My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1318 Extra Chapter, Familiar Taste

Chapter 1319: Extra Chapter, Familiar Taste

It would be best if Qin Yinze didn't do anything that hurt Brother Feng.

If Qin Yinze was really responsible for hurting Brother Feng, Ji Rou would be willing to accept the due punishment together with Qin Yinze.

"If you really want to pay it back, let Qin Yinze pay it back. You don't need to interfere in the affairs between us men." Xiang Lingfeng's heartache is real, and his shortness of breath is also real, just because he only knew this before The woman who protected him now stood on the opposite side of him and wanted to use her life to protect another man.

How ridiculous to think about it.

Jirou: "Brother Feng!"

Xiang Lingfeng waved his hand: "Xiaorou, I'm a little tired and need to rest. You can go back first."

Ji Rou said worriedly: "Brother Feng, how is your health?"

Xiang Lingfeng smiled: "My health is quite good."

His face is pale, how can he be better? But in order not to worry her, he still didn't want to say anything.

——This is her brother Feng!

"Xiaorou, go back quickly."

"Brother Feng, can I come see you often?"

"No need... Xie Meimei takes care of me, that's enough."

"Brother Feng, how come Xie Meimei is with you?" When mentioning Xie Meimei, Ji Rou then thought that Brother Feng and Xie Meimei had no intersection before, so how could they be with Xie Meimei now?

Xiang Lingfeng said: "She saved my life. Without her, my life might have been lost. She is my lifesaver."

It turned out that Xie Meimei saved Brother Feng.

Jirou suddenly felt that Xie Meimei, who was annoying to be seen, was not so annoying anymore. Thank her for saving Brother Feng, thank her for letting Brother Feng still live in this world... and thank her even more...

"Brother Feng..."

"Xiaorou, go back quickly. Just pretend you haven't heard anything today. Live your life how you want. Don't think too much about it." Xiang Lingfeng sent Jirou to the door, "Don't tell anyone you've seen her before." I."

"Why..." Ji Rou wanted to ask why, but suddenly remembered that Xie Meimei had told her before that she could not tell Qin Yinze that Xiang Lingfeng was still alive.

Even if it can't be proven that Qin Yinze was not responsible for kidnapping Brother Feng, she can't say anything to anyone to ensure Brother Feng's safety until the real murderer is found.

"Ji Rou, do you still not believe that Senior Feng was harmed by Qin Yinze? ​​If you don't believe it, you can ask Qin Yinze what he did behind your back." Ji Rou was about to open the door. When leaving, Xie Meimei came out of the room and said this again.

"Brother Feng, go and have a rest. I'm going back first. I'll come see you another day." Ji Rou ignored Xie Meimei, but she heard what Xie Meimei said.

Yes, she can't listen to one side's words. She should go to Qin Yinze and ask clearly. She wants to know what role Qin Yinze played in the incident of Brother Feng's injury.

Watching Ji Rou leave, Xiang Lingfeng's fists clenched tightly.

He thought that Ji Rou would definitely come back to him when she knew that his injury was related to Qin Yinze. Now it seems that this is his wishful thinking again, and she will never take the initiative to come back to him again.

Jirou, Jirou!

He has loved her for so many years. He has taken care of her since she was a little girl sucking milk. He watched her grow up little by little and watched her follow him all day long and call him Brother Feng.

He loved her like a treasure and thought that he would marry her into his family when she graduated. But now everything has become empty. Not only is her person no longer his, her heart is no longer his. of.

"Things seem to be developing differently than we expected." Xie Meimei murmured this, and suddenly received a sharp look from Xiang Lingfeng.

"Nothing!" Without saying a word, Xiang Lingfeng returned to the room, leaving Xie Meimei alone to swallow the bitterness that only she could experience.

Xishan Villa.

The medical team invited by Qin Yue has arrived. Together with Yang Shicheng, they studied Qin Yinze's current situation, and then unanimously concluded that they could help Qin Yinze reduce the fever and temporarily control Qin Yinze's condition, but could they The key to recovery depends on Qin Yinze himself.

The most important thing about the old illness left by the gunshot wound is not the injury, but the knot in his heart. As long as the knot in Qin Yinze's heart is not opened, his injury will not heal.

Even though several internationally renowned doctors gathered together, because Qin Yinze rejected treatment in his heart, they didn't know what else to do besides helping Qin Yinze reduce his fever and make him temporarily sober.

Qin Yue and the doctor discussed how to deal with Qin Yinze's situation in the study. Jian Ran stayed with Qin Yinze who had just woken up and took care of him at his bedside: "Aze, let's drink some porridge to fill your stomach first."

The porridge is not white porridge, but the tube bone porridge cooked by Jian Ran herself for Qin Yinze. It is more delicious and nutritious than white porridge, and will not make the patient who has just woken up feel greasy.

Qin Yinze took the porridge, picked up the spoon and took a sip. The taste was very fragrant and familiar, but he hadn't had it for a long time: "Mom, this porridge is still as delicious as I remembered."

In the past, when he was young and had no appetite for anything when he was sick, his mother would personally cook for him such tube bone porridge so that he, who had no appetite and was still small, could drink two bowls.

After so many years, Qin Yinze once again drank the tube bone porridge cooked by his mother, and the happiness of being cared for by his family warmed Qin Yinze's heart. This porridge seems to not only warm the stomach, but also the heart.

Jian Ran said with a smile: "If you like to eat, I will cook it for you every day from now on. No, tell your mother what you want to eat in the future, and she will cook it for you."

"Mom, I caused trouble for you and my dad last night." When you are sick, it feels good to have your parents around to take care of you.

Even though Qin Yinze is an adult and is a figure in awe of many people, in front of his parents, he is just a child. He also wanted to relax for a day, just be his parents' child, and not think about other things for the time being.

"Aze, how can you talk like this? You are sick, what's the trouble for your parents to take care of you?" Jian Ran reached out to touch Qin Yinze's forehead, "Your fever is finally gone. .”

Last night, Qin Yinze's high fever refused to go down. Jian Ran was so scared that she stayed with him all night without even closing her eyes, for fear that her eldest son's fever would not go down and would cause other symptoms.

Fortunately, the doctor hired by Qin Yue arrived early. After everyone studied it, he gave Qin Yinze medicine to bring down his fever.

Qin Yinze smiled: "I am also polite to you."

Jian Ran said: "Eat the porridge while it's still hot. If it's not enough after eating, I'll get you another bowl."

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