My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1277 Extra chapter, the road paved for her

Chapter 1278: Extra chapter, the road paved for her

But the very nervous Pengshan hadn't noticed that his master's face had changed, and he was still expressing his opinion: "Sir, I really don't take you seriously. I know you must have heard what she said, She misunderstood me. We all know that she likes to accuse people behind their backs, so please don’t believe her.”

Pengshan was anxious and nervous. He didn't notice that Qin Yinze's face became even more ugly because of his words. He continued: "Dr. Tong and I are loyal to you. What did you say? I Just do whatever you want, how could I not take you seriously? But that little girl Ji Rou, when you were in a coma, not only did she beat Dr. Tong who came to treat you, but she also drove her away. "

"Did she do something wrong?" If his woman wants to hit someone, she can hit her. With him backing her up, if she wants to hit anyone, then she can hit whoever she wants. What will it do to others? Is it Pengshan's turn to make irresponsible remarks here?

"Sir, it's not... this..." Pengshan felt that it was wrong for Jirou to hit Dr. Tong, but when he thought about it again, this was the result of the boss's pampering. "Well, she is the master. She wants to hit someone, so Just fight her. But sir, she is your woman, and we are your subordinates. We are always on the same page with her. Why do you think she is so petty? "

Qin Yinze asked again: "Did she hit you?"

"That's not true." Maybe if he was a helpless woman like Dr. Tong, he would have been beaten long ago. She didn't beat him, she just didn't dare to mess with him because he was so quick.

Qin Yinze: "She didn't hit you, so what are you shouting about?"

"Sir, you want to pamper her. None of us said anything. Why is she so small-minded that she can't be bothered by us? What good will it do to her to drive us away?" Pengshan identified it as Ji Rou. After filing the complaint against him and seeing Qin Yinze protecting her like this, Pengshan's tone and attitude were very angry.

Pengshan is such a person, a arrogant and rough man. If he likes someone, he likes her. If he dislikes someone, he will not hide it. I still want to say that I have absolutely no problem with you. If you can’t trust me, I will have no problem with giving my life back to you now.”

Of course, Qin Yinze still knows this subordinate who has been with him for several years. He knows that he will not spread rumors, and he also heard news from his words that he did not know before: "She likes to tell people behind their backs. Where did you hear this?"

Pengshan said loudly: "Everyone knows things..."

Qin Yinze said: "What everyone knows? Have you checked where it came from? Have you checked whether it is true?"

Pengshan: "I..."

Qin Yinze interrupted him sharply: "You don't need to say it, I know you didn't check it. Pengshan, I didn't keep you by my side to cause trouble for myself, but to let you relieve my worries. You said that your current affairs are indisputable. I don’t even know, what qualifications do you have to stay by my side?”

"Sir, I..." Pengshan was so anxious that he reached out and scratched his head. He can leave his life to Qin Yinze, but he absolutely cannot accept being driven away by Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze said coldly: "Get out now!"

"Sir!" Pengshan stood still, "I said, from the moment you bring me back, my life is yours. If you want to drive me away, why not kill me with a knife."

Qin Yinze has never been a soft-hearted person: "If you want to die, die as far away as possible. Don't dirty my home."

Pengshan shouted desperately: "Sir..."

"Qin Yinze, can I say a few words?" Ji Rou eavesdropped outside the door for a long time and listened to the entire conversation between them. When she heard Pengshan say in front of Qin Yinze that she was not, she was right Pengshan's grudge disappeared instead.

If Pengshan wanted to do something to Qin Yinze like Dr. Tong, he would definitely pretend to be nice to her. He would not annoy Qin Yinze even though he knew Qin Yinze would protect her.

Pengshan glared at Jirou angrily, feeling that his husband was confused by this woman. If she hadn't appeared, he would never have driven him away for anything.

"It has nothing to do with you here. You go back to your room." Qin Yinze has his own plan, but he knows that Ji Rou will not listen to him and she will continue to talk.

"Qin Yinze, let me just say a few words." Jirou walked into the room. When she passed by Pengshan, she heard the sound of Pengshan's fists clenching. If Qin Yinze hadn't been there, Pengshan would probably In a rage, he can twist her head off and use it as a ball to kick.

Qin Yinze: "Let's talk."

Ji Rou said softly: "Qin Yinze, I like to accuse people behind their backs. Pengshan should have heard what others said, and he didn't make it up. And he is hostile to me because of this kind of thing. Saying something bad about me in front of you will further prove his loyalty to you. This has been true since ancient times. If he contradicts you and says something unpleasant, you will drive him away and you will let him go in the future. How can your subordinates trust you?"

Pengshan never expected that Jirou would speak for him. He thought she came in to step in and stepped on him into the dirt so that he would never be able to stand up.

This woman is sometimes impressive.

Pengshan stares at Jirou's back. Jirou can also feel two thorn-like eyes staring at her from behind, but she is not worried because Qin Yinze is there.

Now, what she has to do is to help Qin Yinze leave a loyal subordinate, not because she makes Qin Yinze lose a loyal subordinate Qiuqiu: "I think Pengshan must have some misunderstandings about me. I don't care about you now." He won't believe anything I say. Why don't you let him investigate and find out who is behind it? Then he will know what to do. "

Qin Yinze said: "Do you think I can give him such a chance?"

Pengshan took the time to stand up and said: "Sir, please give me a chance to find out the facts. If I am wrong, I will be willing to do everything for my wife to do in the future."

Qin Yinze was unmoved: "My mind has been made."

"Sir..." At this time, Pengshan knew that he would turn his attention to Jirou for help, because he knew that the chance of survival lay in Jirou's body.

Ji Rou approaches Qin Yinze and whispers: "Qin Yinze, I think you don't want me to have a bad reputation of often telling people behind their backs. You don't want to, but you can't shut other people's mouths, so it's best The best way is to let people who don’t believe it find out and then clear my name.”

Pengshan agreed with Ji Rou's words and nodded vigorously, but Qin Yinze didn't even look at him.

Qin Yinze looked at Ji Rou and said softly: "He said bad things about you behind your back. Instead of blaming him, you said good things for him. Do you think you were hurt?"

"I'm just stupid." Ji Rou smiled at him, then turned to Pengshan and said, "Pengshan, sir, you have already given permission, why don't you go check it out soon. I hope you can get the results soon."

"Sir, you didn't agree..." Pengshan was sluggish for a while before he reacted, "Oh... thank you, sir, thank you, madam, I'll check it out right away."

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