My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1333 Extra chapter, Qin family’s welcome ceremony

Chapter 1334: Extra chapter, Qin family’s welcome ceremony

"Everyone, please stop standing. Sit down." Jian Ran recovered from her surprise and greeted her quickly, "Xiaorou, you are new here and don't know the family yet. Let me introduce you to the family first. , it’s a little crowded, but everyone welcomes you to join our family.”

"Auntie, thank you!" Standing among a group of strangers and relatives, Ji Rou was a little overwhelmed, but fortunately there was Jian Ran, who was gentle and considerate, which somewhat reduced Ji Rou's discomfort.

Qin Xiaobao, who has always liked to make trouble, took the initiative to stand up: "Sister-in-law, Ji Xiaoya and I are already very familiar, so you don't need to introduce me grandly. I absolutely welcome Ji Xiaoya to join our big family."

"Yes." Jian Ran smiled softly, "Xiaorou, this is your little aunt, a beautiful and kind little aunt. As long as she is around, you will definitely hear cheerful laughter."

"Sister-in-law, do you really think I'm so good?" Jian Ran's compliment really made Qin Xiaobao happy. She thought that in the eyes of her family she was just a troublemaker, but she didn't expect Jian Ran's evaluation of her. It's still so high. It seems that her trip to the airport today was not in vain.

"Of course you are so good." Jian Ran smiled softly.

It has been more than twenty years since I first met Qin Xiaobao. Now that they are older, each of them has changed more or less. Only this Qin Xiaobao is still as enthusiastic and friendly to people as when Jian Ran first met. As long as With her around, the atmosphere becomes much more lively.

Qin Xiaobao said proudly: "Ran Baobao, Xiao Limo, Xiao Kaitai, and Old Man Zhan, did you hear that some people praised me?"

Qin leran and the other three made faces at the same time, while Zhan Nianbei looked indifferent, which made Qin Xiaobao cry out: "What do you mean? Do you think I'm not good enough or something?"

With Qin Xiaobao here, the atmosphere suddenly became lively. Ji Rou's tense nerves relaxed unconsciously as she was playing with her family. The corners of her lips unconsciously raised a slight arc: "Little aunt ,Hi, nice to meet you."

This was the first relative that the Qin family's elders formally introduced her to the Qin family, and Ji Rou kept it in her heart.

"And this one..." Jian Ran looked at Zhan Nianbei and was suddenly speechless, because the relationship between Zhan Nianbei and Qin Xiaobao was really a bit messy. She was struggling with how to introduce Zhan Nianbei and thought about it. I think it's better to follow the relationship between Qin and Yue, "Xiaorou, this is your uncle and grandpa."

Jirou nodded: "Hello, uncle."

Zhan Nianbei looked at Ji Rou, glanced twice, and nodded: "Little girl, Jiangbei will be your home from now on."

Zhan Nianbei's words didn't mean anything special to Ji Rou, but the Qin family who knew him knew that he actually meant to acknowledge Ji Rou. From now on, as long as Ji Rou is in Jiangbei, she will be protected by his surname Zhan. It is absolutely impossible to let others bully Ji Rou.

Jian Ran nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Qin leran and Yao lie: "Xiaorou, this is Aze's sister, her name is Qin leran."

Qin leran!

It was the first time Ji Rou met her, but she had heard her name a long time ago, so even though she had just looked at Qin leran, Ji Rou couldn't help but take a serious look at Chun leran again.

After looking at Qin Le again, Ji Rou sighed that she was really a beautiful and temperamental woman. Her every move, every move and every smile showed her unique charm.

"Xiaorou, hello, I'm Qin leran!" Qin leran smiled, "I think you should be younger than me. If I call you sister-in-law, I will call you old. We are all young people. I think I'd better call you sister-in-law." You, Xiaorou, are better, do you mind?"

Jirou shook her head: "I don't mind."

Not only does this man look good, his voice is also very good. Ji Rou has to say that everyone in the Qin family is a lucky person favored by God. For their family to be so lucky, they must have cultivated their luck for thousands of years.

Qin lelan added: "my elders and friends at home call me ranran. If you want, you can call me that too."

Ji Rou nodded: "Yes."

Qin leran held Yao Lie's hand: "Xiaorou, this is my brother lie and my lover."

Yao Lie nodded towards Ji Rou: "Hello!"

Ji Rou also replied politely: "Hello!"

After they said hello, Qin lelan stepped forward and gave Jirou a hug: "Xiaorou, welcome to our home! You are also welcome to become a member of our family!"

Suddenly being hugged by a strange girl and welcoming her with a nice voice, Jirou was very moved: "Thank you!"

Jian Ran continued: "There are also Xiaojian and Xiaolimo. You have already met and got along well with each other. I don't think there is any need for me to introduce them."

Zhan Limo was also very cooperative: "Sister-in-law, I also welcome you to Jiangbei! Welcome you to become a member of our family!"

Qin Yinjian nodded: "Sister-in-law, me too."

After all the people present were introduced, there were still two important people who were not present. Jian Ran continued to introduce: "Xiaorou, the oldest elder in the family is grandpa, but grandpa has been staying in the temple to pray for Aze these two days. He is not at home and will come back in a few days. Grandpa is also a very amiable old man and he will definitely like you."

Ji Rou nodded: "Yeah."

Jian Ran added: "There is also Aze's father. You have met him, but he is also busy with work. He will also welcome you to our home and become a member of our family."

Jirou smiled, but tears flashed in her eyes: "Thank you everyone!"

Before entering, she didn't know that the Qin family she knew were the Qin family of Shengtian, the world's largest conglomerate.

Shengtian Group is the number one chaebol group in the world. Many people will never be able to reach it in their lifetime, but their family is no different from many ordinary families.

Before entering the house, she was worried about not fitting in with the family. She did not expect that everyone in the family would be so kind and welcome her so warmly, making her forget all her worries before entering.

Their father and mother are loving, and their brothers and sisters live in harmony. It gives the impression that they are an ordinary family, not as unattainable as imagined.

Jian Ran took her hand and said softly: "Xiaorou, we are no longer a family. My aunt is your biological aunt, my sister is your biological sister, and my brothers are also your biological brothers... so don't Be polite to everyone.”

"Mom, Xiaorou must be very tired after flying for so long. I asked Auntie to prepare some food for Xiaorou to eat. When she is full, let Xiaorou go wash up and rest for a while." Although this is the first time we met. , doesn't know Ji Rou very well, but Qin lelan believes in his brother's vision. She also likes people who her brother likes. Now that her brother is still ill, as a sister, she must help her brother take care of his sister-in-law.

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