My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1331: Extra chapter, what is romance?

Chapter 1332: Extra chapter, what is romance?

"Well, thank you, little aunt!" Ji Rou could only think about Qin Yinze, and had no intention of joking with Qin Xiaobao. She went straight to the question she wanted to know, "little aunt, how is Qin Yinze?"

"Aze, there are so many doctors here, he will be fine." Qin Xiaobao doesn't know what kind of lies the two little guys told to trick Ji Rou, let alone the conflict between Ji Rou and Qin Yinze , and he spilled the beans as soon as he said it.

But her words, in Jirou's ears, turned out to be that she was trying to comfort Jirou: "Little aunt, you don't have to lie to me, just tell me the truth."

On the way to Jiangbei, Ji Rou had already thought about it. No matter what Qin Yinze became, as long as Qin Yinze was still breathing, she would take good care of him and never abandon him again.

Even if he still has someone else in his heart!

Even if he still regards her as someone else's substitute.

Thinking about Ji Rou, she used to be so arrogant and could not tolerate a little bit of sand in her eyes, but now she is willing to put her position so low because she really fell in love with someone.

"I'm not comforting you, I'm telling the truth." Qin Xiaobao led Ji Rou into the car, and after telling the driver to drive, she said, "Little girl, you come to Jiangbei this time, just stay in Jiangbei for a little longer. Right. The weather in Jiangbei is good, and many people come here for vacation in winter.”

Jirou: "..."

Qin Yinze is so seriously ill, and Qin Xiaobao can still talk to her about vacations with a smile. How serious is she as a little aunt, or does she never care about Qin Yinze?

Thinking of this, Ji Rou thought of what Qin Yinze's mother Jian Ran said to her. Qin Yinze was an adopted child of the Qin family. Maybe these relatives didn't have that deep affection for him.

However, Ji Rou soon denied this idea in her mind. The Qin family had such a good relationship, how could she doubt their feelings at will.

"Little girl Ji, why aren't you talking? Do you have nothing to talk to me about?" Qin Xiaobao has a lively personality and is a familiar type of person. Especially when it comes to people he likes, he wishes he could chat with them. A few days and nights.

Ji Rou smiled: "I'm not familiar with Jiangbei, I just listen to you."

Jirou said nothing more than polite words, but Qin Xiaobao didn't realize it at all, and started chattering again: "I have been in Jiangbei for many years, and I am not only familiar with Jiangbei, but I also understand it quite well. You have to start from I know the customs and customs of Jiangbei here, so you have found the right person.”

Ji Rou smiled: "Yeah."

"We, Jiangbei, have already become the center of the global economy. The headquarters of the most famous Shengtian Group in the world is located in Jiangbei. If you want to see it another day, I will take you to see it." In Qin Xiaobao's view, Ji Rou has already She is the daughter-in-law of the Qin family, and may become the head matron of the Shengtian Group in the future. Taking her to see the Qin family's base camp in advance will help her become familiar with the environment, which will also help Qin Yinze take over Sheng Tianhou in the future.

"Is such a large group something we can go to if we want to?" Ji Rou responded casually, without thinking about Qin Xiaobao's answer.

Qin Xiaobao thought that Ji Rou was interested in the topic of Shengtian Group, and immediately started her verbal bombardment: "As long as you want to go, of course you can go. Now I will tell you about the brilliant achievements of Shengtian Group."

Qin Xiaobao became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, but Ji Rou didn't hear a few words at all. She was thinking about Qin Yinze with all her heart, and she eagerly wanted to know how he was doing now.

Just when Jirou's head was about to faint from Qin Xiaobao's words, the car finally slowed down and then drove into a villa area with beautiful green environment.

Qin Xiaobao took up the role of tour guide again: "Xiaorou, this villa area is the best villa area in Jiangbei. The residents living in it are not ordinary people. They are not only rich but also expensive. It is because this villa area is also prosperous. A real estate project developed in the early days of Shengtian, Shengtian’s signboard is displayed here, and many people are trying to buy one.”

"Really?" Ji Rou's mind was not here, but Qin Xiaobao kept talking about Shengtian Group. Ji Rou slowly listened to it, and her brain began to search for some information.

She had heard of Shengtian Group many years ago, and the person who told her the most about Shengtian Group was none other than her father.

My father often said that the Shengtian Group is a myth. Many people know its existence, but they cannot touch it because it has gone too high under the leadership of their leader. Mortals like them can only Looking up from a distance.

Jirou knows that there are only two people that her father admires in his life, and one of them is the head of Shengtian Group. My father has always regarded the head of the Shengtian Group as his idol in life and as his goal.

Although Qianshui Company had not left Minluo City when his father died unexpectedly, his father had been making progress in the direction of Shengtian Group over the years. Even if he was still far away from Shengtian Group in the end, he at least tried hard.

Isn't life like this? You may not get results if you work hard, but there will definitely be no results if you don't work hard.

My father has worked so hard over the years, and now he is in heaven thinking about his more than ten years of struggle, and he should rest in peace.

Qin Xiaobao pointed to the ornamental trees on both sides of the road: "Look, after so many years, all the equipment and facilities here are still like new. There are many people who want to buy, but there are very few that meet the conditions, so a set of After all, it will cost nine figures."

"It's really beautiful." There are many flowers and plants planted on both sides of the road. No matter what season you come here, you can see the flowers in full bloom. It's really not something that can be described in just two words.

Coincidentally, the head of Shengtian's family is also named Qin, but because the Qin family is very low-key, he has not appeared in newspapers, magazines or TV in the past ten or twenty years, and people know less and less about him.

Qin Xiaobao continued: "Ji Rou, this villa area is the best villa area in Jiangbei, and Nuoyuan in the villa area is the most luxurious villa group in this villa area."

Speaking of this, Qin Xiaobao really felt that his brother was really willing to give up for his wife: "I will also tell you a little secret. This Nuoyuan was built by the head of Shengtian for his wife. Little girl, do you think it is romantic or not? ?”

"It's really romantic." The word romantic is common, but many men don't know it, just like Qin Yinze. They have known each other for so long, and he didn't even give her a bouquet of flowers.

But if you think about it more carefully, romance does not necessarily mean giving gifts. Perhaps caring about every little thing in life is also a different kind of romance with a unique sentiment.

Just when Jirou was thinking about it, the car finally arrived at its destination - Nuoyuan!

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