My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1215 Extra chapter, IQ was insulted

Chapter 1216: Extra chapter, IQ was insulted

Every question thrown by Professor Xie was answered fluently by Qin Yinjian. In the end, Professor Xie forgot about the lecture and started discussing it with Qin Yinjian.

Seeing Professor Xie's excitement in talking to Qin Yinjian, people who didn't know better thought he was having academic exchanges with some famous professors.

Of course, he also forgot that the person he was talking to was just a child, a child he had just disliked.

Jirou: "..."

She didn't understand the whole class. Qin Yinjian, a little kid, not only understood it but also explained it clearly.

Jirou didn't know whether she should be ashamed or happy for the little guy.

Zhan Limo has been used to all this for a long time. He patted Ji Rou on the shoulder and comforted: "Sister, never compete with someone whose IQ is much higher than yours."

Ji Rou felt that Zhan Limo's words meant that she was stupid: "Xiao Limo, are you sure you are comforting me?"

Zhan Limo smiled, neither admitting nor denying: "Sister, I'm telling you, just admit it if you don't have enough IQ. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, and no one will laugh at you."

"Who said my IQ is not enough? I'm usually very smart, but I'm just a little behind compared to your family." Jirou really feels that her IQ is not a little behind the two little guys. She had never felt that her IQ was not enough before, until she met someone from the Qin family.

Qin Yinze has a high IQ, Qin Yinjian has a high IQ, and the little guy Zhan Limo is also very smart. After spending time with them, Ji Rou doubts that she can no longer live like a normal person.

"Sister, that little guy Qin Yinjian is a genius child. He has been quick at everything since elementary school. There are few people in the world who have a higher IQ than him, so let's not compare with him." The smart and clever Zhan Limo saw through it at a glance Ji Rou was thinking about what she was thinking, and she was considerate and comforted her.

"I understand." Ji Rou smiled and rubbed Zhan Limo's little head, "Xiao Limo, thank you! You are really my little angel!"

Zhan Limo said sweetly: "In my heart, sister is beautiful, generous, gentle and kind, and you are the real little angel."

"Really?" This little guy has such a sweet mouth, it's hard not to like him.

"Of course." Compared to his mother Qin Xiaobao, who bullied him for everything, Zhan Limo felt that Miss Ji Rou was an angel.

Professor Xie is famous for his strict teaching and high demands on students, but Jean was full of praise for Qin Yinjian. Therefore, in just one class, the young Qin Yinjian became the number one figure in A University. .

No matter where Jirou goes with the two little guys, people pay attention to them, which is even more excessive than at noon.

Not only other students are curious about the two little guys, but also the prince and monkey around Jirou.

What's even more exaggerated is that in just one afternoon, the prince and the monkey were already taken as their own by the two little guys. As for how they tamed the prince and the monkey, Jirou didn't see it, and she didn't know.

The only thing Ji Rou knew clearly was that the prince and the monkey followed the two little guys like complete slaves.

"Xiao Zhan, your little brother is so awesome, but why doesn't he like to talk?" Because Qin Yinjian is too cold and cold, no one pays attention to him. The prince and the monkey want to know something and cannot ask him directly, so they can only ask Qin Yinjian. The battle between Yinjian's spokesperson came to an end.

"Generally, people with high IQs have some weird behaviors, which people like us with average IQs can't understand. If you want to know anything about him, you can ask me. I am his spokesperson." Zhan Limo patted his head. Chest, he said with certainty, "But I won't answer the questions in vain. If I answer one, you will be our followers for one more day."

"Okay, no problem!" Prince Monkey replied in unison.

Jirou couldn't stand it anymore: "Prince, monkey, can you two be successful?"

But the prince and the monkey simply ignored Ji Rou's words. The only two little guys they were interested in were.

The prince asked: "Xiao Zhan, is your little brother so powerful since he was born?"

"Well, it must be genetic. His father has a high IQ. I think he not only inherited his father's IQ, but also inherited his father's emotional intelligence. He doesn't know how to get along with others at all." If he hadn't been forced to do so, Zhan At the end of the day, there were only ten thousand people who were unwilling to go out with Qin Yinjian.

The monkey then asked: "Xiao Zhan, where are you from? What are you doing in Minluo City?"

"Prince, monkey, are you two done? Let me tell you, be honest with me." The two of them were like checking their household registration. Ji Rou was afraid that the two little guys would be deceived, so she protected them like calves. Watching them.

The prince dragged Ji Rou: "Boss, boss, where did you get these two cute and handsome living treasures?"

In order to prevent the two princes from having wrong ideas, Ji Rou decided to use her trump card: "The two of them belong to the young master Qin's family."

Hearing this answer, the prince and the monkey widened their eyes, looking incredulous: "Boss, how old is Young Master Qin? Can he give birth to such a big child?"

If it was really Young Master Qin's child, then Young Master Qin would have had sex with women at the age of fifteen or sixteen. He was really precocious enough.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jirou patted the prince on the head, "the two of them are the younger brothers of Qin."

The prince breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, that's okay. I thought you were going to be a stepmother just after you got married. To be honest, you are only seven or eight years older than the two of them, so it is really inappropriate to be a stepmother for them. "

Ji Rou glared at the prince and the monkey fiercely and emphasized: "I am their sister-in-law."

"Sister, don't say that you are our sister-in-law outside. You are so young and you still have a lot of love in your life. You can't be tied to death by your elder brother so early." At the end of Zhan Li, he started acting like a monster again. Maybe he felt that Qin Xiaobao was still a demon. He couldn't do anything to him, and now he insisted on making his elder brother hate him too.

"Well, you sensible little guy, from now on, when your elder brother is not around, you can call me sister." To be honest, Jirou doesn't want the two little guys to call her sister-in-law outside. It sounds so nice to call her sister. It sounds much more friendly.

"At the end of the war, your little butt will bloom sooner or later!" Qin Yinjian said coldly.

"Qin Yinjian, what else can you do besides snitching?" At the end of Zhan Li, he often dared to confront Qin Yinjian, unless Qin Yinjian threatened him with that matter again.

"Xiao Limo, Xiao Jian, sister, would you like to invite you to eat Minluo City's special delicacies?" In order to prevent the two little guys from quarreling, Ji Rou tried to change the topic, so she forgot that she and Qin Yinze were there tonight. It's about dating.

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