My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1259 Extra chapter, because he is good enough

Chapter 1260: Extra chapter, because he is good enough

While Ji Rou was thinking wildly, driver Fan Qitian had already driven her back to the community where her mother lived. Fan Qitian stopped the car and said, "Miss Ji, we have arrived at our destination."

"Oh... okay..." Ji Rou came to her senses, got out of the car, thanked the driver again, and then walked home. Just as she reached the gate of the community, she met Ji's mother who was shopping for vegetables in the supermarket outside the community. "Mother."

"Xiaorou is back." Ji's mother saw that Jirou was not in good spirits and immediately reached out and touched her forehead. "My child, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Mom, I don't feel uncomfortable at all." Ji Rou shook her head, trying to give Ji's mother a reassuring smile, but the smile turned out to be a bit ugly. She hurriedly changed the subject, "Mom, what did you buy? Did you buy anything? Do I like the chicken wings?”

"You didn't call your mother in advance. She didn't know you were coming back, and she didn't buy the chicken wings you like to eat." Ji's mother was still worried, but Ji Rou didn't want to say anything, and she didn't ask more, "Baby, I Let’s go to the supermarket and buy chicken wings.”

"Mom, if you don't buy it, don't use it. You should eat less at night to be healthy." Ji Rou doesn't have much appetite. The mention of chicken wings is just to divert Ji's mother's attention.

But Ji's mother insisted: "That won't work. It's rare for my baby to come home once. I must cook delicious food to make my baby full. I can't let my son-in-law think that I abuse my daughter."

"Mom..." Listening to her mother's concerned voice, something touched Jirou's heart. She was sour and wanted to cry, but she held it back.

Ji's mother said gently: "Xiaorou, where is mother?"

"Mom, can you hug me?" What she heard today was a huge blow to Jirou. Jirou thought she was going to collapse several times, but she gritted her teeth and survived.

At this moment, she still can't cry by her mother's side, but if she can be willful for a little while and let her mother hug her, she may feel better.

"Of course." Ji's mother put down her things and gave Ji Rou a big hug. "Little girl, mother wants to tell you that no matter how old you get, whether you are married or not, mother's arms will always be open for you. Mom is willing to hug you when you are in a bad mood or encounter setbacks.”

"Mom, it's great to have you here." Ji Rou hugged her mother. She really didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore. She looked up and smiled at her mother, "Mom, let's go buy chicken wings together. I haven't eaten the chicken wings you made for a long time. I want to My mouth is watering just thinking about it.”

Ji's mother joked: "My silly child, you are still so greedy after getting married. It is my son-in-law who can make money and support you. What would you do if someone else who cannot make money marries you?"

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me. I already have Qin Yinze. He doesn't have any other abilities, but he should have no problem feeding me." When it comes to Qin Yinze, Ji Rou has something to say. Said, "Taking it a step back, if he can't support me, I can make money myself, and I can still make money to support him."

Mother Ji nodded: "Well, it's right to have such an idea. Husband and wife need to be together for a lifetime, and they must understand each other, so that the road can go further and the life can be more nourishing."

After hearing what Ji's mother said, Ji Rou suddenly thought of something: "Mom, you have only met Qin Yinze once, why are you so satisfied with him? What is so good about him that makes you recognize him? "

Ji's mother said seriously: "Xiaorou, mother only sees one thing in her son-in-law. She doesn't see how handsome he is or how rich he is. She only sees how good he is to my daughter. Just by being good to my daughter. In this regard, he is the most qualified son-in-law.”

Ji Rou doesn't think that Ji's mother really understands Qin Yinze: "Mom, I think you are a bit sloppy. You have only met him once. How do you know that he is good to me?"

Ji's mother asked again: "Xiaorou, did something happen to you?"

"No." Ji Rou shook her head and denied it. She would not tell her mother about Brother Feng, and she would not let Ji's mother worry with her.

Ji's mother said: "Xiaorou, there are some things that my mother originally wanted to hide from you all her life, but now she feels that it's not okay not to tell you, so she must tell you and let you know."

"Mom, don't scare me..." Because of Xiang Lingfeng's incident, Ji Rou's heart has been hanging tightly. She is not sure how much bad news she can bear. Ji's mother is suddenly so serious, Ji Rou's heart is hanging even higher.

"Mom is not scaring you. Mom wants to tell you that the man you married, mom has not only met him once, she has met him long before you took her home." Ji's mother didn't want to say it before. , not wanting Ji Rou to feel that she owes Qin Yinze, she hopes that Ji Rou really wants to live with Qin Yinze, rather than living with Qin Yinze because she is grateful for everything Qin Yinze has done for their family.

Now seeing that Ji Rou is so insecure, Ji's mother decides to tell Ji Rou everything, to let Ji Rou know that Qin Yinze is a better man than what Ji Rou has seen.

Jirou was very surprised: "Have you seen it? When did it happen? Why didn't I receive any news?"

"Because we don't want you to know, so of course you don't know about our meeting without telling you." Ji's mother rubbed Ji Rou's head and said, "My child, do you still remember Ji Chendong? Do you still remember that I was hospitalized? ?”

"How could you not remember?" That was the main culprit of their family's destruction. Ji Rou was sure that she would never forget the bad things Ji Chendong had done in her life.

Ji's mother said again: "Mom wants to tell you that Ji Chendong's people arrested me at that time. It was Qin Yinze's people who rescued me from Ji Chendong. It was also he who arranged the best care for me and asked the hospital to He lied and said he was a volunteer. Qin Yinze did a lot of things for you quietly, but he didn't tell you. "

"It's really him!" Ji Rou had never thought that Qin Yinze was helping her behind all this, but she didn't want to think about it.

At that time, she was too prejudiced against him and unwilling to admit their relationship, so she refused to know all the truth. Now that her mother said it herself, Ji Rou was not too surprised, because she knew all these things.

"Xiao Rou, mom likes him not because he has done so many things for us. Mom likes him because she knows that he is a responsible man. With him around, my daughter will never be bullied. "Ji's mother sighed, "If I go to see your father one day, I can proudly say to him, don't worry, our daughter has a better man than you to take care of her, and her life will be fine. Very exciting.”


"Silly boy, why are you crying?" Ji's mother helped Ji Rou wipe her tears, "Now that we know how good he is, it's not too late at all. Just live a good life with him in the future."

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