My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1292 Extra chapter, mysterious email

Chapter 1293: Extra chapter, mysterious email

Jirou often hears her mother say that men are like children sometimes, and she can't imagine how childish they are.

Jirou didn't feel it before, but today she really realized it and agreed with it very much.

Qin Yinze, a man who is usually domineering and arrogant, now asks her to feed him water and food. When he gets sick, he really treats himself as a three-year-old child.

However, Ji Rou couldn't do anything about him. He was a sick person. If she didn't let him go, could she still beat him?

"Young Master Qin, are you full now?" He has already drank two bowls of porridge. According to his current physical condition, he should be almost ready, but he hasn't stopped yet. Ji Rou is worried that he has burned out his head when he has a high fever. .

"It's almost done." Qin Yinze didn't have much appetite, but who told him that this was the porridge cooked by Ji Rou herself. If he didn't eat more, she would probably settle the score with him another day.

Ji Rou put the bowl away and reached out to touch his forehead: "It seems he still has a fever. Please rest for a while. I'll put the bowl away and ask Dr. Yang to come over and take a look at you."

"Well, let's go." Qin Yinze happened to have something to find out from Yang Shicheng.

Ji Rou came to the first floor and saw Yang Shicheng telling Aunt Qiao to pay attention to Qin Yinze's diet. After he finished explaining, Ji Rou said: "Doctor Yang, I would like to trouble you to see Qin Yinze."

"Well, I'll go right away." Yang Shicheng focused entirely on Qin Yinze's condition and spoke coldly to everyone, including Ji Rou.

Seeing Yang Shicheng leave, Aunt Qiao said, "Miss Ji, your phone rang just now."

"Look at my memory, I was busy here and forgot there." Ji Rou handed the empty bowl to Aunt Qiao, turned around and picked up the mobile phone placed in the box. She unlocked it and saw that there were several missed calls.

One of the calls was from her mother. She was probably worried that Qin Yinze would call to ask about the situation. It took only a dozen calls to realize that her cell phone had been left at home.

Except for the mother's call, the rest were calls from unknown phone numbers. A total of six calls were made from unfamiliar numbers. I don’t know if my friends changed their numbers or if the stranger dialed the wrong number?

Ji Rou only has a few friends. Prince, Monkey and Dai Li were all at her house yesterday. Her mother called her but she didn't answer. They found that her cell phone was left at home and they would not call again.

This unknown phone number must have been dialed by someone else by mistake.

In addition to missed calls, Jirou also received several messages.

The first two text messages were advertisements, Ji Rou glanced at them casually and then deleted them.

The latter text message was also from an unknown phone number. Jirou didn't even click on it, so she scrolled the text message to the advertising information, swiped her finger, and deleted the text message again.

"Miss Ji, you've been tired all morning, why don't you drink some porridge." Aunt Qiao brought Chinese medicine porridge specially made for Jirou, which has the effect of replenishing the body, but Jirou didn't know it.

"Aunt Qiao, thank you!" Jirou was indeed hungry, so she sat down with the porridge and started eating.

While she was eating the porridge prepared by Aunt Qiao for her, she was scrolling through her mobile phone.

In addition to text messages, Jirou also received a message on WeChat, which was sent by Dai Li: "Classmate Jirou, if you need help with anything, I will be on call."

Ji Rou replied to her: "At this time, I need someone to pat my back and rub my shoulders. Will you come?"

Dai Li quickly replied: "Little girl, I'm serious, don't fight me, haha."

Ji Rou smiled and replied: "Sister Dai Li, I know you care about me, but I'm really fine. Young Master Qin's condition has improved and he can still bully others."

Dai Li replied: "Little girl, you know how to call me sister. You are making progress."

Jirou pursed her lips: "Who makes you several years older than me? If I don't call you sister, why should I call you sister?"

Dai Li sent a long series of angry expressions: "Bad girl, can we still be good friends?"

Seeing Dai Li getting angry, Ji Rou laughed happily: "Sister, I'm just teasing you. In fact, when you and the three of us walked together, no one could tell that you were older than us. Last time we went to Xingdiandian At that time, Liu Diandian asked me if you were an adult."

Dai Li replied: "Did Liu Diandian really ask that?"

"Of course it's false." But Jirou couldn't tell the truth anymore and replied with five words: "Of course it's true."

Dai Li was happy: "Well, that's pretty much it. Little girl, I'm still at work, so I won't talk nonsense to you for now. If you have anything to do, come back to me."

Jirou replied: "Go to work hard, otherwise the boss will deduct your salary."

Dai Li replied: "Yes, my boss."

After chatting with Dai Li, Jirou informed the prince and the monkey that she was safe, and everything was settled. Finally, she dialed her mother's phone number. As soon as she got through, the mother on the other end of the phone asked hurriedly: "Xiaorou, How is Xiao Qin’s situation?”

"Mom, Qin Yinze is fine. He can eat, drink and bully others."

"Is everything really okay?"

"Mom, if something happens to him, how can I use this tone when I call you?"

"That's right. My baby is the worst at hiding his emotions." After a pause, Mother Ji on the other end of the phone said, "Xiaorou, then take good care of him."

"Mom, I even cooked porridge for him myself. You haven't eaten the porridge I cooked. I cooked it for him. Are you good enough to him?"

"Ah, very good!"

"Mom, if I have time some other time, I will cook it for you too."

"Well, my Xiaorou has really grown up."

"Mom..." Ji Rou wanted to say something else, but another unfamiliar phone number called. She said, "Mom, I have something else to do, so hang up first."

After hanging up the phone from Ji's mother, Ji Rou answered the call from this strange phone number: "Hello? Hello!"

But no one spoke on the other end of the phone.

"Hello? Who are you? Why didn't you say anything during the call?" Jirou asked several times in a row, but the person on the other end of the phone still didn't speak.

"If you don't speak, I'll hang up." Jirou was about to hang up, but a sinister voice came from the other end of the phone, "Jirou, it's me!"

"Xie Meimei, what do you want to do?" Ji Rou wanted to vomit when she heard Xie Meimei's voice, but thinking that Xie Meimei was the only person who knew Xiang Lingfeng's whereabouts, Ji Rou listened patiently.

"I'm calling you to kindly remind you to take a good look at your text messages and email. There are things you want to see in them." After saying that, Xie Meimei hung up the phone without giving Ji Rou time to speak.

"What?" It felt uncomfortable to be led by someone like this. Jirou wanted to ignore Xie Meimei, but in order to see Brother Feng as soon as possible, she had to listen to Xie Meimei.

Ji Rou had deleted the text message just now, and all she could do now was open her mailbox to see if there was any email that Xie Meimei mentioned.

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