My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1196: Extra chapter, a photo of her and Brother Feng

Chapter 1197: Extra chapter, photo of her and Brother Feng

Ji Rou and Xiang Lingfeng have known each other since they were children, but the two have not been together for a long time, so there are very few photos of the two of them alone. The picture in the photo frame was chosen by Jirou from the few photos of the two of them together.

She put their photo on the desk, so that she could see him when she looked up when she missed him, and to remind herself. Whenever she wanted to be lazy and not study hard, she would think about how good his grades were. In order not to fall too far behind him, she would work hard to catch up with him.

Later, something happened to her father, Xiang Lingfeng disappeared, and Ji Rou was framed and plotted by Ji Chendong's gang... and then she fell into Qin Yinze's hands.

After falling into Qin Yinze's hands, she was tortured by Qin Yinze every day. She didn't have time to stay home for long, and she didn't have time to take care of the study, so the photos of her and Xiang Lingfeng were still on her desk.

Ji Rou doesn't want Qin Yinze to know about her and Xiang Lingfeng at all. She wants to hide Xiang Lingfeng's photo, but it's too late. Qin Yinze has already reached out to take the photo frame.

He looked at them in the photo and said with a faint smile: "Who is the man in the photo?"

"He is..." Qin Yinze is a very possessive man. If he knew that she had a boyfriend before, he would have to skin her, so he must not tell the truth.

"Who is he?" Qin Yinze asked nonchalantly, his tone sounded a bit scary.

Look, look, she said that this man was very jealous, and he was going to eat people before she told the truth. If she told the truth, the consequences would be...

Jirou didn't dare to think about the consequences. An idea flashed in her mind and she thought of a lie: "This is a senior of mine, just like the prince and the monkey. We used to be very good friends. Now that we are studying abroad, we No further contact.”

While talking, Ji Rou tried to snatch the photo frame from Qin Yinze's hand, but the guy refused. He looked at her steadily: "I'm just a senior, do you need to put the photo with him on the desk?"

Jirou scratched her head and smiled awkwardly: "There are no other photos at home, so just wash them out..."

He couldn't even hope to hear a single word of truth from this stupid woman who kept telling lies. Qin Yinze's eyes darkened and he said, "There is no contact anymore. I even put the photo with him on the desk."

"I put it before. A lot of things have happened in recent months, and I rarely live at home. I have forgotten that there is still such a photo here." Ji Rou is telling the truth, but it's a pity that Qin Yinze doesn't know how to do it. Trust her again.

"So the man in the photo and this photo are not important?" Qin Yinze slightly curled his lips, and the smile-like arc at the corners of his lips became wider, which made Ji Rou feel frightened.

Jirou swallowed her saliva nervously and stammered: "Of's not important."

She reached out again to take the photo frame back, but Qin Yinze still didn't let go.

"Since it's not important, let me deal with it for you." In front of Ji Rou, Qin Yinze started to disassemble the photo frame, took out the photos in the photo frame and tore them to pieces.

"Qin Yinze, what are you doing?" Seeing a good photo being torn into pieces in Qin Yinze's hands, it was like tearing away her young and beautiful relationship in the past, which made Ji Rou's heart beat hard. pain.

Anger, heartache...all kinds of emotions emerged at the same time, breaking through Jirou's reason. Without thinking too much, she raised her fist and punched Qin Yinze hard on the face: "bastard Egg, who allowed you to touch it?"

A punch hit Qin Yinze on the face, but it hurt Qin Yinze's body. This woman could fight against that man for a photo of him. Who did he think in her heart?

"Son of a bitch, you can just mess with my things?" Jirou squatted down and tried to pick up the pieces that fell on the ground and put them back together.

Qin Yinze pulled her back: "Ji Rou, isn't it unimportant? You are so excited and you still say it's not important? You are stupid. Don't think everyone is as stupid as you."

"What's wrong with me getting excited? You tore up my photos, why don't you fucking allow me to get excited." Jirou wanted to get rid of him, but the man's hand holding her wrist was like two iron pliers, and he was ruthless. It hurt again, "Let go! Do you think you are a big deal just because you have a few filthy riches? I'm stupid, I'm just stupid, I took you home because my fucking head was burned."

Because of her anger, Ji Rou sputtered a bunch of hurtful words. Qin Yinze's face was gloomy, and the air around him was almost frozen: "Ji Rou, try another nonsense."

"It's nothing to say anything. You asked me to say ten words, and I'll still say it. I really fucking want you to get out of my house right away!" Ji Rou, who had lost her mind, continued to struggle, trying to get away to remove the things on the ground. Pick up the pieces.

That person was none other than Brother Feng, whom she had liked since childhood.

Ji Rou knows that she is married to someone else, so she shouldn't miss Brother Feng anymore... But who hasn't been young? Who hasn’t had an unforgettable love affair?

Qin Yinze must have it too. Can those feelings be forgotten? Why did he ruin her past?

"Jirou!" Qin Yinze endured and endured before breaking the woman's neck.

"Get your dirty hands off! Don't touch me!" Ji Rou gritted her teeth and roared.

"Ji Rou, do you know what you are talking about?" Ha... Now she feels dirty when he touches her. In her heart, comparing him with that man, Qin Yinze really looks like a joke.

Ji Rou is someone who can easily say anything to her, but if you confront her, she will be so angry that she can poke a hole in the sky, not to mention that this matter is also related to her brother Feng.

She said angrily: "Qin, don't you want to know who the man in the photo is? I'll tell you now. The man in the photo is none other than the man I've liked since childhood. We are male and female." Friendship. Not only did I like him before, but I also like him now. I will still like him in the future. I will always like him in this life and will never like anyone else. Now you are satisfied. Be happy."

As soon as Ji Rou said these words, Qin Yinze pressed Ji Rou against the desk. He lowered his head and kissed Ji Rou wildly and domineeringly. No... not a kiss, but a bite. He bit her lip, like He sucked her blood like a vampire.

"Um... let go." Jirou tried to push him away with all her strength, but she couldn't, but she was unwilling to admit defeat. She learned his method, and also opened her mouth to bite him, bit his lip, and sucked His blood.

But in the process of "biting" between the two of them, a bit of ambiguity arose again. They turned the biting into a kiss, and both of them kissed each other with their greatest strength.

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