My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1256: Extra chapter, you are his motive for committing the crime

Chapter 1257: Extra chapter, you are his motive

"You're right. When Xiang Lingfeng disappeared, you didn't know Qin Yinze, but Qin Yinze knew you." Xie the school belle on the other end of the phone said in a leisurely manner, which whetted Ji Rou's appetite. .

"Xie Meimei, I'm very grateful to you for telling me the news that Brother Feng is still alive, but I will never allow you to slander Qin Yinze just because you told me the news." Ji Rou knows something about Qin Yinze's man. She was so firm in her belief that Qin Yinze would not do such an insidious and vicious thing, but she could not find a better reason to defend Qin Yinze.

Just when Jirou paused, Xie, the school beauty, found a new excuse: "Jirou, Jirou, you are usually a very smart person, right? What's the point of pretending to be stupid with me now?"

Jirou clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth, and said angrily: "Xie Meimei, I just want to know where Xiang Lingfeng is. I have no intention of pretending to be crazy with you."

"Ji Rou, I would like to ask you, do you not believe that Qin Yinze will be the murderer who hurt Xiang Lingfeng? Or do you clearly know that Qin Yinze is the murderer who hurt Xiang Lingfeng, but because Qin Yinze is now Your man, you have to protect him, so you don't care about the man who once protected you with his life?" Xie Xiaohua knows where Ji Rou's weakness is, and every word she speaks goes straight to the weakest point in Ji Rou's heart. place.

"Xie Meimei, don't talk nonsense!" Ji Rou never thought of defending Qin Yinze, she just believed that Qin Yinze would not be the murderer of Brother Feng.

Suppose... Suppose Qin Yinze is really the murderer who hurt Brother Feng, she will still seek justice for Brother Feng. No matter who suffered the injury from Brother Feng, she will never let it go so easily.

"I don't expect you to believe what I say, but it's my business to say it or not. It's your business to believe it or not." Xie the school beauty smiled and said, "Ji Rou, even if you don't believe Xiang Lingfeng, you still I won't find it strange if you are alive. After all, you are no longer the Ji Rou that Xiang Lingfeng still misses while lying on the operating table. You have changed, but he doesn't know it yet. "

"Xie Meimei, we've talked so much, you can always tell me where Xiang Lingfeng is." After talking for so long, Ji Rou gradually figured out Xie's way of talking. Anyway, Xie the school beauty can't live without her. Slander Qin Yinze and ridicule her.

As long as she doesn't fall for it, Xie's conspiracy will not succeed.

Xie the school beauty said again: "Jirou, I have told you so much, but you still haven't understood what I mean?"

Jirou asked: "Then what do you mean?"

Xie Xie, the school beauty, pretended to be disappointed and said: "Even if you don't believe what I said today, I still have to remind you. If you still have some old feelings for Xiang Lingfeng, just destroy everything you heard today." In your belly, don’t tell anyone that Xiang Lingfeng is still alive, especially Qin Yinze. "

Look, Xie, the school belle, couldn't do without slandering Qin Yinze in two sentences. Ji Rou chose not to believe it: "Xie Meimei, stop saying that the murderer is Qin Yinze. No matter what you say, I won't believe what you say." . If you are really good for Xiang Lingfeng, then tell me where he is?"

"Jirou, I've made it very clear to you that I will never tell you where Xiang Lingfeng is, and you don't want to check it out. If the news that he is still alive leaks out and your men find out, Even if he has ten lives, it's not enough for Qin Yinze. If you still want Xiang Lingfeng to live well, then pretending not to know anything is the greatest help to Xiang Lingfeng. "

"Then can you let me have a phone call with him? Let me hear his voice." Ji Rou can't rest assured that she can't see Xiang Lingfeng, but can hear his voice to confirm that he is still alive.

But Xie Meimei won't say it. Before Xiang Lingfeng thinks of a way to deal with Qin Yinze, he can't be exposed and let Qin Yinze know that he is still alive, otherwise he may really die this time. Corpse.

"I've said it all. It's up to you whether you believe it or not. Anyway, I've told you everything I can. In short, if you want Xiang Lingfeng to still be alive and well, then don't reveal the news that he is still alive. And you'd better not try to find him, otherwise if your man knows that he is still alive, they may find Xiang Lingfeng again at any time. If he is found by those people again, I am afraid he will die. "

"Xie Meimei, what does Qin Yinze have to do with you?" In the past, Xie, the school beauty, didn't like Ji Rou. Now Ji Rou also feels that Xie, the school beauty, keeps throwing dirty water on Qin Yinze. It's most likely because Xie, the school beauty, still doesn't want to She's doing well, but Xie's tone doesn't sound like it.

"If you don't believe me, you can go back and get it from Qin Yinze to see if he knows about Xiang Lingfeng's death." Xie Xiaohua repeatedly warned, "Ji Rou, remember everything I said to you. In a word, your actions are related to Xiang Lingfeng's life and death. If you act recklessly, he may lose his life because of you, so you know what to do."

Xie Xiaohua was so sure about every word she said. It didn't sound like she had wronged Qin Yinze. Could it be that there was a secret in this matter that they didn't know?

"Xie school beauty, I don't know why you bit Qin Yinze, but I believe it's definitely not him. He has no motive for committing the crime at all." There was no need to explain to Xie school beauty, but Ji Rou just didn't want anyone to She couldn't let Qin Yinze take the blame for someone else's wrongful accusation for something he hadn't done.

"No motive for committing the crime?" Hearing this, Xie the school beauty suddenly burst into laughter. The laughter was so exaggerated that it was like hearing the funniest joke in the world. "Jirou, Jirou, do you really not know or are you lying?" Do you know? If you really don’t know, I’ll remind you that the motive for Qin Yinze to commit the crime was you! "

"Me?" After hearing this answer, Ji Rou's heart seemed to be stabbed hard by something sharp...and uneasiness spread in her heart. Could it really be because of her?

"Ji Rou, let me ask you, if Xiang Lingfeng had not disappeared, would you have fallen in love with someone else?" Before Ji Rou could answer, Xie the school beauty herself gave a clear and positive answer, "Although you are a woman So mean, but I think you have a certain bottom line. You shouldn't fall in love with other men when Xiang Lingfeng is still there. It's just because you can't fall in love with someone else, but Qin Yinze wants you, so he does. He can only resort to the most cruel and despicable methods. If he attacks Xiang Lingfeng and makes him disappear from your world, will it be much easier for him to pursue you again? Do you think my analysis is reasonable? "

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