My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1263 Extra chapter, you never need a reason to protect someone

Chapter 1264: Extra chapter, you never need a reason to protect someone

If Jirou betrays their relationship and falls in love with Qin Yinze, is Jirou worth his care, love and pampering?

The question posed by Dr. Tong was indeed tough. Xiang Lingfeng also thought seriously about the question posed by Dr. Tong, but it did not take long before he once again gave a very positive answer: "It's worth it! It's worth it in a lifetime!"

Hearing Xiang Lingfeng's answer, Dr. Tong felt incredible: "Xiang Lingfeng, are you crazy? Or have you lost your mind? Do you know what you are talking about? That is a bitch who has changed her mind. She Why is it worth protecting her like this?"

"Do you need a reason to protect someone?" Xiang Lingfeng asked calmly.

Doctor Tong screamed hysterically: "Even if you don't need a reason to protect someone, you still have to find someone worthy of your protection. A woman like her is not worthy!"

"I have the final say on whether she is worthy or not. When will it be your turn?" Xiang Lingfeng's expression was still as calm as a breeze, but his eyes when looking at Dr. Tong became sharper, "Just like you, Qin Yinze obviously turns a blind eye to you, so why are you still trying to get him? "

Doctor Tong: "Because, because I like him."

Xiang Lingfeng said: "No, you don't like him, it's just your possessiveness that's causing trouble. Because before him, you have never encountered such a failure in your life. The more he turns a blind eye to you, the more you The more you want him, the more you want him to only have eyes for you. After you get him, trample on him hard, only then will you feel a sense of accomplishment."

Xiang Lingfeng said exactly what Dr. Tong was thinking, which made Dr. Tong a little embarrassed. She darkened her face and said, "Qin Yinze, we are talking about you now, don't blame me."

"My idea is very simple. As long as you still plan to cooperate with me, then you must adopt my opinion. The news you got today must not be spread, otherwise I will be rude to you." Xiang Lingfeng's voice It was still gentle and indifferent, but it was not difficult for people to hear the cruelty in his words.

"Okay, be cruel...I will obey you once today, but I won't do it next time." Doctor Tong knew that it was impossible to confront Xiang Lingfeng now, so she promised him verbally first. As for how to do it, that was her business, Xiang Lingfeng Feng's hand was not long enough to control her.

"I'm going back to my room to rest." Xiang Lingfeng stood up first without asking for the consent of the two ladies present. He limped slowly and slowly walked upstairs step by step.

Now that he doesn't know the truth, he is willing to believe Ji Rou, so he wants to protect Ji Rou's heart from changing.

Because he once said he would protect her - for a lifetime!

The girl he wants to protect, he won't let anyone hurt her.

It takes about two hours and fifteen minutes to fly from Hangzhou to Minluo City. It was already two o'clock in the morning when Qin Yinze arrived in Minluo City. The airport at this time had a much smaller floating population than usual, so he came out of the VIP channel. Soon he saw the driver waiting for him.

"Sir, the temperature in Minluo City has dropped again today. You should wear more clothes." When the driver got out of the car and opened the door for Qin Yinze, he did not forget to remind him to put on more clothes.

In the first three years, when Qin Yinze closed himself in his own world, he would feel very annoyed when he heard these words. But now his mood is different. He feels warm when he hears other people's care. He nods. : "I will. You should also keep warm."

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Qin Yinze!" Qin Yinze replied with such a short sentence. When he heard the driver's ears, he was even happier than winning the lottery. He even felt much happier when he got in the car and drove.

Because Qin Yinze sent a text message to Ji's mother earlier and told her that he would come back to accompany Ji Rou in the evening.

Ji's mother asked about the time he returned home and learned that it was too late. She was worried that she would be asleep and not hear him calling to open the door, so she hid the house key under the carpet outside the door.

Therefore, when Qin Yinze arrived at Ji's house, he found the key that Ji's mother had hidden under the carpet and entered the house smoothly.

Mother Ji is a very considerate person. Knowing that Qin Yinze would come, she left a lamp for him in the living room. After entering the room, looking at the warm light, Qin Yinze felt a little warm in his heart and felt the warmth of home. .

In the past, when he was still in the Qin family, no matter how late he came home from work, his mother would leave a light for him. Ji's mother's behavior reminded him of his mother whom he had not seen for a long time.

They are all very warm and considerate elders.

But it was getting late, and he had to rush back to Hangcheng to continue the next meeting. He took the time to accompany the people he wanted to accompany. Unexpectedly, just when he was trying to "sneak into" Ji Rou's room, Ji's mother The door of the room suddenly opened.

It was now three o'clock in the morning, and Ji's mother was already very sleepy, but thinking that her son-in-law was coming back, she kept waiting with her eyes open. She also dozed off for a few hours, but because she had something on her mind, she couldn't sleep well yet. Then he woke up again.

At this moment, she heard a sound in the house. Mother Ji got up, put on some clothes and came out. When she saw it was Qin Yinze, she smiled softly: "My child, I have traveled so far in the middle of the night, I will get it for you." Let’s order some late-night snacks.”

They only met twice, but when Ji's mother saw Qin Yinze again, she didn't treat him as an outsider, and she didn't say any polite words. She just wanted to help him get a midnight snack.

"Mom, no need, I just ate on the plane." Qin Yinze didn't eat the food on the plane, but he didn't want to make his elders work hard, so he told a little lie at will.

"Are you really not hungry?" Ji's mother asked with concern.

"I'm really not hungry." If you don't eat a meal, you really won't be hungry.

"Then you go back to the house to wash up and rest. I have prepared a change of clothes and toiletries for you in Xiaorou's room." These were prepared by Ji Rou's mother last time she brought Qin Yinze home. That time he When there was no use, he left, and Ji’s mother stayed until now.

"Well..." Qin Yinze nodded, "Mom, you should also go to bed early."

"Okay." Ji's mother didn't delay much, because she could see that his son-in-law was eager to see her daughter. As a mother, she still had to be more sensible and stop being a light bulb.

Qin Yinze came to Jirou's room lightly and saw that Jirou's sleeping posture on the bed was not very good. She kicked the quilt away. He walked over and pulled up the quilt to cover her: "Such a big one It’s really disturbing to be a human being and still sleep like a child.”

"Qin Yinze——"

Qin Yinze had just helped her pull up the quilt, and she suddenly called his name, which made Qin Yinze think she had woken her up. Only when Dingqing took a look did he realize that she was talking in her sleep.

She called his name in the dream, and it was no wonder that he came back to be with her all night long. Qin Yinze felt a warm current flowing slowly in his chest. He couldn't help but reach out and touch her head: "Silly girl, what did you call me for?"

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