My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1229: Extra chapter, the bread is used, not eaten

Chapter 1230: Extra chapter, the bread is used, not eaten

"As long as I'm here, I won't cause you any more pain." Qin Yinze carried Jirou back to the room and put her on the bed gently. "You lie down and don't move. I'll find a way."

"I should be fine after I rest for a while, so don't worry." Jirou had never been in such a situation before, and she didn't pay attention to this aspect. When it hurt, she didn't know what to do. Fortunately, she had Qin Yinze was by her side, and with his thick chest to rely on, she seemed not as uncomfortable as before.

"Lie down and don't move." Qin Yinze pulled up the quilt to cover her, and turned around to leave. Ji Rou quickly reached out and grabbed him, "That, that..."

After doing that for a long time, her face turned red, and she couldn't say the second half of the sentence. Qin Yinze was very patient: "If you have anything to do, tell me slowly."

"Well... there is no 'bread' at home. It's not easy for me to go out to buy hair in this situation. Can you please go out and buy some for me?" Jirou murmured for a long time, and finally blushed and put the last bit of bread into her hands. The unspeakable things were said.

After all, buying "bread" has to be done by a man, especially a young man like Qin Yinze. He should feel reluctant to do so without face, but Jirou can't find anyone else except him for help. So after saying these words, she carefully waited for Qin Yinze's answer.

"What kind of bread can you eat if you don't feel well? I'll ask Aunt Qiao to get some hot soup. It will warm your stomach in the cold weather. It should be much better." Hearing Qin Yinze's answer, Jirou suddenly felt that all the strength in her body was gone. Drained.

She was telling him about the "bread" that must be eaten during menstruation, and he was telling her about the bread to eat. The two of them were not thinking in the same channel. What should she do?

Should she tell him that she forgot to prepare sanitary napkins and ask him to go out and buy them for her?

"Don't stare at me, be obedient." Qin Yinze stuffed her hands back into the bed, ignoring her angry expression, "Wait a minute, I'll go get Aunt Qiao ready."

Jirou: "..."

Why is this man so slow?

After walking out of the room, Qin Yinze did not call Aunt Qiao immediately, but dialed Dr. Tong's phone number. "Women are very painful during menstruation. How should we deal with it?"

Doctor Tong on the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect Qin Yinze to ask her this question. He was obviously stunned for a while before he realized: "Sir, is Miss Ji uncomfortable?"

"Yeah." Qin Yinze nodded.

"This menstrual period is uncomfortable. Many women have this situation. You can let her drink more brown sugar..." At this point, Dr. Tong suddenly paused, "Sir, I'd better go over and take a look. This kind of thing It’s not big, but it’s not small either. Miss Ji is young and we can’t let her get sick.”

Doctor Tong offered to come over to see Jirou's condition for two reasons. First, she didn't want to miss any opportunity to have close contact with Qin Yinze; second, she had to show concern for the hostess, otherwise what should she do? A qualified personal physician.

"I'll give you ten minutes." After saying that, Qin Yinze hung up the phone. In front of Dr. Tong, he was a man as cold as ice, even the most basic polite language when dealing with people was omitted.

Listening to the busy signal on the phone, Dr. Tong was so angry that he smashed the phone out: "Damn it, Jirou, you little bitch, just wait for me. If my aunt doesn't get rid of you, I will take your fucking surname."

After scolding, Dr. Tong calmed down quickly. She picked up the phone she had smashed out and said to herself: "Little bitch, just wait for me."

Before long, she will get rid of the thorn in her heart, and she will get the man she wants. Qin Yinze is hers and can only belong to her. No other woman can touch him.

Aunt Qiao, who was about to take a rest, saw Qin Yinze coming downstairs. She quickly turned back and said politely: "Sir, is there anything else you want me to do?"

"That girl asked me to buy bread for her in the middle of the night, but I think it's not good for her to eat bread when she's not feeling well." Qin Yinze rarely explained to Aunt Qiao, "Aunt Qiao, that girl has a stomachache. Look at the girl's menstrual period. What’s better to eat?”

Aunt Qiao is a woman. There are some things that only women can understand. The pain during menstrual period can kill half of your life. Who has the heart to eat bread at this time?

So Aunt Qiao is sure that the bread Jirou is talking about must be the things she needs during her menstrual period. However, their husband doesn't understand anything and really thinks that Jirou wants to eat bread.

It was funny just thinking about it, but Aunt Qiao didn't dare to laugh, so she could only hold it in: "Sir, I think what Miss Ji needs is not bread to eat, but bread to use."

"What bread is used for food?" Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows when he heard these unfamiliar words.

"Sir, if I'm not wrong, what Miss Ji needs is something for her menstrual period." It's over. I can't hold back my laughter anymore. I have to find a way to get out, otherwise I will definitely be punished if I laugh out loud. "Sir, I'm going out to buy some for her now."

Now that it's all said and done, if Qin Yinze doesn't understand, it means there's something wrong with his IQ.

He pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Aunt Qiao, go and watch her for me, and I'll buy it." For the things Ji Rou wants to use, it's safer for him to go there in person.

Watching Qin Yinze leave, Aunt Qiao immediately went to make a cup of brown sugar water for Ji Rou. Just coming out of the kitchen, she met Dr. Tong who came in a hurry: "Doctor Tong, why are you here so late?"

"Mr. called and asked me to come and see Miss Ji." In Dr. Tong's view, there is no need to explain why she came here to Aunt Qiao, a servant. But as long as she doesn't get Qin Yinze for one day, she will not do anything inappropriate. Any action she takes will make these people become obstacles on the way forward, so she will not offend Aunt Qiao and still respond politely.

"That's right." Dr. Tong has always played the role of an upright and intellectual doctor in front of Aunt Qiao, and Aunt Qiao also has a good impression of her. "I also happened to prepare brown sugar water for Miss Ji, so let's go up together. .”

"Is this for Miss Ji?" Dr. Tong looked at the brown sugar water in Aunt Qiao's hand, a fierce light flashed in her eyes, "Aunt Qiao, did Mr. go out just now?"

"Sir went out to buy necessities for Miss Ji." Mentioning this matter, Aunt Qiao's face was full of smiles, "Sir really loves Miss Ji, and even has to buy such things in person."

"Yes, sir, he really loves Miss Ji..." When Dr. Tong heard these words, he wanted to let Ji Rou die immediately, but he still laughed with her, "Aunt Qiao, I came to see Miss Ji. I'll bring her a bowl of brown sugar water."

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