My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1271 Extra Chapter, Mistress

Chapter 1272: Extra Chapter, Mistress

"Pengshan, I'm here to check Mr. Tong's condition, but this woman beat me as soon as she came. You saw it too. When Mr. wakes up, you have to bear witness for me." During the beating, Dr. Tong's hair She looked very embarrassed after being captured by Ji Rou, but she didn't care. She couldn't let go of any chance to bite Ji Rou.

Dr. Tong and Pengshan have worked together with Qin Yinze for three years. Pengshan thinks he still understands Dr. Tong. In Pengshan's heart, Dr. Tong is as loyal to his master as he is, and he doesn't understand Ji Rou. , when he entered the house, he saw Ji Rou beating someone. He thought that Ji Rou was relying on the favor of his master to be arrogant and domineering, and had a very bad impression of Ji Rou.

He frowned and wanted to say something, but because Ji Rou was really favored by his master, he opened his mouth but couldn't say any words of blame. He didn't listen to Ji Rou's words and drove Dr. Tong away.

After all, Pengshan and Jirou have no intersection in private. His feelings for Jirou are only because Jirou is the woman their master likes. Apart from that, there seems to be nothing else.

Pengshan didn't move. Dr. Tong was a little arrogant and looked at Jirou: "I'm here to treat the master. Don't look at me with colored glasses. I have no wrong thoughts about you, sir."

No extraneous thoughts!

Pengshan will believe this, but Jirou will never believe it.

If she had been a step later, Dr. Tong's mouth would have kissed Qin Yinze's face. Jirou felt extremely sick just thinking about it. Do any doctors treat patients like this?

Jirou knows that the key person is not her, nor Dr. Tong, but Pengshan. Her eyes fall on Pengshan, cold and firm: "If you really think that I am Qin Yinze's wife, then please take care of me." Do it if you want.”

Of course Pengshan knows that Ji Rou is Qin Yinze's wife, but Dr. Tong has no ill intentions towards his husband. Besides, there is still friendship between them: "Madam, let's wait until the husband wakes up."

Jirou smiled softly. At this time, she had to stick to her position: "This woman is blocking my eyes here. I don't want to see her, so I have to let her go now."

With Pengshan here, Dr. Tong has to pretend: "Miss Ji, I know you don't like me, but please don't be so willful. Everything must put your husband's health first. When he gets better, where do you want me to go?" Just go anywhere.”

What Ji Rou said was unreasonable and a typical representative of barbarism; what Dr. Tong said was very common sense, and Pengshan's balance once again favored Dr. Tong: "Yes, Miss Ji, everything must be based on Mr. Tong's body." .”

Isn't Jirou focusing on Qin Yinze's body, but a woman's sixth sense tells her that Dr. Tong can't believe it, what if she does anything to Qin Yinze?

Ji Rou must not give Dr. Tong a chance to attack Qin Yinze, so she must drive this woman away and stay with Qin Yinze herself to take care of him: "Pengshan, let me say it for the last time, let her get out of my sight immediately disappear."

Ji Rou's meaning couldn't be clearer. After thinking about it, Pengshan decided to listen to Ji Rou's instructions: "Doctor Tong, why don't you go out first and wait until Mr. Tong wakes up?"

Dr. Tong said anxiously: "Pengshan, are you crazy? I'm here to treat my husband. If you drive me away, what if something happens to him?"

Pengshan was worried about Qin Yinze's safety, and began to hesitate again after hearing what Dr. Tong said, but he finally decided to listen to Ji Rou: "You go first. If you are really wronged, sir will make the decision for you when you wake up. "

Pengshan helped Jirou because he measured Jirou's position in Qin Yinze's mind. If he doesn't listen to Jirou now, he will probably feel better when the master wakes up.

"Even you, have you been drunk by this woman..." Dr. Tong yelled anxiously.

"Doctor Tong, please go down first." Pengshan didn't explain much. He was not the master here. He was just following orders.

"Pengshan, if something happens to you sir, just wait until you regret it..." Dr. Tong could not even deal with Jirou alone. Now that she had lost Pengshan's support, she suddenly felt helpless and was so angry that she slammed the door. And go.

Pengshan didn't say much. Sometimes what he said was too much and made many mistakes. It was better not to say anything. Anyway, the person in charge here could only be the master of their family. As a servant, of course he obeyed the master's orders. Whatever the master asked him to do, he Just do whatever.

"Thank you!" Seeing Dr. Tong leave angrily, Ji Rou thanked Pengshan, and then said, "I'm worried about this woman named Tong. Don't let her touch Qin Yinze's medicine in the future. "

Pengshan believed Dr. Tong, but he still listened to Jirou's instructions: "Sir, Dr. Lan hung up the sling bottle today, and Dr. Tong came later."

"Yes. I understand." Ji Rou nodded and turned her eyes to the bottle hanging by Qin Yinze. "I'll take care of Qin Yinze here. You can go and have a rest. I'll come back to you if anything happens."

"Okay..." Pengshan hesitated and wanted to say something, but felt that he was too busy, so he nodded and retreated, leaving Ji Rou alone in Qin Yinze's room.

Ji Rou sat beside Qin Yinze's bed and held his hands with both hands. This was not the first time she saw him unconscious, but she had never felt so distressed as now: "Qin Yinze, don't always Are you trying to scare me?"

He didn't know how worried and scared she was when she heard that he had relapsed into his old illness... She was so afraid of an accident happening, so afraid that he would suddenly disappear from her side.

As if he heard her voice, Qin Yinze slowly opened his eyes and made sure that the person in front of him was her. He said weakly: "That Pengshan thing is getting more and more disobedient."

Hearing what he said, Ji Rou was angry at him: "You didn't let Pengshan notify me when you were sick. Who do you want him to notify? Qin Yinze, let me tell you, if you hide something from me in the future, I will never stop with you. "

"Why are you not done with me?" Listening to her arrogant and domineering warning, Qin Yinze wanted to laugh, but the strength in his body was drained, and even raising the corners of his lips was so difficult, "Stupid woman..."

Jirou said: "You know I am so stupid, do things without thinking, and can be easily deceived. Then you should recover from your injuries quickly and protect me in the future. Don't let me be deceived and help others count." money."

"It seems that you are so stupid that you are reasonable..." Listening to her chirping voice, Qin Yinze suddenly felt less uncomfortable.

"I'm just so stupid, can you blame me?" In front of him, she can be willful and unreasonable, because he will pamper her unconditionally.

"You..." Qin Yinze smiled weakly.

"Qin Yinze, please sleep a little longer. I'll be here with you." Seeing his weak look, Ji Rou's heart hurt again. "You can sleep peacefully, I will always be by your side."

"Well." Qin Yinze slowly closed his eyes.

Ji Rou stays by his side, staying with him quietly...

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