My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1279: Extra chapter, uncovering the drugger

Chapter 1280: Extra chapter, uncovering the person who drugged the drug

Qin Yinze finally understood what Yang Shicheng had said. The most critical factor was the series of problems caused by his old injuries. Without these problems, the BDT virus would be helpless against him.

However, what bothers him most now is the old illness caused by the gunshot wound. Whenever the weather changes, no matter how much he pays attention, the fever will come when his body says it has a fever. There are no signs at all, and he has not thought of a way to deal with it yet.

Qin Yinze asked: "Can this virus be cured with medicine first?"

Yang Shicheng replied respectfully: "Sir, based on my current understanding of the BDT virus, there is medicine that can cure it, but the bad thing is that this virus can only be cured after your old disease is treated. But I We will find experts in this field to study together, and we will definitely find an effective solution to this virus in advance.”

"Then you go and do your work first." Qin Yinze waved his hand and signaled Yang Shicheng to step back. Yang Shicheng took a few steps, and Qin Yinze thought of something again, and said, "Don't tell Ji Rou these things."

Yang Shicheng nodded: "I remember."

After Yang Shicheng left, the room became quiet, but Qin Yinze's heart could not be quiet. Yang Shicheng said that the most common ways of contracting BDT are through ingestion and injection.

For more than three years, Aunt Qiao was responsible for his diet, and Aunt Qiao might have secretly manipulated him without him noticing. In the past three years, his illness has been treated by Dr. Tong, who injected him with various drugs, which may include BDT virus.

Both of these people might be the ones who secretly poisoned him. He couldn't trust anyone until he was sure who it was, so he had to quickly let Pengshan find the real poisoner.

Qin Yinze took out his mobile phone and called Pengshan: "Control Dr. Tong immediately and find out for me what she has done in the past three years?"

Pengshan said: "Sir, I was just about to call you. I just checked and found out that all the rumors about my wife were spread by Dr. Tong."

Pengshan was excited and happy to receive Qin Yinze's call. The master also asked him to do things, which proved that he was not thrown into the cold palace and the master still believed in him.

Those rumors were spread by Dr. Tong. In addition, Dr. Tong is a doctor and she has a thorough understanding of drugs... Based on these two points, Qin Yinze is almost certain that the person who poisoned him was Dr. Tong.

Qin Yinze added: "Since it's her, let me check her carefully and see what good things she has done behind our backs all these years."

"Yes!" Pengshan answered forcefully, and then stuttered, "First, sir... I misunderstood my wife before, and I want to apologize to her!"

Qin Yinze said lightly: "What did you say to me when you apologized to her?"

"Then after I finish investigating Dr. Tong's case, I will come to apologize to my wife." Thinking of his recklessness and the things he had done, Pengshan was ashamed.

How could he have the nerve to do things around his husband if he couldn't even distinguish between good and bad.

Fortunately, his wife was so generous that she not only did not argue with him, but also personally interceded for him. Pengshan kept this kindness firmly in his heart. From now on, if his wife just said a word, he would be obliged to go to the sword or the frying pan.

Yang Shicheng came out of the room after reporting the situation. When he went out, he bumped into Ji Rou who was eavesdropping at the door again. He thought of his master's words and wanted to miss Ji Rou, but Ji Rou blocked his way and refused to let him go.

Ji Rou looked at him eagerly: "Doctor Yang, is the poison in Young Master Qin really okay?"


He didn't say it, but Jirou already knew it, so he couldn't be blamed for it.

Jirou added: "Dr. Yang, I heard everything. Stop hiding it from me. Just tell me if you have anything. I promise I will never tell Qin Yinze."

Now that Ji Rou knows it, Yang Shicheng can't hide it even if he wants to. It's better to face it openly: "Madam, don't worry, the poison in your husband was discovered early and has not controlled his willpower. Now I will find someone to prepare an antidote together." "As long as he cooperates with the treatment, everything will be fine."

This kind of poison sounds so terrible. Even if it can be cured, Jirou is still worried: "Is it really going to be okay? Will the same situation happen again?"

Yang Shicheng said: "The main problem now is still his old disease. His old disease has not improved. Once the weather changes, the old disease will attack, and the BDT poison he has been exposed to will affect his poor health." He came out to cause trouble, which is why he was in coma for such a long time. Now as long as Mr.'s old illness is cured and he doesn't have any more attacks when the weather changes, the poison in his body won't have much impact on him. "

After listening to Yang Shicheng's words, Ji Rou probably understood Qin Yinze's situation. In the final analysis, his old disease was the most difficult to treat. But having said that, Dr. Tong used medicine when he treated him. Of course, his old disease It won't be easy.

Now as long as he takes the right medicine and Qin Yinze cooperates with the treatment, his old disease should be cured soon, Ji Rou thought optimistically.

She asked Yang Shicheng again: "Mr. Yang, he just woke up, does he need any medicine?"

Yang Shicheng said: "I prepared new medicine and took it three times a day, half an hour after meals."

"Okay, then I'll get him something delicious first. After eating, let him take medicine." After sleeping for so long, Qin Yinze hasn't eaten when he wakes up, and he is probably hungry. Ji Rou I had already asked the kitchen to prepare lighter food for him, so he could eat it when he woke up.

Aunt Qiao had been waiting aside for a long time. When Ji Rou mentioned food, she immediately brought the food over and said, "Miss Ji, these are the foods that Mr. usually likes."

"Well, thank you, Aunt Qiao!" Jirou took the tray, "I'll just give it to him. He just woke up, he's not in good spirits, and he doesn't want to see anyone."

"Miss Ji..." Aunt Qiao hesitated.

"Aunt Qiao, if you have anything to say, just say it." Jirou stopped.

"Miss Ji, are you really okay?" Aunt Qiao has no children. Since helping Qin Yinze, he has taken care of Qin Yinze as his own son. She hopes that he will be well and never go out. What's up.

"Aunt Qiao, with people like us caring about him, and with his parents, brothers and sisters waiting for him, he will definitely be fine." Ji Rou smiled and said, "Aunt Qiao, don't worry."

Aunt Qiao nodded: "Yes."

Ji Rou came to Qin Yinze's room. Qin Yinze fell asleep again. Seeing that he had his eyes closed, Ji Rou thought he was unconscious again and was so frightened that he almost threw the bowl in his hand.

Ji Rou hurriedly put the bowl on the small table aside, and quickly stepped forward to explore his forehead: "Qin Yinze, are you okay? Don't scare me anymore."

"Don't worry, your man is lucky and will be fine." Qin Yinze slowly opened his eyes. He was not drowsy, but a little tired, closing his eyes to rest.

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