My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1223: Extra chapter, sending the news back to Jiangbei

Chapter 1224: Extra chapter, sending the news back to Jiangbei

There is a high-definition surveillance camera in the small dark room. Qin Yinze can see Ji Rou's every move and every subtle change in her expression in the room.

This little woman has such a big heart, even though she was locked up in a dark room, she could still lie on the table and fall asleep without really thinking about where she went wrong.

Did she really plan to stay locked up for twenty-four hours before coming out?

Ji Rou, who was locked up in the small black room, was very calm, but Qin Yinze, who was locked up in her small black room, couldn't sit still. He came to the small black room and woke up Ji Rou, who was sleeping soundly.

Ji Rou was confused: "Qin Yinze, what are you doing? Don't disturb my sleep, okay?"

Qin Yinze's face darkened: "Wouldn't it be better to go to the room to sleep?"

"That's right." Jirou was still in a state of confusion. She didn't hear Qin Yinze's irony and got up to go back to the room. "If I don't sleep in a good room, why should I sleep here? Then I'll go back to the room to sleep. ”

"Jirou!" This woman is really brave. Believe it or not, he will crush her to death.

Ji Rou was so frightened by his yelling that she finally woke up completely. Seeing his fierce look, she felt particularly aggrieved: "Have I offended you again by thinking about my faults here?"

"Are you sure you're thinking about your mistakes in front of the wall?" This woman looked a little like she was thinking about her mistakes in front of the wall, but she still had the nerve to say she was thinking about her mistakes in front of the wall.

Jirou pursed her lips: "What else? I'll fight the landlord here alone."

Qin Yinze: "..."

Jirou said again: "I admitted my mistake to you and accepted the punishment. What else do you want me to do?"

Qin Yinze: "Okay, you said you knew you were wrong, then tell me, where did you go wrong?"

Yes, where did she go wrong?

Jirou thought for a while, she didn't do anything wrong.

If she had to say that she was wrong, it was because she was blind and soft-eared. After listening to this man's sweet words, she really thought that this man liked her--like to torture her.

Ji Rou didn't answer for a long time, and Qin Yinze knew that she didn't know where her mistake was yet: "Since you haven't realized the mistake yet, then continue to think about it until you realize the mistake deeply."

Jirou: "Then tell me where I went wrong?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

As expected, it would be more difficult for this woman to realize her mistake than to reach the sky.

"Just lock her up. Who's to be afraid of? It's not like I've never been locked up before." When he bought her with money, she was locked up next door for a week. Compared with that week, these twenty Four hours is nothing.

"Ji Rou, you're doing well!" Qin Yinze slammed the door angrily and left.

"You bastard, you shut me up in the dark room. I didn't care about you, so you still have the nerve to get angry. You bully me a lot, so you think I was born to be bullied." Ji Rou decided that today This matter must not be forgotten like this.

If Qin Yinze doesn't apologize to her and starves her to death, she won't step out of this room.

However, after a while, Jirou walked out of the room without any ambition and came to the restaurant on the first floor.

I really can't blame her for having no ambition, because she is hungry, and when she is hungry, she has no principles at all, especially when she is not good at eating.

At the end of Zhan Li, he put all the food in front of her: "Sister-in-law, Aunt Qiao prepared these food for you. Don't be anxious, eat slowly."

"Xiao Limo, Xiao Jian, thank you for rescuing my sister-in-law. Aunt Qiao, thank you for preparing so many delicious foods for me." Not long after Qin Yinze left, two little guys came to tell her that her eldest brother was out and wanted to Take her to "escape" with you.

Jirou didn't agree at first, but when she heard there was delicious food, she forgot everything and came to the restaurant as fast as possible with the two little guys.

"Miss Ji, eat slowly. If you haven't eaten enough, there are still more in the kitchen." Aunt Qiao didn't say that her husband asked her to prepare these. If the husband didn't say anything, how could she have the guts to prepare these for Ji who was locked up in the dark room? Rou prepared so much food.

Jirou said sweetly: "Aunt Qiao, you are really my angel."

Zhan Limo got jealous: "Sister-in-law, am I not your angel anymore?"

"You are all my angels!" Jirou picked up the chicken legs and ate them happily.

"Then what is your big brother?" Zhan Limo blinked and asked.

"Your eldest brother?" Ji Rou bit the chicken leg a little harder when she mentioned a man without conscience. "Your eldest brother is a bandit, a devil, and the fate of my fate."

Qin Yinze, that man, is really a cold-blooded beast. He knows that she is most hungry, but he punishes her by starving her. Is he still a human being? Do you still have a little bit of conscience?

At the end of the war, he comforted: "Sister-in-law, don't be angry. We have already helped you think of a way to punish your elder brother."

Ji Rou bit off a chicken leg and asked, "What can I do?"

At the end of the war, he said: "The three of us ran away from home together. We want to protest against the tyranny of my elder brother."

"This is a good idea, but we'd better not do it. We'll be worried if your eldest brother can't find you." Running away from home can scare Qin Yinze and relieve their cowardice, but she He didn't want to see Qin Yinze worried because of the three of them.

Hearing Ji Rou's words, Zhan Limo instantly understood that their sister-in-law hated her elder brother, but she was still thinking about him in her heart. It seemed that they needed to report the news to their family.

At the end of the war, he asked: "Sister-in-law, don't you want to resist the tyranny of elder brother?"

Ji Rou: "I think so. But we can't rush this matter. We have to take our time. I will have plenty of ways to deal with him in the future."

"Well, it all depends on you, sister-in-law." Zhan Limo smiled and took out his mobile phone, "Sister-in-law, smile and let's take a selfie together."

Even though she had been calculated by the two little guys, Ji Rou was still undefended against the two little guys. When they asked her to take pictures, she cooperated and took two photos. She didn't know that Zhan Limo secretly took the photo as soon as he turned around. Sent to Qin Xiaobao.

After the photo was sent, Zhan Limo sent another text - Mom, the beautiful girl in the photo is the person you asked me to find, and she is my eldest brother's wife.

Qin Xiaobao soon responded to the message - Brat, tell me the information you know in more detail.

At the end of Zhan Li's reply - the young lady's name is Ji Rou, which is a nice name, right? Hehe (smiley face emoticon)! Mom, she is so kind to me and Qin Yinjian. I like her very much.

Qin Xiaobao replied again - I want to know how your eldest brother and her met? Want to know if she also likes your eldest brother? At the end of the war, you'd better figure out the key points, otherwise don't call me mom.

At the end of Zhan Li's heart, he said: "You despise me as a son, and I despise you as a mother."

However, Zhan Limo knew clearly that if Qin Xiaobao heard this, she would have to chase him to Minluo City to deal with him, so he still responded obediently to the message - Mom, give me two more days, and I will check out all the key points you want to know. clear.

Qin Xiaobao replied - good son!

At the end of the war, he said in his heart: "Huh, he is a good son when you ask him to help with something, and he is a brat when you don't want him. I really don't want this mother!"

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