My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1311 Extra chapter, other people’s love

Chapter 1312: Extra chapter, other people’s love

Before entering the house, Ji Rou gathered her emotions and couldn't let Ji's mother feel sad with her: "Mom, I'm back!"

"Xiaorou, let mom see how your hand is doing?" Ji's mother thinks about Jirou's injury all day long, for fear that she may accidentally touch the water and get infected or something.

Jirou put down her bag and raised her hand to show Ji's mother: "Mom, I went to the doctor to change the medicine before going home. The doctor said that the shell will start to peel in two days and it will be fine soon."

Seeing that Jirou's wound was well tied up, Ji's mother was relieved: "Then go wash your hands and let's have dinner early."

"Mom, let me guess what delicious food you made?" Ji Rou took a breath, "Well, I can smell the aroma of pigeon soup. If I guessed correctly, you must have made pigeon soup."

Mother Ji smiled and said, "As for the sense of smell, our little Greedy Cat has the best sense of smell."

Jirou hugs Ji's mother: "Mom, if this continues, I will definitely gain weight."

"It will be better if you gain weight." Ji's mother pinched Jirou's face, "My baby is fine everywhere, but she has lost a little weight. If she gains a few pounds, she will definitely look better."

Jirou pursed her lips: "Mom, do you mean to dislike me?"

Mother Ji smiled and said, "I just dislike you, so go wash your hands and eat."

Jirou said naughtily: "Yes, my mother!"

After dinner, Ji Rou returned to the room. Without her mother's company, the room became quiet, and she thought of Xiang Lingfeng again.

Brother Feng, whom she had been waiting for for a long time, was back and looking for her. However, there seemed to be a bridge with no end between him and her, and it was impossible for the two of them to come together again.

Brother Feng is still the same Brother Feng she is familiar with. She is the only one who has changed.

She knew clearly that Brother Feng had been injured, but she could do nothing to help him.

She couldn't help him find the murderer, couldn't take care of him, or even wanted to be friends with him like before.

She didn't even know what other use she had in this world besides wasting food?

The more she thought about it, the more guilty Ji Rou felt, so guilty that she felt like she was about to explode.

Jingle Bell--

When Ji Rou was depressed, Dai Li's call came in.

Jirou answered the call and heard Dai Li say: "Jirou, I'm outside your community. Come out and stay with me at my house for one night."

Dai Li heard what the prince said about Ji Rou. She also understood that Ji Rou's temper was easy to get into trouble. She wanted to take this girl home and try her best to solve it.

"What's wrong with you?" Suddenly hearing Dai Li ask her to go to her home, Ji Rou intuitively felt that something had happened to Dai Li, otherwise Dai Li would not have made such a request in this snowy weather.

"Well, I have something that I can't think about alone. I want you to come and chat with me." Because she was worried that Ji Rou would not want to come out, Dai Li followed Ji Rou's words intelligently.

"Then wait for me. I'll tell my mother and I'll go down to find you." Jirou didn't doubt it, but because she was worried, Dai Li agreed to accompany her without any hesitation.

After saying hello to Ji's mother, Ji Rou hurriedly went downstairs. When she walked out of the community, she saw Dai Li's car parked there. She walked over and got in the car: "Sister Dai Li, what's wrong with you?"

Dai Li started the car and said, "We'll talk about it later when we get back."

Ji Rou looked at Dai Li with a worried face: "Sister Dai Li, you must tell me if you have anything to do. Don't hide it alone, otherwise you will get sick from boredom."

Dai Li glanced at her: "You also know that if you don't tell something, you will get sick from boredom, so why don't you tell us your story? Although we may not be able to help you with anything, we can be your most loyal listener. We are at your service 24 hours a day.”

Jirou doesn't admit it: "What can happen to me?"

Dai Li drove seriously: "You really don't want to tell me?"

Jirou turned her head and looked out the window: "Sister Dai Li, some people will make people's hearts hurt when they mention it, so I don't want to mention it or think about it. I just let it rot in my heart and get rid of it completely as time goes by. .”

"You, what do you think I should say to you?" Dai Li also understood Jirou's personality and knew that it was useless to persuade her. She did not continue to persuade her, speeded up the car, and drove Jirou back to her home.

"Sister Dai Li, I said I don't want to mention this matter. You should be able to understand my mood, so don't ask me any more." Ji Rou just came out of the shower and met Dai Li's inquiring eyes.

"I didn't plan to ask you anything." Dai Li handed the pajamas she was holding to Jirou, "I just want to tell you that I bought this new set of pajamas. They are expensive. Remember to buy a set for me after you wear them. new."

Ji Rou smiled: "Stingy!"

Dai Li said: "It's not like you just realized that I'm stingy today."

Jirou added: "I went to the locker room to change clothes."

Dai Li: "We are both women. I have what you have, and we will sleep on the same bed tonight. Is it necessary to go to the dressing room to change clothes?"

Jirou: "It's very possible that I'm a man. I'm afraid of scaring you, so I'd better go to the locker room."

Dai Li: "I don't mind whether you are a boy or a girl."

Jirou: "I mind."

Jirou changed into pajamas and came out. Dai Li was changing into new quilt covers and sheets: "Ji Yatou, let me tell you a story. Do you want to listen?"

Jirou helps make the bed: "What story?"

Dai Li said: "It's a bloody love story."

Ji Rou suddenly became interested: "Modern people just like stories that spill blood. Come and listen to it. If it's not exciting enough, I will stop it at any time and kick you out."

Dai Li joked: "Why do you think I found such a domineering boss like you?"

Jirou said: "Don't tell me, you can make up a story about your overbearing boss and your little secretary. This story will definitely be touching."

Dai Li suddenly became serious: "Xiaorou, I'm telling you the truth."

Jirou nodded: "You say it, I'll listen."

Dai Li said slowly: "You should know that I was in love before. At that time, I was held in the palm of that man's hand and loved lovingly. In our school, everyone knows that I am No one dared to mess with his woman, but later on, we broke up, not because we didn’t love her anymore, but because we loved her too much.”

"Because you love her too much?" Ji Rou doesn't understand.

"I love him, but I want to get more things from him, but he can't give me those things, so I broke up." Dai Li smiled bitterly and added, "After the breakup, I wanted to Find a rich man, because only a rich man can afford the bloody mouth behind me.”

"But rich men are not stupid. If you don't pay, no one will throw money at you. Until one day, I decided to go all out for money, and I didn't care anymore... Who knows, what happened during that encounter It’s him, it’s him, the man I obviously love but can’t be with.”

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