My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1266: Extra chapter, I woke up late because of you

Chapter 1267: Extra chapter, I woke up late because of you

Suddenly, Ji Rou thought of another person - Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze has old injuries on his body, and every time the weather changes, the old diseases will attack.

Jirou turned around, picked up her phone and dialed Qin Yinze's number. After dialing his phone, she remembered that Qin Yinze was on a business trip and was now far away in the southern city of Hangzhou.

Hangcheng is located in the south, and the climate is completely different from that of Minluo City. Even if Minluo City is experiencing heavy snow, the temperature there will at most be reduced by the cold current, but it won't be much colder. Qin Yinze should be fine.

Just as Ji Rou was thinking about it, Qin Yinze had already answered the phone: "Has the sun come out in the west today? Our Mrs. Qin got up so early."

He rarely calls her like this, and it seems that there is no such thing in Jirou's memory. When she hears him calling her like this, Jirou's face heats up and she blushes slightly: "I used to get up late, and it's not all because of you."

Qin Yinze chuckled: "Me? Why me?"

"Asking knowingly." Jirou doesn't want to discuss this topic with him anymore. If he continues, he will act like a hooligan again. "It's snowing in Minluo City, do you know?"

"Well, I saw the news this morning." In fact, when he left overnight, it was snowing heavily outside. This was also the biggest snowfall he had ever seen in Minluo City for more than three years.

The snow came without warning, as if it was a warning, but Qin Yinze found it ridiculous. He had received modern education, how could he believe in superstition.

Jirou asked again: "What's the weather like over there in Hangcheng?"

Qin Yinze was from Minluo City. How could he know the weather in Hangcheng? He opened the mobile weather app in time to check the weather conditions there: "It was also affected by a bit of cold current, but the climate is not bad, neither hot nor cold. "

Ji Rou was relieved: "That's good."

Qin Yinze asked: "You called me early in the morning to ask me this?"

"if not?"

"Heartless little guy."

"Actually, I see that the weather has changed, and I want you to keep warm. You are alone outside without me. If you have a fever, no one will take care of you."

"So you are quite important to me."

"Isn't it important?"

"Well, it's quite important. If you're not with me, I feel like I can't eat well and can't sleep."

"Young Master Qin, when did you learn to say these sweet words?"

"In order to tell you, I went to learn it specially."

"Humph, I'm afraid it's just to tell other women when they're out." Ji Rou was happy when she heard Qin Yinze say nice things, but she couldn't change her bad habit of being a tough talker, "Qin Yinze, I'm warning you, if you dare to wander around outside behind my back, I will let you know what it means to walk around without food."

"Okay, I'm waiting for you to make me walk around without food." Qin Yinze just likes Ji Rou's arrogant and savage energy. She is real and lovely like this.


"Ji Xiaorou, you..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"It's nothing. You too, remember to eat and put on extra clothes."

"I'm so good at eating, but you're still worried that I'll go hungry."

"You really don't have to worry about that."

"Xiaorou..." Seeing that Jirou didn't go out for breakfast, Ji's mother came to the room to look for her again.

"Mom is calling me for breakfast again. I'll hang up now. I'll call you when you are free in the evening." Ji Rou hung up the phone and looked at Ji's mother who was waiting for her at the door. "Mom, I'm sorry. You’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Ji's mother asked: "Are you talking to your son-in-law on the phone?"

Ji Rou nodded: "Yeah."

Ji's mother said again: "Xiaorou, Qin Yinze came back to see you last night."

"He came back to see me?" Ji Rou didn't believe it, "Why didn't I know?"

"He came back very late, didn't stay long and then left."

"Mom, is it true? Then why didn't he wake me up?"

"How could he bother to wake you up in the middle of the night?"

"Then what is he doing back?"

"Why did he come back?" Ji's mother felt sorry for her silly daughter, "Silly girl, of course I miss you."

Jirou pursed her lips: "Missing me but not waking me up, what kind of thing is missing me? I really don't understand what he is thinking."

Mother Ji said gently: "Men and women in love never need reasons or logic to do things. Sometimes they may do childish things that only a three-year-old would do."

"Then it snowed so heavily last night, how could he fly to Hangzhou?"

"You'd better ask him about this."

"Mom, you have breakfast first, and I'll call and ask where he is." Ji Rou dialed Qin Yinze's phone number again, and soon the person over there answered, "Qin Yinze, what on earth are you doing?" Where is it?"

"Honey, I'm in a meeting!" Counting the time, if he was in Hangcheng, he would indeed be discussing cooperation with the person in charge of Kaiyuan Group at this time.

"Then you get busy with work first, and I'll call you later." Qin Yinze is in a meeting, which proves that he arrived in Hangcheng safely, and Jirou hangs up the phone.

"Cough..." As soon as Ji Rou hung up the phone, Qin Yinze started coughing violently, and couldn't stop from the beginning, as if he had to cough out his internal organs to be satisfied.

When Jirou called just now, he endured it again and again, using his strong self-control to control his coughing. However, because he had held it in for too long, he coughed out of control this time.

Pengshan rushed into his room with the doctor: "Sir, the doctor is here, let him take a look at you first."

Qin Yinze nodded: "Well..."

In the past, Dr. Tong was in charge of Qin Yinze's condition. Now that Dr. Tong is gone, the new doctor doesn't know Qin Yinze's condition very well. He just checks various functions of Qin Yinze's body. It took some time.

By the time the doctor hung up the sling bottle for Qin Yinze, it was already half an hour later. Qin Yinze was feeling dizzy with fever: "You all should get out."

The doctor packed the medicine box and said, "Sir, I have to measure your temperature at any time."

Qin Yinze: "Get out."

The last thing he wanted was for others to see his weak side.

The doctor looked at Pengshan and asked Pengshan for help. Pengshan also thought that he had more face: "Sir, your fever has not gone away. Someone needs to be around to watch you."

Qin Yinze said coldly: "Get out."

Pengshan said anxiously: "Sir...I...if you feel it is inconvenient for me, a grown man, to take care of you, how about I call my wife and ask my wife to come and take care of you."

Qin Yinze was so dizzy with a high fever that he had no strength to speak. But when he heard Pengshan say that he wanted to find Jirou, he suddenly opened his eyes, still full of momentum: "Pengshan, when will my affairs take place?" Is it your turn to make the decision?"

Pengshan: "I, I don't dare..."

No matter how reluctant he was, Pengshan retreated obediently, but he stood guard at Qin Yinze's door and did not dare to go far.

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