My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1307 Extra chapter, anxious because of love

Chapter 1308: Extra chapter, anxious because of love

"Sir, Miss Ji finally came out, do you want to follow her?" Pengshan accompanied Qin Yinze and waited outside Jirou's school gate for two full hours. Finally, when Jirou came out, he was so excited that he shouted loudly. Unexpectedly, Qin Yinze got a cold look.

Qin Yinze glared at him: "If you shout so loudly, are you afraid that others won't hear you?"

Pengshan was warned and shrank in fear: "Sir, shall we follow or not?"

Qin Yinze glared at Pengshan again. It was really unpleasant to have a stupid subordinate: "Do you want to follow me or not?"

Pengshan said, of course he chose not to follow, got out of the car, tied the person into the car, dragged her home and cleaned her up. He didn't believe she dared to be disobedient.

Qin Yinze knew that Pengshan was an idiot: "Follow."

"Okay. I'll drive and follow." Pengshan took the order and drove quickly to follow Jirou and his group. Seeing Jirou and his group get on the bus, he drove slowly and followed the car.

Pengshan really didn't understand. Their master was really sick, and he was seriously ill.

Since he couldn't bear to leave Miss Ji, why did he let Miss Ji go, and now he was waiting for someone outside the school, following the car... In order not to let Miss Ji find out, he even changed a car specially.

If this isn't what sick people do, what is it?

Of course, Pengshan only dared to think about it dullly, and he was not brave enough to complain to his master.

Qin Yinze's heart has already flown to Ji Rou. He is very happy to see her acting like a normal person and talking and laughing with her two best friends, but he is still more disappointed.

When he still couldn't get over the substitute incident, Ji Rou decisively pulled away, as free and easy as a bystander.

There were times when he wished he could rush forward to capture her and use his own methods to imprison her.

But every time he had this thought, Qin Yinze would think of the way she was sitting in the bathroom that day, and how she threatened him with a hunger strike without eating or drinking. In order not to hurt her again, he had to suppress this thought.

"Qin Yue, Aze will either send someone to guard Ji Rou, or he will go to the battle in person to send Ji Rou home. If this continues, when will I be able to meet Ji Rou." Jian Ran anxiously asked. Qin Yue asked for help.

Qin Yinze followed Ji Rou, and Qin Yue's car followed him behind them.

If a car usually follows him, Qin Yinze should be able to find it, but today his mind is on Ji Rou on the bus in front, and he ignores the car following him.

Qin Yue patted Jian Ran's hand: "Jian Ran, today is the first day, why are you anxious?"

Jian Ran was extremely anxious, and Qin Yue told her not to be anxious. Even with such a good temper, Jian Ran was about to explode: "Seeing my son in such pain all day long, do you think I can stop being anxious?"

Qin Yue was as calm as ever: "That's a matter for the young couple, and they should resolve it themselves. If you go to help, I'm worried that not only will you not be able to help, but you may even be doing a disservice."

Jian Ran said anxiously: "So Qin Yue, you were just perfunctory with me last night. In fact, you never thought about helping me see Ji Rou, right?"

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows: "Jian Ran, do you want to quarrel with me?"

This woman has always been considerate and should not be anxious with him just because she is worried about her son.

Jian Ran snorted coldly: "I think you want to quarrel with me."

Qin Yue: "..."

If she doesn't talk to her anymore, he will want to throw her out of the car.

Jian Ran: "Stop."

This man is like this every time. When two people disagree, he becomes silent. Does he think that he can solve the problem by not talking?

She can no longer stay in the same space with him. If she continues to stay, she will go crazy.

Jian Ran asked to stop the car, but Qin Yue actually pulled over and parked the car.

Jian Ran opened the door and was about to get out of the car.

Qin Yue grabbed her and said, "Jian Ran, can you calm down?"

"Calm down, calm down, you just tell me to calm down, you just tell me to wait, you just let Aze solve his problem by himself." Jian Ran bit her lip anxiously, "I haven't seen Aze before In this situation, I can still wait, and I can still believe that he can solve his own problems. Now I know that he was injured and had an old illness, and his wife was angry with him. It is so uncomfortable to leave him alone, and you still want to let him go. I’m calm, can I be calm?”

Jian Ran knew clearly that impulsiveness could not solve any problems, but she couldn't control herself.

Qin Yinze, a child, suffered a lot when his parents died before he came to the Qin family. After arriving at the Qin family, he became more sensible than other children of the same age. He was cautious in front of his family for fear of being driven away if he did something wrong.

Later, when he grew up, he finally integrated into the Qin family, but because of a gunshot wound, he completely ran away from the Qin family.

This year, because his grandma was seriously ill, he was finally willing to come back. Seeing that the whole family was about to be reunited, now that something was wrong before the Spring Festival, how could Jian Ran not be anxious.

Qin Yue understood her. She was so anxious just because she loved her child too much: "Jian Ran, but you can't solve any problems if you are sad."

Jian Ran said: "I understand everything you said, but I also have my worries. My mother told me several times before leaving, telling me to take Aze home and her grandson-in-law. Go to her grave and show her..."

After Qin's mother passed away, Jian Ran became the only hostess of the Qin family, and she unconsciously assumed the responsibility of taking care of the family: "My mother gave her many instructions before she died, but I failed to fulfill her last wish."

Qin Yue patted Jian Ran distressedly: "Jian Ran, what are you thinking about? You have taken good care of this family."

Jian Ran shook her head: "Qin Yue, I know I shouldn't be anxious with you, but every time I think of my mother's entrustment, every time I think of Aze's suffering, I can't calm down."

"I know." Qin Yue pulled Jian Ran into his arms and patted her back gently, "I know you have your worries, but this matter really cannot be solved by you stepping forward. The key is to let others That kid figured it out, don’t you think?”

Jian Ran must understand what Qin Yue said, but she is too worried about Qin Yinze, for fear that the child will not be able to survive.

Especially after reading Qin Yinze's medical records today, she was simply restless.

Qin Yue added: "But since you want to do it, I support you."

Although Qin Yue does not agree with Jian Ran going to Ji Rou, he will support her as long as Jian Ran insists on going.

After calming down, Jian Ran felt very embarrassed: "Qin Yue, I'm sorry! I shouldn't doubt you, and I shouldn't get angry with you."

Qin Yue rubbed her head: "If you know your mistakes, correct them. You are still a good girl."

Jian Ran rolled her eyes at him: "You are so old, and you still say such things, are you stupid or not?"

Qin Yue: "Is this disgusting?"

Jian Ran knew what he wanted to say and immediately changed the subject: "Okay, let's drive quickly. Continue to follow Aze to see the situation."

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