My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1261 Extra chapter, people with very similar backs

Chapter 1262: Extra chapter, people with very similar backs

Ji Rou first brought some food to Ji's mother: "Mom, the weather has gotten colder recently. You should also pay attention to wearing more clothes and don't let yourself get cold, otherwise I will feel bad."

Mother Ji said gently: "Well, you will listen to my baby in everything."

The meal ended with the mother and daughter having a pleasant chat.

When Ji's mother cooks, Jirou takes the initiative to take over the job of washing the dishes. After washing the dishes, Jirou also cleans the kitchen. Although her mother loves to be clean, the kitchen is always clean, but Jirou I just want to do more things for my mother, even if it is something trivial.

While Jirou was busy washing dishes, Jirou's mother was not idle either. She put clean sheets and quilt covers on Jirou and prepared everything Jirou could use at night.

After Ji Rou cleaned the kitchen, she went to Ji's mother's room and didn't find her. Ji Rou knew that Ji's mother must be in her room. Then she saw Ji's mother busy: "Mom, I can do this myself."

Ji's mother said: "Xiaorou, my mother is happy when I work for you. Don't take away your mother's happiness."

Jirou: "..."

Mother has said so, what else can she say?

Maybe maternal love is like this all over the world. No matter how hard it is to do things for their children, they don't feel it is painful. Instead, they think it is the most beautiful and happiest thing in life.

At the same time, there were also a few people gathering together for dinner, but what they discussed was not the family feud, but some scheming topics, and this place was in the Xishan Villa District.

Xishan Villa Area is Qin Yinze's base camp. They gathered here to discuss how to deal with Qin Yinze next.

Among them, school beauty Xie was not sure about the situation. She was a little worried: "The eldest young master of the Qin family we want to deal with lives in the Xishan Villa area. We gathered here to discuss him. Wouldn't it be too disrespectful to him?" Is it serious?"

As far as she knew, Mr. Qin was the most influential figure in Minluo City. This Young Master Qin was definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. Could they be digging their own graves by hanging in front of him?

"It's precisely because we take him too seriously and don't dare to act rashly that we chose this address." It was Dr. Tong who answered Xie Xiaohua, but she didn't think highly of Xie Xiaohua, but it's just that it's not convenient for them to go there now. The only thing she could do was to spread the news by the school beauty Xie, so she patiently explained to the school beauty Xie, "Someone once said that the most dangerous place is the safest place, you understand."

After discussing with Xiang Lingfeng, Dr. Tong and Xiang Lingfeng decided to set the gathering point for their future gatherings at Dr. Tong's home. This place is right under Qin Yinze's nose. It can be said that it may be exposed at any time, but it can also be said that Qin Yinze Never would have thought of this.

"I understand." Xie, the school beauty, received the answer without saying anything more. Her eyes fell on Xiang Lingfeng, and her admiration for Xiang Lingfeng was written thickly in her eyes.

She didn't hide her feelings either. She just liked Xiang Lingfeng. After meeting Xiang Lingfeng for the first time two years ago on the university campus, she could no longer forget him.

Doctor Tong doesn't like it: "We are talking about business, don't seduce men with your charming eyes, we all know what you are, stop pretending."

"I know who I am, so let me ask Dr. Tong, do you know who you are?" Xie, the school beauty, joined their organization to help them. She did not receive a penny of remuneration. What drove her was her love for Xiang Lingfeng. Xiang Lingfeng was the only one who could make her obedient. She didn't take Dr. Tong seriously at all.

"You bitch, what did you just say? If you have the guts, say it again." Doctor Tong thinks that Xie Xiaohua is not on the same level as her at all. She looks down on people like Xie Xiaohua from the bottom of her heart. Now Xie The school beauty dared to talk back to her, but she wouldn't let it go.

"I like Xiang Lingfeng, and I dare to tell him loudly, but as for you, you like the eldest young master of the Qin family, and you don't even have the courage to let him know. What do you think is so great about someone like you?" Xie, the school beauty, has always been She is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She has often done things like quarreling and hurting others. Now when she is facing Dr. Tong, she does not have stage fright.


Without saying a word, Dr. Tong raised his hand and slapped Xie School Beauty on the face. The force was so strong that five clear finger prints immediately appeared on Xie School Beauty's face: "I can't beat you to death, you little bitch."


Xie, the school beauty, was the one who made her suffer. After being beaten, she slapped Dr. Tong on the face with her backhand: "Tong, if you want to die, I'm willing to die with you."

Doctor Tong covered his face that hurt from being slapped: "Do you want to die?"

Xie the school belle laughed coldly, her face looking as ferocious as a bloodthirsty ghost: "Dr. Tong, I think you must have heard a saying, those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes. Anyway, I don't have anything. Well, death is nothing to me, but for those of you who still have ideals, death is a very scary thing.”

Dr. Tong has a very strong temper and has done many perverted things in the past, but at this moment when she saw the ferocious smile of the school belle Xie, she felt a little frightened. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

Seeing that the two women were almost quarreling, Xiang Lingfeng cleared his throat and spoke: "Now the three of us are in the same boat. It's up to you to decide whether you want to cause chaos within yourself first, or to act in unison with the outside world. inside."

Hearing Xiang Lingfeng's voice, Xie's expression softened a lot. She said softly, "I will listen to you."

Xiang Lingfeng nodded, and then looked at Dr. Tong: "What about you? Are you going to continue to make trouble?"

"I want to tell you some good news." Dr. Tong knew the seriousness of the matter and it was not appropriate to have internal conflicts at this time. She took out her mobile phone, opened the photo album, and pulled out a photo, "Look at it, do you recognize this person?"

"Isn't this Ji Rou that cheap girl?" When it comes to Ji Rou, just seeing a figure that looks like Ji Rou's back makes Xie the school beauty gnash her teeth with hatred. She wants to kill Ji Rou more than once.

"It's not her." Xiang Lingfeng also looked at the photo in Dr. Tong's hand. Although the back of the photo looked somewhat similar to Ji Rou, he could tell that it was definitely not Ji Rou. All he knew was that it wasn't Ji Rou, and he couldn't tell exactly what it looked like.

Dr. Tong said sarcastically: "Xiang Lingfeng, you really have a deep affection for the girl named Ji. Most people will take the wrong photo, but you can tell at a glance that she is not your Jirou."

"It's not Ji Rou?" Xiang Lingfeng didn't think anything of Dr. Tong's ridicule, but the school beauty Xie who mistook the photo looked surprised and incredulous, "If this isn't Ji Rou, could it be someone else?"

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