My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1327 Extra Chapter, Ways to Help Big Brother

Chapter 1328: Extra Chapter, Ways to Help Big Brother

Jiangbei, Nuoyuan.

Because of Qin Yinze's incident, the whole Qin family rushed back. Seeing that he was unconscious, everyone was extremely worried. Even Qin Xiaobao, who always loved to cause trouble, became much quieter.

Among these people, the one who is most worried about Qin Yinze is Qin Yinjian.

He was originally a cold little guy, but now he felt so sorry for his elder brother that he hid in the corner without saying a word.

"Xiao Jian..." Qin lelan walked to him, pinched his face, and comforted him, "the doctor just said that brother will be fine. Don't be too sad."

"Sister..." Qin Yinjian's eyes turned red, "I know my brother will be fine, but every time I think about how painful my brother's old illness is, I feel so sad."

"I know." Qin leran sat down next to Qin Yinjian, feeling very uncomfortable. "My brother was injured to save me. All the suffering he suffered was also caused by me. I can't wait to Pain for him."

Qin Yinjian comforted him sensibly: "Sister, don't say that. If your brother sees you blaming yourself so much, he will definitely be more sad."

"Well, I won't talk anymore." Qin lelan covered up the bitterness in his eyes and smiled softly, "our little cutie is getting cuter and cuter. But looking at his height, he has almost caught up with me. From now on It should be called Big Cutie.”

"Sister..." She had already told him not to call him cutie, but she still called him, which was really annoying.

"Okay, okay, let's not call it little cute, call it big cute." Qin lelan didn't want to make his brother so sad, so he used this trick to successfully divert the little guy's attention, "Okay, you go play with Xiao Limo, I'll go and see Have you seen your brother-in-law come?"

"Well, sister, you go ahead." Qin Yinjian nodded.

Compared with Qin Yinjian's worries, the little guy at the end of Zhan Li seemed much more heartless. He came with his mother. After seeing Qin Yinze, he went to play with himself. , Qin Yinjian felt very uncomfortable.

Qin Yinjian came to Zhan Limo and said coldly: "Zhan Limo!"

Although the two little guys are about the same age, they have been at odds since they were young. They don't like each other very well. At the moment, Zhan Li was thinking about his own affairs when he was suddenly interrupted by Qin Yinjian. It's dissatisfaction: "Qin Yinjian, you'd better stay away from me. I'm in a bad mood now, so don't bother me."

"You are in a bad mood, you are in a bad mood like that?" Qin Yinjian frowned, "I see you are having a good time."

"Who's playing?" Zhan Limo glared at Qin Yinjian dissatisfiedly, "I'm thinking about something."

"How do you want to chase the little girl?" In Qin Yinjian's opinion, these are the things that Zhan Limo thinks about all day long.

"You're talking nonsense!" At the end of Zhan Li, he hated Qin Yinjian's attitude that determined him, but he couldn't help it. "I thought of a good way to help my elder brother, but this method must be coordinated by someone important."

Qin Yinjian's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a way to help his elder brother, but he didn't dare to have too much hope for Zhan Limo: "You are so stupid, what can you think of?"

"Qin Yinjian, don't underestimate people." Zhan Limo didn't want to pay attention to him, not at all, but he needed his help. "Do you want to help eldest brother?"

Qin Yinjian: "Speak out your thoughts and I will listen."

"That's it..." Just as he was about to blurt out what he had planned, Zhan Limo realized that this matter could not be known to others, otherwise it would be very likely to leak. He immediately lowered his voice, "Put your ear closer."

Qin Yinjian didn't want to get close to him: "Let's talk about it carefully."

"Qin Yinjian, do you want your eldest brother to get better soon?" Zhan Li asked at the end, with a little pride in his eyes, as if he had a way to make their eldest brother get better.

Since he could help his eldest brother, Qin Yinjian didn't care so much. He immediately put his ear over and heard Zhan Limo whisper: "I have a way to make my eldest brother get better faster, but it will be a little difficult to implement."

"What can I do?" Regardless of whether Zhan Limo's method is useful or not, Qin Yinjian is willing to listen to anything that can help his elder brother.

"That's it..." At the end of Zhan Liming, he looked around again to make sure no one else was staring at them. Then he told Qin Yinjian his plan.

After listening to Zhan Limo's plan, Qin Yinjian felt for the first time that this little guy was a bit reliable: "It seems that your mind is not full of dregs."

At the end of the war: "What's in your head is tofu."

Qin Yinjian: "Let's go."

At the end of the war: "Where to go?"

Qin Yinjian glanced at him: "Where did you say you were going?"

At the end of the war: "I'm not the roundworm in your belly, how do I know where you are going?"

Qin Yinjian: "I dare to say that you are not filled with tofu in your mind."

At the end of the war: "Qin Yinjian, why do you become more annoying the more I look at you?"

Qin Yinjian: "Follow me."

At the end of the war, he didn't understand the situation, but he followed him anyway.

The weather in Minluo City has been a little better these days, and today is the first sunny day after the heavy snow.

The exam is over and the winter vacation has officially begun.

Jirou walked on the university campus holding this big box. The box contained books and various study materials used this semester. It was quite heavy, so she walked very slowly.

The monkey hurriedly caught up: "Boss, please give me the box to hold."

Ji Rou smiled: "No need."

The monkey said: "Boss, are you being polite to me?"

Jirou said: "We grew up together, why should I be polite to you?"

The monkey said: "That's just to say, in the past years, if we didn't take the initiative to help you carry the box, you would beat us up and ask us to carry it for you. We are all used to it. How sad we are when you suddenly don't let us carry it."

The monkey has said so, so Ji Rou has no reason to refuse. She puts the box into the monkey's hand: "Hug it."

"I, that's right." After holding the box, the monkey grinned, smiling happily, as if he was not holding a cardboard box, but his wife.

Ji Rou: "Hey, where is the prince? Why haven't you seen him yet?"

"Boss, I'm here." The prince happened to come over and said with a playful smile, "Boss, in order to celebrate the official start of our winter vacation, our classmates are going to have a good party tomorrow. You can join us."

Summer vacation and winter vacation, these two long holidays are simply not better for their student party.

"I follow Feng... I made an appointment with my friends to go out together tomorrow, so I won't participate in your activities." Yesterday, Xiang Lingfeng asked her to go hunting in Xishan Mountain with her. This is their traditional activity in previous years. Ji Rou also I agreed.

And because the news that Xiang Lingfeng was still alive could not be spread for the time being, Ji Rou had to remain tight-lipped, not even telling her two best buddies, the prince and the monkey.

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