My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1201: Extra chapter, we can’t let him fall into the hands of another woman

Chapter 1202: Extra chapter, don’t let him fall into the hands of another woman

The prince and the monkey have a good family situation, but they are still students. They usually spend their parents' money, and they are often very tight on money. Now when they heard that someone was treating them tonight, they were so happy that they flew to the sky.

Dai Li knocked on the table and reminded: "I just bought you a few glasses of juice. It cost a lot of money. You two can be so happy. Can you make a difference?"

"What kind of juice? I'm going to order some food and drinks now. I'll order all the most expensive ones that I usually can't bear to eat." I just came here for the show, but now the show only offers free food and drinks. If they don't eat more, I'm sorry for myself. .

"You should pay more attention to your image." Dai Li was a little speechless to the two of them. If any Diamond King or Lao Wu showed up, they would probably be scared away. It seemed that she had to stay away from them to prevent them from ruining her good deeds. , she stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom."

The prince said: "Sister Dai Li, you are beautiful even without makeup. Don't always run to the bathroom to touch up your makeup."

Dai Li said: "I'm not going to touch up my makeup, I'm going to the toilet."

The public restroom is at the end of the corridor. When you go there, you have to pass by the corridor of VIP rooms.

Every time she walked to the door of the room, Dai Li would deliberately slow down, thinking that if Diamond King Laowu came out of the room, they would have a chance encounter.

All the rooms along the way had closed doors. Not to mention the chance encounter with Diamond King Laowu, Dai Li didn't even smell their scent.

Until Dai Li walked to the door of the penultimate room in the corridor, a man opened the door and entered the room. In that moment, Dai Li saw Qin Yinze sitting in the center of the room.

Young Master Qin?

Dai Li quickly took another look, but before she could see clearly, the door had been closed.

Dai Li tried hard to recall the scene she just saw. Young Master Qin seemed to be drinking with a glass of wine. There was a beautiful woman sitting next to him. The woman was dressed conservatively. She should not be accompanying people outside... So who could she be? ?

Could it be that Qin Yinze is messing around outside with Ji Rou behind his back?

Thinking of this possibility, Dai Li had no desire to urinate. She hurriedly turned around and walked back to their table.

Dai Li dragged the prince and asked, "Prince, you told me before that Ji Rou took Qin Yinze home today?"

The prince nodded: "Yes. Would I still lie to you about such a thing?"

Dai Li pursed her lips and thought for a while: "I just passed by the VIP room and saw that the man in the VIP room seemed to be Ji Rou's girl Qin. Could it be that my eyes are dazzled? No, my eyesight has always been very good. good."

"How could it be Young Master Qin? Our boss took Young Master Qin home to meet his mother-in-law tonight. How could he leave the boss and come to the nightclub alone?" Even if he killed the prince, he would not believe that Qin Yinze would do it at this time Come here, "Sister Dai Li, you may really be blinded."

"He went home with Ji Rou to meet his aunt? But... the person I just saw really looks like him." Dai Li might have seen it wrong. This man was the culprit who caused her to lose her job as a flight attendant. She There is no mistaking him.

"Is it not easy for Mr. Qin? Just call and ask the boss." In front of Dai Li, the prince always wanted to express himself well, and he was about to call Ji Rou's mobile phone.

Dai Li hurriedly stopped: "Stop it. This place is originally a place for rich people to play. It's not surprising that Young Master Qin would come. Why are we making such a fuss?"

The prince put away his cell phone and smiled: "If you say no, I won't. I will listen to you in everything."

Although she didn't think it was strange for Qin Yinze to come here, Dai Li felt a little uneasy when she thought of the woman sitting next to him.

When she saw him, the woman was still a little far away from him, but who knew if they would get closer?

The woman's keen intuition told Dai Li that the woman sitting next to Qin Yinze was not as harmless as she seemed.

After thinking about it, Dai Li added: "Prince, why not call Jirou and ask. If Master Qin is at home, I don't have to think about things."

The prince would not be bothered by anything Dai Li said. He took out his mobile phone again and pressed the speed dial button to dial Jirou's mobile phone. The phone was connected. It took a while for the person over there to answer: "Boss, I didn't bother you." It’s time for you to rest.”

Jirou's voice was a little low: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

The prince said: "Didn't you take Young Master Qin home today? I just want to care about you and ask about your meeting tonight."

Jirou said impatiently: "What exactly do you want to say?"

The prince added: "Monkey, Sister Dai Li and I, the three of us were drinking in Charming. Sister Dai Li just went to the bathroom and saw a man who looked like your Young Master Qin in the VIP he asked me to call and ask."

Ji Rou on the other end of the phone said: "So what if it's him? So what if it's not him?"

Prince: "I, we are..."

Seeing that the prince's words were unclear, Dai Li took the phone over: "Xiaorou, did you have a quarrel with your young master Qin? If so, come over. There is a woman sitting next to him. I see That woman has no good intentions for him. If you don't come over, if something happens to them, you will regret it."

"There is no relationship between us anymore. He can be with whomever he wants. I'm not interested in knowing." After saying that, Ji Rou hung up the phone with a bang.

Jirou really wanted to leave Qin Yinze alone. He could do whatever he wanted outside. From now on, they would go their separate ways and no one would care about anyone else. But after listening to Dai Li's words, she couldn't sit still at all. Unable to control herself, she said hello to Ji's mother and rushed towards Charming.

Fortunately, their home is not far from Charming, and it only takes about twenty minutes by taxi.

When Jirou arrived, Dai Li asked the prince to pick her up at the door. After receiving Jirou, the prince said, "Boss, we grew up together. How come Sister Dai Li knows you better than me?"

Based on their understanding of Ji Rou, they thought that Ji Rou would not come if she said she would not come, but Dai Li insisted that Ji Rou would definitely come. Unexpectedly, Dai Li got it right and Ji Rou actually came. .

Jirou doesn't want to say a word of nonsense: "Where are the others?"

The prince replied: "Where is the VIP room."

Ji Rou: "Which one?"

Prince: "I don't know which one, only Sister Dai Li knows. Boss, don't worry, let's go in together and ask her."

"Room 8808." Dai Li also came. She pointed in the direction of the VIP room, "Xiaorou, go in and see him. No matter if he is drunk or something, he cannot fall into the hands of other women. superior."

As soon as she heard which room Qin Yinze was in, Ji Rou turned around and walked there. As for what Dai Li said, she didn't hear anything.

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