My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1354 Extra chapter, roller coaster accident

Chapter 1355: Extra chapter, roller coaster accident

Qin Yinze glanced at her and said dissatisfied: "Look at your potential?"

Ji Rou: "I'm just so promising. What's wrong? You don't have to accompany me if you're not satisfied. Since you choose to accompany me, just keep your mouth shut and don't be annoying."

Qin Yinze: "You woman!"

Jirou added: "Qin Yinze, it's rare for this lady to come to the amusement park once. She is in a very good mood today. You'd better not make me angry, or I'll make you walk around without food."

Qin Yinze's face turned dark and dark: "..."

This woman is really unfavorable. Once she is pampered, she can climb up a pole to the sky.

Jirou didn't seem to see Qin Yinze's dark face, and rushed forward with the staff: "Xiaojian, Xiaolimo, you two come up quickly, don't get lost."

Qin Yinze: "..."

Qin Yinjian patted Qin Yinze on the back: "Brother, you brought your sister-in-law out just to make her happy. Now that she is so happy, shouldn't you be happy?"

Qin Yinze felt that it made sense: "Xiaojian, you are still sensible."

Qin Yinjian smiled: "I am sensible because I have a good big brother. I learned all my advantages from you."

Qin Yinze also smiled: "You know how to make your elder brother happy in one day."

Qin Yinjian said: "Brother, I'm not trying to make you happy. Because you are really so good and I love you very much, so I can see many advantages in you."

Qin Yinze reached out and rubbed Qin Yinjian's head: "Our little Jian has really grown up and can say such philosophical words. It seems that I will have to treat you as an adult in the future."

"No..." Qin Yinjian shook his head, "I hope that no matter how many years have passed, brother, you can still treat me as a child as you do now. I want to be a lovely brother forever."

Qin Yinjian's calm personality has made him different from other children since he was a child. When children his age were clamoring for sweets, he had already gone to elementary school on his own.

Later, when children of his age went to elementary school, he was already in junior high school. Every step he took was faster than others, and he truly inherited Qin Yue's high IQ and Jian Ran's high EQ.

"Okay." Qin Yinze's throat became a little sore after hearing these words.

Sometimes just one or two words like this can warm a person's heart. He has been in the Qin family for so many years, and no one treats him as an outsider. Even such a young child really likes him as an elder brother, which makes him He truly felt that he was the Qin family and an indispensable member of the Qin family.

"Brother, can you play a project with me later?"

"What do you want to play, Xiaojian?"

"As long as my eldest brother is with me, I can play anything."

"Okay, big brother will definitely accompany you."

"Brother, brother Jian, hurry up." Zhan Lim couldn't help but urge.

Qin Yinjian frowned. That guy at Zhan Limo was really annoying. He had to find a way to throw him to the mountainous area and lock him up for a while, so that he wouldn't be hanging around in front of him every day.

The feeling of going through the back door is that when everyone is queuing up, Ji Rou can get on the roller coaster first, and she can choose her position at will: "You guys wait for me below."

Qin Yinze was worried about this reckless girl and wanted to go up: "Am I with you?"

Ji Rou said worriedly: "Qin Yinze, I can do it alone. You don't need to accompany me."

He was obviously afraid.

What if waiting really scares the old disease out again?

Qin Yinze: "I don't worry about you alone."

Knowing that his eldest brother was afraid of riding a roller coaster, Qin Yinjian stood up at the right time: "Brother, I want to play too. Let me accompany my sister-in-law."

Qin Yinze disagreed: "Xiao Jian, you are still a child, you can't play with this."

"Brother, I'm not short anymore." Qin Yinjian is taller than Zhan Limo, and is almost catching up with Ji Rou. He can play based on his height, and the staff nodded in agreement.

With the consent of the staff, Qin Yinze felt relieved to go up to Qin Yinjian.

Seeing the worry in Qin Yinze's eyes, Ji Rou said: "Qin Yinze, don't worry and leave Xiaojian to me. I will protect him well and won't let him get hurt."

Qin Yinjian: "Well, don't worry, brother, I will also take good care of my sister-in-law."

For some reason, Qin Yinze suddenly became confused and wanted them to come down, but they insisted on playing, and he couldn't spoil their fun: "Then be careful."

In fact, when it comes to roller coaster rides, there is no point in being careful. The key is to look at the amusement park facilities.

Ji Rou and Qin Yinjian chose the most exciting seat in the front row. After they were seated, the staff let the other people in. After everyone sat down and pressed the safety bars and fastened their seat belts, the roller coaster slowly started, and it went banging. Climb up.

Jirou was a little scared after riding a roller coaster for the first time, but she still comforted Qin Yinjian: "Xiaojian, if you are scared, just hold my hand tightly and I will protect you."

"Thank you sister-in-law for your concern. I'm not afraid." To be honest, Qin Yinjian himself is not afraid. He is worried about his hot-headed sister-in-law, who has never been on a roller coaster before.

The roller coaster quickly climbed to the highest point, accelerated rapidly, and began to run wildly on the winding track. Jirou shouted loudly like everyone on the car, hoping to vent all the unhappiness in her heart.

Only Qin Yinjian was as calm as ever and never said a word.

Ji Rou shouted in the car, and Zhan Limo also jumped on the ground to cheer her on: "Come on, sister-in-law! Sister-in-law is the best!"

Qin Yinze's eyes followed the running of the car closely, and his feeling of panic became stronger and stronger. If possible, he really wanted the car to stop immediately.

I don't know if God heard his thoughts, but just as the car reached the highest point, there was a loud bang and the car stopped suddenly, hanging a whole car of people upside down in the air.

The car was traveling very fast and stopped instantly. Due to the inertia, all the people in the car were knocked forward and then fell back hard. Some arms were bruised by the impact, and some ribs seemed to be broken.

Ji Rou also felt a severe pain in her abdomen, as if blood was flowing out, and she screamed in fright, but soon she thought of someone else beside her. She grabbed Qin Yinjian's hand: "Xiaojian, don't be afraid, my sister-in-law is here." Here, it’s okay.”

Jirou has never encountered such a situation before, but she has seen the news and said that such an incident happened on a roller coaster, and people died. She was very panicked and confused inside, and her hands were shaking with fear, but she always remembered that she was As an adult, there is a young Qin Yinjian beside her. She told Qin Yinze that she would protect Qin Yinjian, so no matter how scared, Ji Rou comforted Qin Yinjian immediately.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yinjian was much calmer than her. Qin Yinjian stretched out his hand and patted the back of her hand: "Sister-in-law, I'm not afraid, so don't be afraid either. This is just a glitch, it's okay. Besides, the eldest brother is still down there. , he will save us."

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