My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1198: Extra chapter, Young Master Qin leaves without saying goodbye

Chapter 1199: Extra chapter, Young Master Qin leaves without saying goodbye

Standing under the shower head and showering with cold water, all Ji Rou could think about was how Qin Yinze was angry not long ago. She didn't want to be ignorant. If she thought about it carefully, she would be able to discover some problems that she hadn't discovered before.

Qin Yinze's eyes looked dangerous when he was angry, but the danger revealed more of love, hurt, and all kinds of things that were too complicated for her to understand.

Could it be that, as his mother said, the words she said hurt him too much?

But...but...he doesn't care about her, so no matter what she says, he won't care, right? How could it hurt him?

In fact, she didn't want to quarrel with him. Every time she quarreled with him, she was the one who ended up feeling sad.

As my mother said, it is not easy for two people to be together. You must live every day together and don't leave too many regrets in your life.

"Xiaorou, it's cold. Don't wash for too long. Don't catch yourself a cold." Jirou stayed in the bathroom for a long time and didn't come out. Ji's mother was so worried that she knocked on the door again.

Jirou turned off the water, put on a towel and came out, her eyes red and said: "Mom, did I really say the wrong thing?"

Ji's mother quickly took a towel to wipe the water from Jirou's hair. While wiping it, she said, "Xiaorou, if you know you're wrong, let's change it. Now blow dry your hair, put on clean clothes, and fuck it." Apologize to him in his room and let this matter be over for today.”

"Oh..." Ji Rou sat in front of the dressing table and asked Ji's mother to help her blow dry her hair. "Mom, when you and dad quarreled before, dad always let you. Why can't Qin Yinze let me?"

Mother Ji smiled and said, "Your dad let me go because he was wrong. If I was wrong, I would apologize to him."

Ji Rou still cares about Qin Yinze tearing up her photo: "But it was Qin Yinze who provoked me first today. If he hadn't torn up Brother Feng's photo, I wouldn't have said those words."

Ji's mother said again: "Xiaorou, before we do something, let's not worry about whether others are right or wrong. We must know that if we are wrong, we must first admit our mistakes. Do you understand?"

"Well, I understand. Thank you, Mom! Mom, I love you!" With such a good father and such a good mother in this life, Ji Rou feels that she is truly a happy child.

"Silly boy, go find him quickly." Ji's mother put away the hair dryer and rubbed Ji Rou's head lovingly, "Whether he is still angry or not, talk to him well and don't quarrel again. "

"Mom, what if he wants to quarrel with me?" Ji Rou knew that Qin Yinze was very small-minded, and he clearly remembered everything she did.

Mother Ji thought for a while and said, "If you go to him to apologize and he quarrels with you, then mother will stand by you."

Jirou Nunu said with a small mouth: "Mom, so you are on his side now?"

Mother Ji smiled softly and said, "No, I am on the side of the truth."

Jirou: "..."

In fact, Jirou is very happy that her mother likes Qin Yinze so much.

Before taking Qin Yinze home, Ji Rou had been worried about what she would do if her mother didn't like Qin Yinze?

Now seeing that her mother likes Qin Yinze so much, all these worries are gone, and Ji Rou is relieved.

Ji Rou came to Qin Yinze's door full of apologies. Because the door was closed, she knocked politely, once, twice, three times... She knocked several times, but no one answered.

She just said that Qin Yinze is a man who is very stingy sometimes. He must still be angry with her: "Qin Yinze, if you don't respond to me, I opened the door and came in by myself."

Jirou waited for a while, but no one answered in the room, so she pushed the door open and entered.

There was no light on in the room. Ji Rou used the light from the corridor to scan the room roughly, but Qin Yinze was not seen.

Qin Yinze isn't here?

Jirou panicked for no reason and hurriedly turned on the light in the room. As soon as the light came on, Ji Rou could see clearly the situation in the room. Her bed was neat and no one had touched it at all.

The sliding doors of the room and study were also open, and every corner of the study could be seen at a glance, and he was not there.

Qin Yinze is really not here, and the most conspicuous thing in the room and study are the torn photo residues.

Ji Rou walked to the desk and picked up the photos he had torn into pieces one by one, feeling a little sad.

Her marriage to Qin Yinze was an abnormal and unequal transaction from the beginning. After all, she still couldn't live like an ordinary couple.

It is normal for ordinary couples to quarrel. After the quarrel, they are still a family, but she feels that there are thousands of miles between her and Qin Yinze. As long as he doesn't look back, she will never be able to catch him. .

"Xiaorou." Ji's mother was still worried and followed quietly. Now she also knew that Qin Yinze was missing.

"Mom, Qin Yinze has a mysophobia. Maybe he can't get used to living here." Although her heart was upset because Qin Yinze left without saying goodbye, Ji Rou still instinctively made excuses for him and didn't want to ruin his stay. Make a good impression on your mother.

Ji's mother is a person with a clear mind. How could Ji Rou deceive her with this excuse? But she saw through it and refused to tell the truth: "Xiaorou, give him a call quickly and ask if he's home?"

The two had a quarrel, and the son-in-law was so angry that he ran away from home. If something happened, Ji Rou would regret it for the rest of her life. Ji's mother felt sorry for her daughter and would not allow such an accident to happen.

"Mom, he's such a big man, he'll be fine." Jirou sniffed, swallowing all her grievances and sadness, "It's getting late, you go and have a rest, I'm going to bed tomorrow morning I still have to get up early to go to class.”

Ji's mother said worriedly: "Xiaorou..."

"Mom, go and have a rest. He will be fine, and I will be fine, so don't worry." Jirou didn't want her mother to worry about her the most, but she still let her mother worry about her. As a daughter, she It's really unfilial.

"Okay." Ji's mother understands that her daughter is impatient, so don't force Ji Rou to do something she doesn't want to do, otherwise it will drive her crazy if you push her too hard.

When Ji's mother walked out of the room, she gently closed the door for Jirou. The moment the door was closed, tears fell from the corners of Jirou's eyes.

Today was the first time she took Qin Yinze home to see her mother. He came and left without saying goodbye. It was ridiculous to think about it. Where did he put her mother? What do you think she is?

"Son of a bitch, who do you think he is? Why do you bully people like this? Why do you make me so sad?" Jirou was so angry that she bit her lips hard. The waves of distress became stronger than the wave, which made her almost suffocate. .

She hates this suffocating feeling!

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