what do you have to say to him that I can't listen to?" Ji Rou, like many people, has a gossipy heart. The more she is kept from knowing, the more she wants to know.

Mother Ji leaned into his ear and whispered, "I'm going to warn him. If he dares to betray my daughter in the future, I will kill him."

"Mom, you should have done this a long time ago. Let me tell you, men are bad, you can't just be nice to him." Ji Rou noticed Qin Yinze's eyes on her face and hurriedly changed the topic, "Mom, you go Let’s chat slowly in the living room and leave these tasks to me, I will definitely do a good job.”

I hope my mother can warn Qin Yinze behind her back and make him have a sense of crisis, so that he will not dare to bully her in the future.

Thinking that their conversation should be full of dangers, and thinking of Qin Yinze's embarrassment after being warned by her mother, Ji Rou felt happy and whistled happily while washing the dishes.

living room.

Mother Ji poured a cup of boiled water for Qin Yinze: "It's hard to fall asleep if you drink tea and coffee at night. Let's drink some boiled water for health."

"Thank you, Mom!" Qin Yinze stood up and took the glass of water politely. "Mom, I am your son-in-law. We are a family. Just say whatever you want to me."

Ji's mother feels comfortable chatting with such smart people, unlike that little girl Ji Rou, who is sometimes so slow that people want to open her little head to see if there is soy milk in her head.

As a biological mother, I feel this way about Jirou, and of course other people will feel the same way, especially the young master Qin next to me. He has wanted to knock Jirou's head open more than once to see what's inside.

Mother Ji sat down on the sofa opposite and went straight to the point: "Xiao Qin, I have heard a lot of rumors about you in Minluo City these days. I know that many of the rumors are not credible, but I absolutely believe that your Qin family has an absolutely strong background. But I don’t know how powerful your family’s background is, and I don’t want to know, and I don’t want to get any benefits from you. My only wish is that you can be good to my daughter throughout your life.”

Qin Yinze nodded: "Mom, Xiaorou is my wife for the rest of my life. This is a fact that no one can change. I will only be good to her in this life."

"With your words, I feel relieved." Although there are countless people who break their promises, Ji's mother just believes that Qin Yinze can do what he says. She adds, "Xiaorou will take you home to see you today." Me, it means that she has recognized you for the rest of her life. Today I also officially hand over our treasure to you. My only wish is that you will be good to her throughout your life."

Ji's mother had already said these words when she met Qin Yinze in private before, but she still wanted to emphasize again and again that she wanted Qin Yinze to know that no matter how big the gap between their family and the Qin family was, Ji Rou was theirs My dear, she will not allow others to make Ji Rou suffer the slightest injustice.

"Mom, don't worry about this. My wife will only be her in this life, and there will be no one else." Qin Yinze has never been an impulsive person. On the contrary, because he grew up in an environment like the Qin family, he has been doing things since he was a child. Just very calm and cautious.

After making a mistake, he decided to marry Jirou and write Jirou's name in the spouse column. Whether he loved this girl or not, this girl was the one he wanted to take care of for the rest of his life.

The men of the Qin family seem to have this fine tradition. They believe that a woman will be with her for life, and they will never think about it again, and no one else can come into their eyes.

His grandfather Qin Hao only had his grandmother, who was frail and sick, so his grandfather took care of her for decades, and he never got tired of it.

Not to mention his father Qin Yue, he really wanted to spoil his wife to the heavens. The only person in their family who could suppress his father was his mother.

Mother Ji nodded and said: "You have done some things that Xiaorou doesn't know about, so just keep it hidden from her for the rest of your life. Don't put any psychological pressure on her. Let her be with you out of sincerity, not for repayment." Your help."

"Mom, I know." Qin Yinze also had this intention, but he didn't expect that Ji's mother would think of it together with him. In fact, he should have expected that the two of them should be the people in the world who want Ji Rou to be happy the most.

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