My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1305 Extra chapter, it has no connection at all

Chapter 1306: Extra chapter, it has nothing to do with it

Unable to call Qin Yinze, Jianran turned her eyes to Qin Yue for help. Qin Yue remained silent as before and said nothing, but Jianran saw the worry in Qin Yue's eyes.

"Aze!" The person who spoke this time was Qin Yinze. His voice was low and deep, but it still sounded good. He also had the decisiveness and strength to speak his mind at work.

Maybe Qin Yinze was still a little jealous of Qin Yue's father. When Qin Yue called him, he heard: "Dad, do you want to talk to me?"

"Your mother has something to ask you." Qin Yinze was so abnormal that Jian Ran was extremely worried. Qin Yue knew it and quickly held her hand. "If you have anything to say to your child, just say it well. Don't rush yourself first." broken."

"Aze, can you tell me, what happened to you and Ji Rou?" Jian Ran wants to know what happened and wants to do her best to help her son. She doesn't know that Qin Yinze also has his own worries.

Qin Yinze is asked to tell his parents that he once had other thoughts about his sister, because his house was full of photos of his sister, and because he regarded Jirou as a substitute... After being discovered by Jirou, Jirou left him .

Qin Yinze cannot express these reasons, and is even more ashamed to say them.

"Aze, can you really not tell me?" Jian Ran asked again. She really hoped that her son could open up his heart and confide everything to her, so that she could give her son some support and warmth like all mothers do. Let him not be so lonely anymore.

"Mom, I'm sorry!" Qin Yinze looked at Jian Ran apologetically, "I know you love me, and I love you too, but only I can handle this matter."

Jian Ran was anxious: "Aze!"

Qin Yinze: "Mom, I can handle it myself. Please believe me."

Jian Ran: "Aze, it's not that mom doesn't believe you, but she's worried about you."

It feels so uncomfortable not knowing anything.

"Mom, I have already thought about what I want to do, and I can do it well." Qin Yinze lets Jirou go, but that doesn't mean he is willing to let go. He will use his own methods to save her instead of asking his parents to help him busy.

Jian Ran: "Aze..."

"Aze said he can handle it, just let him handle it. Don't worry blindly." Qin Yue stopped Jian Ran from asking any more questions, causing Jian Ran who was worried about her son to give him a hard look.

Why can't he stand with her when it comes to dealing with her son's problem? Why couldn't he think about her? What should we do if something happens to our son?

Because of Qin Yue's obstruction, Jian Ran kept a straight face and ignored Qin Yue after returning to the room.

Qin Yue pulled her to sit down and said patiently: "Jian Ran, I know you care about Aze."

Jian Ran said angrily: "Qin Yue, you know that I care about Aze, but you still don't let me take care of Aze's affairs. Do you think you are doing the right thing?"

Qin Yue patted Jian Ran's hand: "I asked you to promise Aze not to care about his affairs, but I didn't ask you not to do it quietly. Tomorrow I will ask someone to arrange a chance encounter for you and that girl."

Jian Ran: "What do you mean?"

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows: "Don't you understand?"

"It's not that I don't understand, it's just that I can't believe that your CEO Qin would pull this trick." You know, their CEO Qin has always said that one is the master of one and absolutely cannot be the master of two. This time he actually Jian Ran found it incredible that she and her son were playing the trick of "working in front of others and violating the laws in disguise".

Qin Yue said: "If you don't do this, let me watch you mother and son quarrel?"

Jian Ran smiled: "President Qin, your emotional intelligence seems to have improved."

Qin Yue ignored her teasing: "I'm going to take a shower."

Jian Ran understands that it's not that Qin Yue's emotional intelligence has improved, but that he is working hard for his wife and son. Over the years, this man has always been like this, always doing things so beautifully when she needed him most.

The winter in Minluo City is very long, and there are many snowy days in winter. There is a heater at home, so you can wear a thin singlet without feeling cold. When you go out, you have to wrap yourself up like a rice dumpling, as thick as you can. how thick.

In the winter of previous years, as long as there was nothing wrong, Ji Rou could not wait to stay in bed all winter, eating popcorn, drinking beer, and watching bloody idol dramas.

It's the same this year. When it gets cold, Ji Rou is too lazy to go out. But she has more worries this year. She still has to go to class, prepare for exams, and prepare for next year's graduation thesis. There are so many things to do, so she can't help but be lazy. .

"Xiaorou, wait until the injury on your hand is healed before you go to school." Jirou's mother is more concerned about Jirou's health than going to school. She doesn't have to go to school or get her diploma, but Jirou's injury must To be well maintained.

"Mom, didn't the doctor tell me when we were changing the dressing today? My injury was very shallow and it peeled off in two days. It's not a problem at all." Ji Rou raised her hand and waved it in front of Ji's mother's eyes, "Look, look. , I’m flexible, there’s no problem at all.”

Ji's mother was still worried: "Is everything okay?"

"Mom, I'm really fine." Ji Rou picked up her backpack and said with a smile, "The prince and the monkey are waiting for me downstairs. If I go late, they will have to blow the cold wind again. How pitiful."

"Okay, go ahead. Be safe on the road." Jirou's current situation is really not suitable for staying at home. Let her go to school to meet her classmates and listen to classes, so that she can put her troubles behind her.

"Boss, boss... where are you going? We are here." The prince and the monkey had been standing in the snow for a while, and they couldn't wait to wave when they saw Jirou.

Ji Rou slowly walked to them: "I am teasing you on purpose."

The monkey muttered dissatisfiedly: "Tease us, tease us, we are not your monkeys, is teasing us so fun?"

Jirou: "I'm happy."

Monkey: "Okay, money can't buy your happiness."

The prince asked: "Boss, why did you come back to live?"

Ji Rou said: "This is my home. Why should I go home?"

The prince said again: "Then Qin..."

"Stop!" Ji Rou made a stop gesture, "I have nothing to do with that person anymore. If you mention that person in front of me in the future, you are not my friend."

"I said, boss, can your relationship be cleared up after you talk about it? Don't forget, you guys got the little red book." The prince reminded Jirou without fear of death, "You can now wear the title of Mrs. Qin."

"Prince, shut up!" Ji Rou clenched her fist and said viciously, "I said it has nothing to do with him, but it doesn't have anything to do with him anymore. If you are still my friend, just shut up!"

The prince still wanted to say something, but the monkey quickly tugged at him: "Prince, don't talk too much. Just let the boss say whatever he says."

Jirou said again: "Remember everything for me!"

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