My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1239 Extra chapter, found some clues

Chapter 1240: Extra chapter, found some clues

"Qin Yinze, did you eat honey this morning?" This man usually doesn't talk much, but when he talks about love, it's so disgusting that it's hard to resist.

"Well, it's possible to eat it. Do you want to try it?" he asked her, but without waiting for her answer, his lips covered hers again, like tasting a blooming poppy flower, "ravaging it" as much as he could "Looking at her.

"Qin Yinze, don't do this..." Ji Rou wanted to stop him, but she couldn't make a sound at all, because as soon as she opened her mouth, he occupied her base.

His strong masculine hormonal aura disturbed her mind. She could not refuse his request for a kiss and could only fall in love with him.

Later, Ji Rou didn't know when the lingering kiss ended. Anyway, all she could think about throughout the morning was how Qin Yinze was kissing her.

His lips are so sexy!

His kiss was so domineering!

His hands are very strong!

His warmth almost burned her.

"Boss, boss... what are you thinking about?" Suddenly awakened by the prince's whirring voice, Jirou scratched her head awkwardly, "What happened?"

"It's okay." The prince stared at Jirou.

"Why are you shouting so loudly when you have nothing to do? It's scary." Ji Rou glared at him dissatisfied and reached out to open the book, but she didn't even notice that the book had been knocked down because she was still recalling how Qin Yinze kissed that bastard. her.

"You didn't answer my call for a long time. Can you hear me if I don't speak louder?" Seeing Jirou's face full of joy, the prince curled his lips and said, "Boss, you must be thinking about something inappropriate for children."

"What are you talking about?" The prince got it right, Ji Rou glared at him fiercely, "What did you call me for?"

The prince put a letter into Jirou's hand: "I met the school beauty Xie this morning as soon as I left the house. She asked me to give this letter to you and said that you would definitely thank her."

"Thank you for the school beauty who asked you to give it to me?" Ji Rou immediately thought of what happened last night. She didn't waste a moment and hurriedly opened the envelope. There was still a photo in the envelope, and it was Brother Feng whom Ji Rou was familiar with. Photo.

Different from yesterday's photo, Brother Feng in this photo is wearing the off-white casual clothes she is most familiar with. His whole body is clean, like a prince walking out of a painting.

The smile on his face in the photo is brighter than the sun. Especially his bright eyes, Ji Rou seemed to be able to see the tenderness in his eyes even when she looked at him in the photo.

"Brother Feng——"

"Boss, how come Xie, the school beauty, has a photo of Senior Feng?" While speaking, the prince saw a few lines of words densely written on the back of the photo, "Boss, there are words on the back of the photo."

Jirou immediately turned over the photo and took a look. With just one glance, Jirou was sure that these words were written by her brother Feng. She used to see these handwritings every day and even imitated them for a while. She couldn't be more familiar with them.

——Xiaorou, when you read this text, I may no longer be here. But don’t be sad or sad, Brother Feng will always love you no matter where he goes.

——Xiao Rou, I seem to be being watched by someone. I didn't know who they were or why they were targeting me. I just feel that they are so scary, a fear I have never encountered in my twenty-two years of life. I felt like he had fallen into their net, and they were closing it step by step, and by the time they had closed it, I might be dead.

——Xiaorou, Uncle Ji just left you not long ago. You need people around you. I also want to take good care of you and protect you, and don’t let Ji Chendong’s gang bully you. But now, I can’t even guarantee my own safety. , I am such a useless guy.

——Xiaorou, I want to tell you, if I really suffer misfortune, you must take care of yourself and your aunt. You have to know that the person that Uncle Ji and I worry about the most in our lives is you.

——Xiao Rou, the person who is targeting me is a very mysterious and powerful person. Judging from the situation in the past two days, I think as long as they don't let me go, I will never escape their grasp.

——Xiaorou, you have to remember that in the future, even if you know that they are murderers, you must stay away from these people. You must not touch their stones with eggs. You must live well and save Uncle Ji and Feng. Brother, live well.

——Xiaorou, as the old saying goes, as long as you are alive, there are infinite hopes and possibilities! So no matter what happens, you must live well.

Powerful, yet very mysterious——

The first person who flashed into Ji Rou's mind was the most mysterious man in Minluo City, Mr. Qin, who was in charge of the economic lifeline of the entire Minluo City.

But how is it possible?

The Qin family has no grudges against the Xiang family. They have never even met Qin Yinze before. There is no reason for them to target Brother Feng. There must be someone else who is targeting Brother Feng.

Maybe these people deliberately pretended to be mysterious and misled Brother Feng in order to conceal their true identity.

"Brother Feng, you noticed the abnormality long before you disappeared, but why didn't you tell me? If you had told me, we would have worked out a solution together, maybe you wouldn't have..." Thinking of that bloody photo, I thought The bloody person in the photo made Jirou's heart ache again.

Things have developed in the worst direction. Her brother Feng was killed, and there is no possibility anymore...

Ji Rou sticks Brother Feng's photo on her chest closest to her heart: "Brother Feng, you left this clue to guide Xiaorou to find your murderer, right? Don't worry, Xiaorou will definitely find the murderer. I will definitely avenge you.”

"Boss, we analyzed all the powerful people in Minluo City yesterday, but we couldn't find any clues. We almost gave up. Now that we have the letter from Senior Feng, do we need to add it to yesterday's character list? "Continue to look for clues?" The prince also thought that he must find out the big shot who killed Senior Feng.

"Well, continue to look for clues on the people on that list." Ji Rou bit her lip and said, "Prince, regarding Brother Feng's matter, let's investigate quietly and don't alert the teachers and students in the school, so as not to alert others. "

"Boss, I know, I will never talk nonsense."

"By the way, did school beauty Xie say anything to you this morning?"

The prince thought about it seriously: "I didn't say anything more."

"In this way, if she wants you to bring me something next time, you must refuse and let her come to me in person."

"Boss, do you think the school beauty Xie must be an insider?"

"Otherwise?" Ji Rou affirmed, "Xie Meimei must know a lot of things that we don't know. She is our only breakthrough in investigating this case. As long as she breaks through, the rest of the matter will be easy to handle."

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